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Grants Honour Roll

05 December 2023

UC staff who've been awarded an Erskine, Cambridge, Canterbury, or Oxford Grant are listed in our Grants Honour Roll. See who's got the award over the years.


University of Canterbury staff who have been awarded an Erskine, Cambridge, Canterbury, or Oxford Grant are listed below in alphabetical last name order. 


Grants Honour Roll

Canterbury Grants

Assoc Professor Annick Masselot - Law
Professor Mistilina (Misty) Sato - Teacher Education


Erskine Grants

Associate Professor Clemens Altaner - Forestry
Associate Professor Luis Apiolaza - Forestry
Associate Professor Michaela Balzarova - Business School / Management, Marketing and Tourism
Professor Larry Bellamy - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Professor Elissa Cameron - Biological Sciences
Dr Jacinta Cording - Psychology, Speech and Hearing
Dr Huong Dieu Dang - Economics and Finance
Dr Sarah Flanagan - Biological Sciences
Professor Sally Gaw - Physical and Chemical Sciences
Dr Seth Harty - Psychology, Speech and Hearing
Associate Professor Simon Hoerman - Product Design
Professor Jack Heinemann - Biological Sciences
Professor Bruce Manley - Forestry
Dr Miguel Morales - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Dr Kate Pedley - Earth and Environment
Assoc. Prof. Pieter Pelser - Biological Sciences
Distinguished Professor Mike Steel - Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Tim Sullivan - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Dr Andrew Vonasch - Psychology, Speech and Hearing
Dr Christian Walsh - Centre for Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor Sarah Wright - Management, Marketing and Tourism


Oxford Grants

Professor Gail Gillon - Child Wellbeing Research Institute
Associate Professor Patrick O'Sullivan - Classics 
Professor David Wiltshire - Physical and Chemical Sciences

Cambridge Grants

Dr Toni Collins - Law


Erskine Grants

Associate Professor Ben Adams - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Professor Elissa Cameron - Biological Sciences
Professor Pavel Castka - Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Professor Martin Holland  - NCRE
Associate Professor Gilbert Nartea - Economics and Finance
Professor Andreas Willig - Computer Science and Software Engineering

Oxford Grants

Dr Shea Esterling - Law
Professor Henrietta Mondry - Humanities & Creative Arts 
Dr David Monger - Humanities & Creative Arts



Erskine Grants

Dr Andrew Vonasch - Psychology, Speech & Hearing


Oxford Grants

Associate Professor Patrick O'Sullivan - Humanities and Creative Arts

Cambridge Grants

Professor Annick Masselot - Law
Dr David Pomeroy - Teacher Education


Erskine Grants

Professor Brendon Bradley - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Dr Malcolm Campbell - Geography
Professor Jaime Collins - Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Professor Mark Davidson - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Professor Rajesh Dhakal - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Professor Conan Fee - Product Design
Professor Jack Heinemann - Biological Sciences
Dr Ann-Marie Kennedy - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor Ben Kennedy - Geological Sciences
Dr Andrew Lapthorne - Electrical & Computer Engineering
Professor Bruce Manley - Forestry
Professor Angus McIntosh - Biological Sciences
Associate Professor Girish Prayag - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor Mofreh Saleh - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering 
Associate Professor Tammy Steeves - Biological Sciences
Dr Cara Swit - Health Sciences
Gina Tillard - Clinical Education
Professor Rien Visser - Forestry
Dr Alex Yip - Chemical & Process Engineering


Oxford Grants

Dr Roisin Burke - Law

Cambridge Grants

Mrs Natalie Baird - Law


Erskine Grants

Dr Anthony Abu - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Professor Jennifer Brown - Mathematics and Statistics
Dr Elissa Cameron - Biological Sciences
Associate Professor Tom Cochrane - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Associate Professor Tom Coupe - Economics and Finance
Dr Kelly Dombroski - Geography
Professor Martin Dorahy - Psychology
Dr Nick Dudley Ward - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Associate Professor Jörg Finsterwalder - Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Associate Professor Alfred Guender - Economics and Finance
Mr Stephen Hickson - Economics and Finance
Associate Professor Travis Horton - Geological Sciences
Dr Mehdi Keynan-Ekbatani - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Dr Pieter Pelser - Biological Sciences
Dr Eric Scheepbouwer - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Distinguished Professor David Schiel - Biological Sciences
Dr Allan Scott - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Associate Professor Daniel Stouffer - Biological Sciences
Associate Professor Timothy Sullivan - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Miss Nelly Todorova - Accounting and Information Systems
Professor Matthew Turnbull - Biological Sciences
Associate Professor Andreas Willig - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Dr Kun Xie - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering


