Research facilities and equipment
From astronomy and biological sciences to virtual reality and seismic testing, UC research staff and postgraduate students can access our world-leading facilities and equipment. Check out our specialised facilities and equipment.
Biological sciences and biomolecular interactions
The School of Biological Sciences and the Biomulecular Interactions Centre (BIC) are housed in a modern, custom-designed building and boasts research and teaching facilities to international standards. Our new research building Pūtaio koiora has state-of-the-art facilities. Learn more about biological sciences and biomolecular interactions.
Biological sciences and biomolecular interactions
The School of Biological Sciences and the Biomulecular Interactions Centre (BIC) are housed in a modern, custom-designed building and boasts research and teaching facilities to international standards. Our new research building Pūtaio koiora has state-of-the-art facilities. Learn more about biological sciences and biomolecular interactions.
Biological sciences and biomolecular interactions
Civil and natural resources engineering facilities
All our graduate students have office space in the department and there's a dedicated postgraduate computer suite. We have over 20 highly skilled, experienced technicians available to help with experimental research. Learn more about civil and natural resources engineering facilities.
Civil and natural resources engineering facilities
All our graduate students have office space in the department and there's a dedicated postgraduate computer suite. We have over 20 highly skilled, experienced technicians available to help with experimental research. Learn more about civil and natural resources engineering facilities.
Civil and natural resources engineering facilities
Electrical and computer engineering facilities
Electrical and computer engineering research students have access to facilities at the UC Faculty of Engineering, the Spatial Engineering Research Centre (SERC) and The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. Learn about our electrical and computer engineering facilities.
Electrical and computer engineering facilities
Electrical and computer engineering research students have access to facilities at the UC Faculty of Engineering, the Spatial Engineering Research Centre (SERC) and The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology. Learn about our electrical and computer engineering facilities.
Electrical and computer engineering facilities
Physical and Chemical Sciences facilities
UC has excellent facilities and technology to support your studies. They include our Mount John Astronomical Observatory in Tekapo and the Rutherford Regional Science and Innovation Centre in Christchurch. Check out our Physical and Chemical Sciences facilities.
Physical and Chemical Sciences facilities
UC has excellent facilities and technology to support your studies. They include our Mount John Astronomical Observatory in Tekapo and the Rutherford Regional Science and Innovation Centre in Christchurch. Check out our Physical and Chemical Sciences facilities.
Physical and Chemical Sciences facilities
Mechanical Engineering labs and facilities
UC Mechanical Engineering has an extensive range of laboratories, facilities, and work rooms for teaching, research, and consultancy work. Our custom-built laboratories have world-class equipment for cutting-edge research. Learn more about our Mechanical Engineering labs and facilities.
Mechanical Engineering labs and facilities
UC Mechanical Engineering has an extensive range of laboratories, facilities, and work rooms for teaching, research, and consultancy work. Our custom-built laboratories have world-class equipment for cutting-edge research. Learn more about our Mechanical Engineering labs and facilities.
Mechanical Engineering labs and facilities
UC has access to cutting edge research equipment to support your studies and research. Explore our catalogue of research equipment.

Field Stations
UC has an extensive network of field stations across the South Island that are available for use for teaching and research. Their locations allow for easy access to many different field sites making data collection that much easier.
Field Stations
UC has an extensive network of field stations across the South Island that are available for use for teaching and research. Their locations allow for easy access to many different field sites making data collection that much easier.
Field Stations
Forestry and wood science labs
The School of Forestry has first-class facilities including teaching and research spaces and the Wood Technology precinct, which contains a timber drying and preservation unit, a pulp and paper room and a general workshop.
Forestry and wood science labs
The School of Forestry has first-class facilities including teaching and research spaces and the Wood Technology precinct, which contains a timber drying and preservation unit, a pulp and paper room and a general workshop.
Forestry and wood science labs
Geology and Geography Laboratories
Geography manages an extensive suite of equipment and software while Geological Sciences has access to laboratories and field stations. Learn about UC's geology and geography labs.
Geology and Geography Laboratories
Geography manages an extensive suite of equipment and software while Geological Sciences has access to laboratories and field stations. Learn about UC's geology and geography labs.
Geology and Geography Laboratories
Human-computer interaction labs
Learn more about UC's human-computer interaction labs. The Human Interface Technology Lab New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) enhances daily life with technology using Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality (AR), and Applied Games. The Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Multimedia Lab does research about user-friendly computer interfaces.
Human-computer interaction labs
Learn more about UC's human-computer interaction labs. The Human Interface Technology Lab New Zealand (HIT Lab NZ) enhances daily life with technology using Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality (AR), and Applied Games. The Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and Multimedia Lab does research about user-friendly computer interfaces.
Human-computer interaction labs
Language, brain and behaviour lab
New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain, and Behaviour (NZILBB) researchers have access to an excellent range of equipment which is distributed across our associated departments and local partners. Learn about the language, brain, and behaviour lab.
Language, brain and behaviour lab
New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain, and Behaviour (NZILBB) researchers have access to an excellent range of equipment which is distributed across our associated departments and local partners. Learn about the language, brain, and behaviour lab.
Language, brain and behaviour lab
The active UCDroneLab research group combines the expertise of our engineering and science faculties. UC has a long history of drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) research. We were instrumental in developing the New Zealand aviation rules for drones and in securing the first beyond line of site test site in NZ. Learn more about the UCDroneLab.
The active UCDroneLab research group combines the expertise of our engineering and science faculties. UC has a long history of drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) research. We were instrumental in developing the New Zealand aviation rules for drones and in securing the first beyond line of site test site in NZ. Learn more about the UCDroneLab.