Maximum of 7 hours per day
8.15AM to 4.30PM
0-2 Years old: $66.54 per session
0-2 Years old: $302.63 per week
2-5 Years old: $61.25 per session
2-5 Years old: $278.63 per week
More than 7 hours per day
7.30AM to 5.30PM
0-2 Years old: $70.71 per session
0-2 Years old: $321.64 per week
2-5 Years old: $65.22 per session
2-5 Years old: $296.34 per week
All fees are due two weeks in advance. This includes statutory holidays, university holidays and teachers only days that fall within the 50 weeks of the year that the centre is open.
Please provide four weeks’ notice of any changes to booking times or to terminate your child's booking at the Centre (Changes/ Termination Form). If you are taking your child away on break for a period, please use the Holiday Leave Form to inform us of the period of absence.
We require families who are taking leave but wish to hold their child's place at the centre to pay full fees for up to three months' absence and half fees for three to six months' absence. If you are a UC student we only require you to pay half fees during each term break (up to three weeks). Please read our Enrolment, Financial and Privacy for more information.
20-hour Early Childhood Education (ECE) Funding
20-hour ECE is a government-run initiative which allows children over the age of three to have 20 hours of free heavily-subsidised early childhood education per week. This means that your child is able to come to our Centre and the cost is fully subsidised for up to six hours a day and up to 20 hours per week. If you are an international PhD student, your child/children qualify to receive the ECE subsidies.
You may qualify for further subsidies depending on your circumstances. For further financial assistance please visit Work and Income New Zealand or read through their childcare subsidy information.