Oxford Grants

Professor Letitia Fickel - Teacher Education
Associate Professor Mathieu Sellier - Mechanical Engineering

Cambridge Grants

Professor Stephen Todd - Law


Canterbury Grants

Professor Henrietta Mondry - Language, Social and Political Sciences


Erskine Grants

Dr Mesbahuddin Chowdhury - Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Professor Mark Davidson - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Professor Conan Fee - Chemical and Process Engineering
Dr Daniel Gerhard - Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Martin Holland - National Centre for Research on Europe
Dr Rebecca Kelly - Communication Disorders
Professor Simon Kingham - Geography
Dr Laurie McLay - Health Sciences
Associate Professor Sussie Morrish - Business and Economics
Dr Rua Murray - Mathematics and Statistics
Professor Alessandro Palermo - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Professor Adrian Sawyer - Accounting and Information Systems
Professor Philip Schluter - Health Sciences
Distinguished Professor Mike Steel - Mathematics and Statistics
Dr Stephen Wingreen - Accounting and Information Systems
Dr Sarah Wright - Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Professor Jon-Paul Wells - Astronomy and Physics


Oxford Grants

Professor Bronwyn Hayward - Political Science
Dr David Monger - History

Cambridge Grants

O’Sullivan, Patrick - Classics
Wilson, Dr Debra - School of Law


Erskine Grants

Altaner, Dr Clemens - School of Forestry
Balzarova, Associate Professor Michaela - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Basu, Dr Arindam - School of Health Sciences
Brown, Professor Jennifer - Mathematics and Statistics
Castka, Associate Professor Pavel - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
De Vries, Professor Herb - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
De Vries, Dr Tonny - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Fairbanks, Professor Antony - Department of Chemistry
Golovko, Dr Vladimir - Department of Chemistry
Haskell, Dr Jennifer - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Lee, Dr Chin-Long - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Manley, Professor Bruce - School of Forestry
Murray, Dr Tara - School of Forestry
Pawson, Professor Eric - Department of Geography
Pelser, Dr Pieter - School of Biological Sciences
Sellier, Associate Professor Mathieu - Mechanical Engineering
Sturman, Professor Andrew - Department of Geography
Tillard, Gina - Communication Disorders
Turnbull, Professor Matthew - School of Biological Sciences
Visser, Associate Professor Rien - School of Forestry
Wingreen, Dr Stephen - Accounting and Information Systems
Yogeeswaren, Dr Kumar - Psychology


Oxford Grants

Roberts, Professor Peter - College of Education, Health & Human Development
Wu, Dr Xiaoming - Language, Social & Political Sciences



Cambridge Grants

Toomey, Professor Elizabeth - Law


Erskine Grants

Agnew, Dr Steve - Economics & Finance
Bradley, Professor Brendon - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Chen, Dr Zhe - Psychology
Galster, Dr Matthias - Computer Science & Mechanical Engineering
Gomez, Christopher - Geography
James, Dr Alex - Mathematics & Statistics
Kim, Professor Dong-Seong - Computer Science & Software Engineering
Lee, Dr Pedro - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Milke, Associate Professor Mark - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Morgenroth, Justin - Forestry
Ormond, Tika - Communications Disorders
Pawson, Professor Eric - Geography
Pulakanam, Dr Venkat - Management Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Reale, Associate Professor Marco - Mathematics & Statistics
Storey, Professor Bryan - Gateway Antarctica
Tyler-Merrick, Gaye - Health Sciences
Willig, Dr Andreas - Computer Science & Software Engineering
Wright, Dr Sarah - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Wyles, Christine - Communication Disorders
Yip, Dr Alex - Chemical & Process Engineering


Oxford Grants

Bialkowski, Dr Jedrzej - Economics & Finance
Finn, Professor Jeremy - Law
Hopkins, Dr William - Law

Cambridge Grants

Cheer, Professor Ursula - Law
Hornby, Professor Garry - Sport & Physical Education


