2025 Honour Roll
See which academic fellows visited UC in this 2025 Honour Roll.
Dr. Ryosuke Iritani: Erskine fellow
Riken Interdisciplinary Theoretical & Mathematical Sciences Program, Japan
Research interest: Mathematical biology (dynamical systems, stochastic analysis), evolutionary biology (adaptive dynamics, game theory), ecology (community assembly, diversity measurement)
Professor Matt Reudink: Erskine fellow
Thompson Rivers University, Canada
Research interest: Behaviour, evolution, ornithology
Professor Robert Davis: Erskine fellow
University of Colorado, USA
Research interest: Separations, membrane systems, fluid mechanics
Associate Professor Sven Teske: Erskine fellow
University of Technology Sydney, Australia
Research interest: Energy and climate mitigation
Professor Vellore Gopalaratnam: Erskine fellow
University of Missouri, USA
Research interest: Sustainable materials and infrastructure, prestressed concrete, high performance and fibre reinforced cement composites, polymer concretes, fracture mechanics of concrete materials, experimental mechanics and stress analysis, field instrumentation and monitoring of structures
Associate Professor Barbara Ericson/Professor Mark Guzdial: Erskine fellows
University of Michigan, USA
Research interest: Computing education research
Professor Robyn Wilson: Erskine fellow
The Ohio State University, USA
Research interest: Risk analysis and decision science
Professor Robert Roth: Erskine fellow
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Research interest: Design of interactive, online, and mobile maps, with specific emphasis on human-computer interaction and UI/UX design (user interface/user experience), user-centred design and usability engineering processes, visual storytelling and data journalism, collaborative and community-engaged mapping
Associate Professor Deborah Salon: Erskine fellow
Arizona State University, USA
Research interest: Transport and urban planning, spatial and economic analysis
Professor Harry Jol: Erskine fellow
University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, USA
Research interest: Shallow geophysics (ground penetrating radar), geomorphology (coastal, aeolian, fluvial), geoarchaeology (Holocaust, missing persons)
Professor Tomas Havranek: Erskine fellow
Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University, Czech Republic
Research interest: Macroeconomics, international economics, meta-research
Professor Raghavendra Rau: Cambridge fellow
University of Cambridge, UK
Research interest: Finance with an emphasis on investment and financial decisions of firms and institutions
Professor Emeritus Andrew Garrison: Canterbury fellow
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Research interest: Community engagement through documentary film making
Professor David Beebe: Erskine fellow
University of Wisconsin, Institutes for Medical Research, USA
Research interest: Microfluidics for biomedical applications, cancer biology and response to therapy, infectious disease biology and diagnostics
Professor June Cotte: Erskine fellow
Western University, Canada
Research interest: Consumer behaviour, marketing, innovation, ethical consumption, family decision-making
Dr Fernando Rodriguez Villegas: Erskine fellow
Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy
Research interest: Mathematics (number theory)
Associate Professor John Bamberg: Erskine fellow
University of Western Australia, Australia
Research interest: Finite geometry, group actions, algebraic combinatorics
Professor Bryan Bollinger: Erskine fellow
New York University, USA
Research interest: Quantitative marketing, sustainability
Professor Stacy Wood: Erskine fellow
North Carolina State Universit, USA
Research interest: Consumer behaviour, marketing
Assistant Professor Deepak Panghal: Erskine fellow
National Institute of Fashion Technology, India
Research interest: Mechatronics, 3D printing, low cost automation solutions, Industry 4.O
Professor Ratnesh Kumar Shukla: Erskine fellow
Indian Institute of Science, India
Research interest: Computational fluid dynamics, numerical methods, high performance computing, data-driven methods, high-speed flows, multiphase flows, cavitation, undulatory biolocomotion
Professor Michael Reiterer: Erskine fellow
Centre for Security, Diplomacy & Strategy, Brussels School of Governance, Belgium
Research interest: EU Diplomacy, EU-Asian/Indo-Pacific relations, international relations, cyber diplomacy
Professor Emerita Catherine Constable-Housecroft: Erskine fellow
University of Basel, Switzerland
Research interest: Inorganic chemistry
Professor Carol Dudding: Erskine fellow
James Madison University, USA
Research interest: Speech/Language pathology & audiology, clinical education and virtual reality simulation interprofessional practice
Professor Arla Day: Erskine fellow
Saint Mary's University, Canada
Research interest: Occupational health psychology, industrial and organisational psychology
Associate Professor Christine Peat: Erskine fellow
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Research interest: Psychological treatment of eating disorders, mental health workforce development, cognitive behaviour therapy
Professor Emerita Diane Kendall: Erskine fellow
University of Washington, USA
Research interest: Aphasia, speech/language therapy/pathology, health disparities in rehabilitation
Associate Professor Leah O'Toole: Canterbury fellow
Maynooth University, Ireland
Research interest: Early childhood education - relational pedagogy, bioecological theory, transitions, engagement with families and communities, participant action research, accessing voices/participation of babies, toddlers and young children
Associate Professor Lara Ervin-Kassab: Canterbury fellow
San Jose State University, USA
Research interest: Educational technology with emphasis on diversity and inclusion in education