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UC graduands aiming to make a difference with Lane Neave

16 December 2019

Two different roads led University of Canterbury (UC) graduands Sati Ravichandiren and Cameron Hart to internships with law firm Lane Neave and now full-time roles.


Sati Ravichandiren (left) and Cameron Hart are both graduating this week and have roles working with law practice Lane Neave.

Two different roads led University of Canterbury (UC) graduands Sati Ravichandiren and Cameron Hart to internships with law firm Lane Neave and now full-time roles.

Both students studied and worked part time at Lane Neave after successfully completing internships with the firm in their second year of study.

Sati Ravichandiren - passionate about helping others

Ravichandiren, graduating with a Bachelor of Laws this week, is now working full time in the Immigration team, a role that is well suited to his passion for helping people.

Born in Singapore, Ravichandiren is interested in personal aspects of law including immigration, family and employment law and knows how transformative it can be to help people build a life in New Zealand.

“I love working with people and helping them however I can,” says Ravichandiren.

“After the March 15 attacks, we were able to help victims bring their families to New Zealand and support them through what followed. It was a challenging time, but it was rewarding to be able to help those most affected by the tragedy.”

At UC Ravichandiren was involved in a number of student clubs. He was president of the Student Volunteer Army in 2019 and held leadership positions in the club before this. He was also on the Law Society executive in 2016 where he first connected with Lane Neave.

Cameron Hart – ensuring business success

Cameron Hart took a less-traditional journey and graduates with a Bachelor of Laws this week. After leaving high school without achieving NCEA level 1, Hart spent a number of years in the workforce before enrolling as a mature student at UC in 2016.

“I found it tough getting into the swing of study after close to nine years out of school, but I made great friends of all ages and found that studying with others helped me pick up the content faster,” he says.

Interested in criminal and corporate law, Hart secured clerkship and summer opportunities working with Lane Neave and continued to work part time at Lane Neave while completing his final year of study. He now has a full-time position in the corporate law team where he enjoys the variety the role brings.

“Corporate law is relevant for any business whether it is a small startup or large listed corporation. The advice we provide can have a real impact on general business operations and transactions that are entered into,” he says.

Partner of Lane Neave, Andrew Shaw has employed a number UC graduates over the years and is always impressed by how ready they are to practise law.

“Sati and Cameron are outstanding young people who bring a strong mix of maturity and enthusiasm to Lane Neave. The diversity of their backgrounds has made them excellent interns and we value their drive and passion for both their education and career. We are thrilled to welcome them to our team,” he says.

1,918 students will graduate at ceremonies this week held in the Christchurch Town Hall.

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