Erskine Grants

Agnew, Dr Steve - Economics & Finance
Apiolaza, Associate Professor Luis - Forestry
Blampied, Professor Neville - Psychology
Brown, Professor Jennifer - Mathematics & Statistics
Caruso, Dr Brian - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Castka, Associate Professor Pavel - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Collings, Dr David - Biological Sciences
Gordon, Dr Chris - Physics & Astronomy
Guttmann, Dr Walter - Computer Science & Software Engineering
Helton, Professor William - Psychology
Holland, Professor Martin - National Centre for Research on Europe
Huckabee, Dr Maggie-Lee - Communication Disorders
Johnston, Professor Lucy - Deputy Vice Chancellors Office
Norton, Professor David - Forestry
Ozanne, Associate Professor Lucie - Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship
Reitsma, Dr Femke - Geography
Rucklidge, Professor Julia - Psychology
Visser, Associate Professor Rien - Forestry
Willig, Dr Andreas - Computer Science & Software Engineering
Yip, Dr Alex - Chemical & Process Engineering
Yogeeswaran, Dr Kumar - Psychology


Oxford Grants

Bialkowski, Dr Jedrzej - Economics & Finance
Kirk, Associate Professor Ray - Health Sciences

Cambridge Grants

Joseph, Professor Philip - Law
Morton, Associate Professor Missy - Educational Studies & Human Development

Canterbury Grants

Culpan, Associate Professor Ian - Sciences & Physical Education
Davis, Professor Niki - Teacher Education
Gage, Dr Jeffrey - Health Sciences Centre
McNeill, Dr Brigid - Teacher Education

Erskine Grants

Beatson, Associate Professor Richard - Mathematics & Statistics
Bradley, Dr Brendon - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Bridges, Professor Douglas - Mathematics & Statistics
Briskie, Professor James - Biological Sciences
Brown, Professor Simon - Physics & Astronomy
Campbell, Dr Malcolm - Geography
Chase, Professor Geoff - Mechanical Engineering
Cochrane, Dr Tom - Civil & Natural Resources Engineering
Evison, Dr David - Forestry
Gaw, Dr Sally - Chemistry
Gomez, Dr Christopher - Geography
Haig, Professor Brian - Psychology
Kim, Dr DongSeong - Computer Science & Software Engineering
Ledanff, Associate Professor Susanne - Languages, Cultures & Linguistics
Lips-Wiersma, Associate Professor Marjolein - Management
Manley, Associate Professor Bruce - Forestry
Martens, Dr Andy - Psychology
Masselot, Dr Annick - Accounting & Information Systems
Saart, Dr Patrick - Mathematics & Statistics
Sainudiin, Dr Raazesh - Mathematics & Statistics
Servatka, Dr Maros - Economics & Finance
Smith, Professor Peter J - Electrical & Computer Engineering
Stokes, Professor Stephanie - Communication Disorders
Tillard, Ms Gina - Communication Disorders
Veer, Dr Ekant - Management
Wells, Associate Professor Jon-Paul - Physics & Astronomy
Wikaira, Dr Jan - Chemistry

Cambridge  Grants

Francis, Professor Mark - Social & Political Sciences
Roberts, Professor Peter - Educational Studies and Human Development

Canterbury Grants

Mondry, Professor Henrietta - Languages, Cultures & Linguistics

Erskine Grants

Agnew, Mr Stephen - Economics
Bell, Professor Tim - Computer Science & Software Engineering
Holland, Professor Martin - National Centre for Research on Europe
Johnston, Professor Lucy - Deputy Vice Chancellors Office
Kingham, Associate Professor Simon - Geography
Nesbit, Dr Trevor - Accounting & Information Systems
O'Sullivan, Dr Aisling - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Palermo, Dr Alessandro - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Steeves, Dr Tammy - Biological Sciences
Turnbull, Professor Matthew - Biological Sciences
Varsani, Dr Arvind - Biological Sciences

Oxford Grants

Semple, Dr Charles - Mathematics & Statistics
Wilson, Dr Debra - Law

Cambridge Grants

Briskie, Associate Professor James - Biological Sciences
Hawes, Associate Professor Cynthia - Law


