At a very basic level this means being aware of hazards and reporting these to ensure these are eliminated or controlled to prevent harm. But Health and Safety is more than this.
Health and Safety is also about having conversations and maintaining awareness. It is a communal responsibility, and it’s a collaborative way of identifying opportunities and challenges and acting on them for the benefit of the University community. Health and Safety is a good thing to be involved in.
The University of Canterbury is a PCBU (Person in Control of Business or Undertaking) as set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015. The University has an agreement with the Combined Unions to promote cooperation with workers and the unions representing those workers and ensuring everyone is provided with reasonable opportunity to be actively involved in the ongoing management of health and safety. This agreement is the foundation document for workers’ participation system at University of Canterbury.
Roles at UC (staff only)
H&S Reps | Department Safety Officers | First Aiders | Evacuation Wardens
Health and Safety Training
The Health and Safety Team in conjunction with Learning and Development facilitates a number of courses specifically relating to health and safety topics. The Health and Safety Training page has more information about courses and how to enrol.
University Health and Safety Committees (Staff only)
The University is a diverse and exciting environment. The Health and Safety committees align to the structure of the University, with an overall University Health and Safety committee drawn from College and Service Health and Safety committees along with representation from the leadership team, the TEU, and UCSA. Meetings are held four times a year.
Current membership of the committees is available here: Health and Safety Committee Members
Minutes from Health and Safety Committee meetings are available for staff only.