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Media enquiries

28 May 2024

The UC Communications and Events team handles all news media interviews and requests.

  • Visit UC News for the stories covering everything from our latest research to student achievements, and all things in between. 
  • Visit our Quick Stats page for the University’s information, including a breakdown of our 2023 enrolment numbers.
  • Discover more about UC’s 150-year history by reading the University of Canterbury Story.
  • Direct all media enquiries to UC Media
  • You can also request information through an Official Information Act (OIA) request to UC. 
Search for experts

Contact details for our many expert UC academics and researchers can be found in our UC Research Profile search

Media visits and filming

If you are a journalist and would like to visit the University, our team will be happy to arrange this for you and will sort out appropriate filming space and oversee filming relevant to our work, both for commercial projects and news. Please contact UC Media. When you arrive on campus please sign in at the security office. 

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