Erskine Grants

Blampied, Associate Professor Neville - Accounting and Information Systems
Brown, Associate Professor Jennifer - Mathematics and Statistics
Dorahy, Dr Martin - Psychology
Gieseg, Associate Professor Steven - Biological Sciences
Gombay, Dr Nicole - Geography
Grace, Professor Randolph - Psychology
Hearnshaw, Professor John - Physics and Astronomy
Howe, Dr Tami - Communication Disorders
Huckabee, Dr Maggie-Lee - Communication Disorders
Kuntz, Dr Joana - Psychology
Miller, Dr Robert - Accounting and Information Systems
Pawlikowski, Professor Krys - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Reale, Dr Marco - Mathematics and Statistics
Reid, Dr Catherine - Geological Sciences
Remus, Dr Ulrich - Accounting and Information Systems
Robb, Professor Michael - Communication Disorders
Rucklidge, Associate Professor Julia - Psychology
Scott, Dr Allan - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Watt, Associate Professor Richard - Economics and Finance
Weddell, Dr Stephen - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wright, Dr Sarah - Management


Oxford Grants

Cheer, Associate Professor Ursula - Law
Semple, Dr Charles - Mathematics and Statistics

Cambridge Grants

Finn, Professor Jeremy - Law
Kenix, Dr Linda Jean - Political Science
Mondry, Professor Henrietta - Russian Programme


Erskine Grants

Adams, Dr Jennifer - Physics and Astronomy
Breetzke, Dr Gregory - Geography
Burt, Associate Professor Chris - Psychology
Carter, Dr Janet - Mathematics and Statistics
Cockburn, Professor Andy - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Cupples, Dr Julie - Geography
Grady, Mr Jonathan - Communication Disorders
Martens, Dr Andy - Psychology
Milke, Associate Professor Mark - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Millane, Professor Rick - Electrical & Computer Engineering
Mills, Dr Annette - Accountancy and Information Systems
Palermo, Dr Alessandro - Civil and Natural Resources Engineering
Pettinga, Professor Jarg - Geological Sciences
Reitsma, Dr Femke - Geography
Ring, Associate Professor Uwe - Geological Sciences
Servatká, Dr Maroš - Economics and Finance
Smith, Associate Professor Peter J - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tillard, Ms Gina - Communication Disorders
Turnbull, Professor Matthew - Biological Sciences
Vargo, Dr John - Accountancy and Information Systems
Varsani, Dr Arvind - Biological Sciences


Oxford Grants

Roberts, Professor Peter - Educational Studies and Human Development
Sciarrino, Dr Enrica - Classics Programme

Cambridge Grants

Boister, Dr Neil - Law

Erskine Grants

Apiolaza, Dr Luis - Forestry
Beatson, Associate Professor Richard - Mathematics and Statistics
Bell, Associate Professor Tim - Computer and Software Engineering
Brown, Associate Professor Jennifer - Mathematics and Statistics
Castka, Associate Professor Pavel - Management
Chase, Professor J Geoffrey - Mechanical Engineering
Cragg, Professor Paul - Accounting and Information Systems
Durbin, Associate Professor Steven - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fleischmann, Associate Professor Charles - Civil Engineering
Gaw, Dr Sally - Chemistry
Gerrard, Professor Juliet - Biological Sciences
Gleaves, Associate Professor David - Psychology
Golovko, Dr Vladimir - Chemistry
Grace, Associate Professor Randoph - Psychology
Greenfield, Associate Professor Laurence - Biological Sciences
Harland, Professor Peter - Chemistry
Johnston, Professor Lucy - Psychology
Lee, Dr Pedro Jose - Civil Engineering
Manley, Associate Professor Bruce - Forestry
McAuliffe, Dr Megan - Communication Disorders
Nijdam, Dr Justin - Chemical a Process Engineering
Norton, Associate Professor David - Forestry
Pawlokowski, Professor Krzysztof - Computer and Software Engineering
Pratt, Dr Andy - Chemistry
Steel, Professor Peter - Chemistry
Tsang, Dr Daniel - Civil Engineering
Tylianakis, Dr Jason - Biological Sciences
Wall, Professor David - Mathematics and Statistics
Watt, Associate Professor Richard - Economics and Finance


Oxford Grants

Francis, Prof Mark - Political Science
Vokes, Dr Richard - Sociology & Anthropology

