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Katharine Vadura

Adjunct Senior Fellow
06 October 2023
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Macquarie)
  • Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (QUT)
  • Master of Arts in European Studies (Monash)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Tas)
Current Research

European Union in protecting and promoting children’s rights in internal and external affairs.
EU external action in protecting and promoting children’s rights in the Asia Pacific, special focus on humanitarian aid.

Other research interests

Human rights, specifically children’s rights.
Human security and global governance related to forced migration.
European Union and the Asia Pacific.
Belonging, identity and citizenship in Europe and transnational identities in Europe.

  • “Child rights and humanitarian action in the Asia Pacific: the European Union as a global actor”, co-authored with Genevieve Taylor, OCIS Conference, Auckland, 30 June – 2 July 2010
  • “Whither European Integration and Enlargement? The Impact of Cultural Identities in a Globalising Context”, co-author with Giancarlo Chiro, 'New Europe, New Governance, New Worlds', PIE-Peter Lang 2010
  • “Belonging, citizenship and children’s rights in the European Union”, Activating Human Rights and Peace Conference, Byron Bay, 1 – 4 July 2008
  • “Invisible voices: the challenge of absence of belonging in a European context”, TASA / SAANZ Joint Conference, Auckland New Zealand, December 2007
  • “Globalisation and Human Commodities: Combating Child Trafficking in the European Union”, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 2007, vol. 2 issue 1
  • “Enhancing Conceptions of Global Citizenship in International Studies Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment”, The International Journal of the Humanities, 2007
  • “Student perceptions of internationalisation of the curriculum: an Australian case study”, with Matthew Absalom, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education (AHHE), vol. 5, no. 3, 2006
  • “Exile, Return and Restitution in the Czech Republic”, PORTAL, vol. 2, no. 1, 2005.
  • “Enhancing conceptions of Global Citizenship in International Studies Teaching and Learning”, Conference Proceedings UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education, Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, 2003.
Conferences and presentations
  • “The state of Europe, from tourist to student of the European Union”, Europe in the Changing World: Challenges, Priorities and Research Collaboration, NCRE University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 25 - 27 September 2008
  • “Belonging, citizenship and children’s rights in the European Union”, Activating Human Rights and Peace Conference, Byron Bay, 1 – 4 July 2008
  • “Invisible voices: the challenge of absence of belonging in a European context”, TASA / SAANZ Joint Conference, Auckland New Zealand, December 2007
  • “Globalisation and Human Commodities: Combating Child Trafficking in the European Union”, The Second International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, University of the Granada, 10 - 13 July 2007
  • “Enhancing Conceptions of Global Citizenship in International Studies Teaching and Learning in an Online Environment”, The Fifth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, American University of Paris 17-20 July 2007
  • “Whither European Integration and Enlargement? The Impact of Cultural Identities in a Globalising Context”, co-author with Giancarlo Chiro, 'New Europe, New Governance, New Worlds?' conference Melbourne 12-14 April 2007
  • “The changing landscape of ‘Europe’ challenging European identity”, Paper presented at the Second Oceanic Conference on International Studies University of Melbourne, 5-7 July 2006
  • Cultural Diversity Series – “Europe and European Identity”, Adelaide Festival Centre, September 2005
  • ‘Reconciling Terrorism and Human Rights in the European Union’, School of International Studies – School Seminar: Alienation & Extremism: Unearthing the roots of Terrorism, November 2004
  • “The European Union, enlargement and integrating security and human rights”, Asia Pacific EU Conference, “Outside Looking In”: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the EU, NCRE University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 9-11 September 2004
  • “Exile, Return and Restitution in the Czech Republic”, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Institute for International Studies, Annual Symposium, Exile and Social Change, invited participant, Sydney, 5 – 6 July 2004
  • Understanding Cultures Series – “Europe 2004” May 2004, Uni. SA
  • “Enhancing conceptions of Global Citizenship in International Studies Teaching and Learning”, UNESCO Conference on Intercultural Education, Jyvaskyla, Finland 15 – 18 June 2003
  • “Border insecurity: an Australian policy response to irregular migration”, International Association for Forced Migration, Chiang Mai, Thailand 5-9 January 2003
  • ‘Irregular migration in Australia: from commodity to criminal’, "Fear of Strangers: Wogs, Refos and Illegals in the Popular Imagination" Conference, co-convened by the Hawke Research Institute, University of South Australia and the Herbert and Valmae Freilich Foundation, Humanities Research Centre, The Australian National University, 6-7 December 2002
  • “Forced migration and Australia’s position in the global context”, Racial Tolerance and Human Rights Conference, invited participant,Justice Network, Law Week Adelaide May 2002
  • “Asylum seekers and government policy”, Open Mind: A forum on the broader view of issues, invited speaker, Effective Living Centre, Adelaide, 15 February 2002
  • "Bridging the Gap: Human Security, the Individual and the State", Reconciliation: Conversations Beyond Cultural Boundaries, Asia Pacific Mediation Forum, Adelaide, South Australia, November 2001
  • “Europe: Insiders vs Outsiders. Mechanisms for dealing with illegal migration in the European Union.” Hawke Institute Symposium: The heart of acceptance: immigrant and refugee communities, policy frameworks and human justice. University of South Australia, 27 July 2001
  • “Border Politics and National Minorities in Europe”, Australian Institute of International Affairs, The University of Adelaide, 8 November 2000
  • “Illegal Migration, Identity and Sovereignty”, Identities in Movement, Annual Anthropological Society Conference, Perth, Western Australia, September 2000
  • “Identity and Border Politics”, Hawke Institute Seminar Series, University of South Australia, 6 June 2000
Researcher in Residence

Project: “The fight against the new slave trade: the role of the OSCE”. An investigation into the mechanisms used by the OSCE to combat human trafficking. Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Prague, Czech Republic March – April 2001

Researcher Grants
  • “Partnerships across the Asia Pacific: assessing the impact of EU external action in protecting and promoting children’s rights”, EUCN Research Award July 2010 – May 2011.
  • “Lesser Voices, Vital Need: European Union Humanitarian Action in the Asia Pacific and the Protection of Children”, Summer Scholarship 2009-2010 jointly funded by the University of Canterbury and the Tertiary Education Commission of New Zealand (TEC).


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