Erskine Grants

Blampied, Associate Professor Neville – Psychology
Briskie, Associate Professor James V - Biological Sciences
Chen, Associate Professor XiaoQi - Mechanical Engineering
Chen, Dr Zhe – Psychology
Cochrane, Dr Tom - Civil Engineering
Cockburn, Associate Professor Andy - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Coxon, Associate Professor Misko – Chemistry
Cubrinovski, Dr David R - Mechanical Engineering
Curnow, Dr Owen – Chemistry
Didham, Dr Raphael K - Biological Sciences
Gostomski, Dr Peter - Chemical and Process Engineering
Holland, Professor Martin - National Centre for Research on Europe
Hunt, Associate Professor Ray - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Knott, Dr Paul – Management
Kuijer, Dr Roeline – Psychology
Kral, Associate Professor Milo - Mechanical Engineering
Looi, Dr Valerie - Communication Disorders
Millane, Professor Rick - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Moran, Dr Catherine - Communication Disorders
O'Sullivan, Dr Aisling - Civil Engineering
Petty, Dr Nicola – Management
Servátka, Dr Maroš – Economics
Staber, Professor Udo – Management


Oxford Grants

Kenix, Dr Linda Jean - Political Science and Communication
Mondry, Professor Henrietta - Languages and Cultures

Erskine Grants

Aitchison, Dr David R - Mechanical Engineering
Bowman, Dr Elisabeth - Civil Engineering
Bridges, Professor Douglas - Mathematics & Statistics
Castka, Dr Pavel - Management
Cottrell, Associate Professor Peter - Physics and Astronomy
Crampton, Dr Eric - Economics
Davies, Associate Professor Timothy R H - Geological Sciences
Fleischmann, Associate Professor Charles - Civil Engineering
Gemmell, Associate Professor Neil - Biological Sciences
Martens, Dr Andy - Psychology
McAuliffe, Dr Megan - Communication Disorders
Norton, Associate Professor David - Forestry
Phillips, Professor Leon - Chemistry
Reale, Dr Marco - Mathematics and Statistics
Rucklidge, Dr Julia - Psychology
Sirisena, Professor Harsha - Electrical and Computer Engineering


Oxford Grants

Joseph, Professor Phillip A - Law
Wu, Dr Xiaoming - Languages & Cultures
Zanker, Professor Graham – Classics

Erskine Grants

Briskie, Dr James V. - Biological Sciences
Bell, Associate Professor Tim - Computer Science & Software Engineering
Dana, Associate Professor Leo - Management
Dhakal, Dr Rajesh Prasad - Civil Engineering
Fletcher, Professor Garth - Psychology
Green, Dr Richard - Computer Sciences & Software Engineering
Greenfield, Associate Professor Laurie - Biological Sciences
Guender, Associate Professor Alfred - Economics
Haig, Associate Professor Brian - Psychology
Houten, Dr Elijah Van - Mechanical Engineering
Hunt, Associate Professor Rayv - Computer Sciences & Software Engineering
Kuiper, Professor Koenraad - Classics & Linguistics
Macdonald, Professor Graham F - Philosophy and Religious Studies
Manley, Associate Professor Bruce - Forestry
McDonald, Dr Adrian - Physics and Astronomy
Oxley, Professor Les - Economics
Pulakanam, Dr Venkateswarlu – Management
Ring, Dr Uwe - Geological Sciences
Singer, Associate Professor Alan E - Management
Steel, Professor Michael - Mathematics and Statistics
Tucker, Dr Steven - Economics
Turnbull, Associate Prof Matthew - Biological Sciences


Oxford Grants

Gallavin, Dr Chris - Law
Mullenger, Dr George - Civil Engineering

Erskine Grants

Aitchison, Dr David R - Mechanical Engineering
Beatson, Associate Professor Rick - Mathematics and Statistics
Brown, Dr Jennifer - Mathematics and Statistics
Butler, Butler - Physics & Astronomy
Chernyshenko, Dr Oleksandr - Psychology
Cupples, Dr Julie - Geography
Durbin, Dr Steven M - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fortin, Dr David R - Management
Gieseg, Dr Steven - Biological Sciences
Gillon, Associate Professor Gail - Communication Disorders
Hearnshaw, Professor John B - Biological Sciences
Heinemann, Associate Prof Jack - Communication Disorders
Jordan, Dr Pat - Chemical and Process Engineering
Kemp, Professor Simon - Psychology
Krumdieck, Dr Susan Pv - Mechanical Engineering
Morison, Dr Kenneth - Chemical and Process Engineering
Pearce, Dr Jamie - Geography
Phillips, Professor Leon - Chemistry
Robb, Professor Michael - Communication Disorders
Russell, Dr Gregory T - Chemistry
Semple, Dr Charles - Mathematics and Statistics
Turnbull, Dr Matthew - Biological Sciences
Voges, Dr Kevin - Management


Oxford Grants

Reid, Associate Professor Michael F - Physics & Astronomy

Erskine Grants

Butler, Professor Philip - Physics and Astronomy
Carr, Dr Athol J - Civil Engineering
Chen, Dr Zhe - Psychology
Chu, Dr Khim - Chemical and Process Engineering
Dalziell, Dr Erica - Civil Engineering
Dantas, Dr André - Civil Engineering
Dhakal, Dr Rajesh P - Civil Engineering
Douglas, Associate Professor Robert A - Forestry
Gerrard, Dr Juliet A - Biological Sciences
Green, Dr Terri F - Management
Hughes, Professor Rob - Psychology
Lin, Dr Emily - Communication Disorders
Manley, Associate Professor Bruce - Forestry
Martin, Dr Brent - Computer Science
Milke, Dr Mark W - Civil Engineering
Nicholson, Associate Professor Alan J - Civil Engineering
Owen, Dr Dean H - Psychology
Pawlikowski, Associate Professor KrzysztofvComputer Science
Pettinga, Associate Professor Jarg - Geological Sciences
Raffensberger, Dr John F - Management
Reid, Associate Professor Michael F - Physics and Astronomy
Sirisena, Associate Professor Harsha - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Smith, Dr Peter J - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Storey, Professor Bryan - Gateway Antarctica
Taylor, Professor Desmond P - Electrical and Computer Engineering
Wareham, Dr David G - Civil Engineering
Weaver, Professor Steve - Geological Sciences
Wikaira, Dr Jan - Chemistry


Oxford Grants

Cookson, Professor John - History


Carlaw, Dr Kenneth - Economics
Chernyshenko, Dr Sasha - Psychology
Cockburn, Dr Andy - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Downard, Dr Alison - Chemistry
Fountain, Dr John - Economics
Huckabee, Professor Laurence R - Chemical and Process Engineering
Kingham, Dr Simon - Geography
McDonald, Dr Adrian - Physics and Astronomy
McEwan, Professor Murray J - Chemistry
McManus, Dr Kevin - Civil Engineering
Mukundan, Dr Ramakrishnan - Computer Science and Software Engineering
Naguleswaran, Associate Professor S - Mechanical Engineering
O'Reilly, Mr Ron - Forestry
Pearse, Dr John - Mechanical Engineering
Smaill, Dr John - Mechanical Engineering
Steel, Professor Mike - Mathematics and Statistics
Taylor, Associate Professor Harry - Zoology
Walker, Professor J C F - Forestry
Walsh, Mr John P - Accountancy, Finance & Information Systems



Abell, Dr Andrew - Chemistry
Adams, Dr Jenni - Physics and Astronomy
Blampied, Mr Neville M - Psychology
Blunt, Professor John W - Chemistry
Catton, Dr Philip - Philosophy and Religious Studies
Copeland, Professor Jack - Philosophy and Religious Studies
Dalrymple-Alford, Dr John - Psychology
Dana, Dr Leo - Management
Ellis, Dr Bruce - Psychology
Grace, Dr Randolph - Psychology
Harland, Dr Peter - Chemistry
Hudson, Dr Irene - Mathematics and Statistics
Kreutzer, Associate Professor Wolfgang - Computer Science
Krumdieck, Dr Susan - Mechanical Engineering
Macdonald, Professor Cynthia - Philosophy and Religious Studies
MacKinnon, Assoc. Professor David I - Geological Sciences
McKean, Dr Jim - Geological Sciences
Neumann, Dr Ewald - Psychology
Pawlikowski, Assoc Prof Krzysztof - Computer Science
Proudfoot, Ms Diane - Philosophy and Religious Studies
Rucklidge, Dr Julia - Psychology
Sands, Professor Roger - Forestry
Stedman, Professor Geoff - Physics and Astronomy
Weatherley, Professor Laurence R - Chemical and Process Engineering



Beatson, Assoc Professor Richard K - Mathematics & Statistics
Brown, Dr Simon Anthony - Physics & Astronomy
Cockburn, Dr Andy J G - Computer Science
Cole, Assoc Professor Tony - Plant & Microbial Sciences
Coope, Dr Ian D - Mathematics and Statistics
Cottrell, Assoc Professor Peter L - Physics and Astronomy
Ellemor, Dr Heidi - Geography
Ellis,Dr Bruce J - Psychology
Flynn , Dr Mark C - Speech and Language Therapy
Gardiner, Dr Stephen - Philosophy & Religious Studies
Gostomski, Dr Peter - Chemical and Process Engineering
Huckabee, Dr Maggie L - Speech and Language Therapy
Johnston, Dr D C - Geography
Johnston,Dr Lucy - Psychology
Keenan, Dr Thomas - Psychology
Kral, Dr Milo V - Mechanical Engineering
Krishnan, Dr Padmanabhan - Computer Science
Macdonald, Professor Graham - Philosophy and Religious Studies
Maclagan, Dr Robert G A R - Chemistry
Maclagan, Dr Margaret - Speech and Language Therapy
Mahanty, Associate Professor H K - Plant and Microbial Sciences
Marsden, Dr Islay - Zoology
Mitrovic, Dr Antonija - Computer Science
Morris, Dr J C - Chemistry
Nobes, Dr David C - Geological Sciences
Phillips, Professor Leon - Chemistry
Reale, Dr Marco C - Mathematics and Statistics
Strongman, Professor Ken - Psychology
Sturman, Associate Professor Andrew - Geography
Tu, Dr Paul Y L - Mechanical Engineering



Abell, Assoc. Prof. Andrew - Chemistry
Aitchison, Dr D R - Mechanical Engineering
Clausen, Dr Bente - Civil Engineering
Cole, Prof J W - Geological Sciences
Dalrymple-Alford, Dr J - Psychology
Dunlop, Assoc Prof G R -  Mechanical Engineering
Fletcher, Assoc Prof Garth - Psychology
Fortin, Dr David - Management
Freeman , Dr C G - Chemistry
Gardiner, Dr Stephen - Philosophy & Religious Studies
Greenfield, Dr L G - Plant & Microbial Sciences
Hamilton, Professor R T - Management
Hudson, Dr Irene - Mathematics & Statistics
Hunt, Mr R - Computer Science
Johnston, Dr D C - Geography
Knott, Dr Paul – Management
Krishnan, Dr P - Computer Science
Marsh, Professor K N - Chemical and Process Engineering
Proudfoot, Ms D - Philosophy & Religious Studies
Sin, Assoc Prof F Y T - Zoology
Takaoka, Professor Tadao - Computer Science
Turnbull, Dr M - Plant & Microbial Sciences



Brown , Dr Jennifer A - Mathematics and Statistics
Burt, Dr Chris - Psychology
Campbell, Prof Lyle - Linguistics
Campbell, Dr John A - Physics & Astronomy
Chapman, Dr Hazel - Plant & Microbial Sciences
Gough, Prof P T - Electrical and Electrical Engineering
Harland, Dr Peter - Chemistry
Hearnshaw, Prof John B - Physics & Astronomy
Johnston, Dr Lucy C - Psychology
Kemp, Assoc Prof Simon - Psychology
Kuiper, Assoc Prof Kon - Linguistics
Mouly, Dr V Souchi - Management
Phillips, Prof Leon F - Chemistry
Powell, Prof H Kip J - Chemistry
Restrepo, Dr Jose I - Civil Engineering
Singer, Dr Alan - Management
Vargo, Mr John J -  Accountancy, Finance and Information Systems
Watson, Dr John J - Management
Williamson, Dr Bryce E – Chemistry



Baggaley, Prof W J - Physics
Baritompa, Dr W P - Mathematics and Statistics
Campbell, Assoc.Prof Lyle - Linguistics
Damaren, Dr C J - Mechanical Engineering
Downard, Dr A J - Chemistry
Fletcher, Dr Garth - Psychology
Gough, Prof P T - Electrical and Electrical Engineering
Harland, Dr Peter - Chemistry
Hartshorn, Dr - Chemistry
Mouly, Dr V Suchitra - Management
Nilakant, Dr V - Management
Phillips, Prof L F - Chemistry
Strongman, Prof K T - Psychology
Turnbull, Dr M H - Plant & Microbial Sciences
Wareham, Dr D G - Civil Engineering
Williamson, Dr B E - Chemistry
Winkelmann, Dr Ranier - Economics

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