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Soil expert wins Zonta science award

15 May 2024

Photo caption: Belle Himiona President of Zonta Club of Wellington (left) with recipient of the 2024 Zonta Science Award UC graduate Dr Hadee Thompson-Morrison.

Dr Thompson-Morrison's exceptional dedication to advancing scientific research, particularly in the realm of sustainable resource management and ecosystem conservation, earned her this prestigious recognition. Recipients of the award have demonstrated exceptional communication skills and serve as role models for aspiring women scientists, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of science within the wider community.

As a passionate advocate for the sustainable management of natural resources and the conservation of unique ecosystems, Dr Thompson-Morrison's academic career has been driven by a profound commitment to making a positive impact on environmental sustainability. 

Dr Thompson-Morrison's research plan focuses on further developing and applying a model she developed during her PhD studies at Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury (UC), which predicts the accumulation of trace elements in soils over time. This innovative model aims to safeguard soils against potentially toxic elements, and ensure effective nutrient composition, thereby enhancing soil fertility, crop growth, and human health. Through her proposed research, Dr Thompson-Morrison seeks to advance understanding of biogeochemical processes in the soil-plant system, leading to improved agricultural practices and ecosystem health.

In addition to her scientific endeavours, Dr Thompson-Morrison is a staunch advocate for women in science and promotes healthy work-life balance within the scientific community. She actively engages in outreach activities to disseminate her research findings and communicate with diverse audiences, including media outlets, international universities, and community groups.

"I am deeply honoured to receive the Zonta Science Award and am grateful for the opportunity to further my research efforts," said Dr Thompson-Morrison. "I am committed to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering collaborations that promote environmental sustainability and empower women in STEM fields."

Dr Thompson-Morrison's dedication to excellence in scientific research, coupled with her passion for environmental stewardship and advocacy for women in science, exemplifies the values upheld by the Zonta Club of Wellington. The club extends its warmest congratulations to Dr Hadee Thompson-Morrison on this well-deserved honour.

The Zonta Science Award

This biennial award, established in 1990, celebrates the achievements of emerging women scientists, recognising their dedication and contributions to the field of science while providing essential support to advance their research endeavours.

As part of Zonta International's commitment to empowering women and advancing gender equality, the Zonta Science Award aims to address the under-representation of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields by celebrating the accomplishments of women in science and providing tangible support to emerging scientists.

This story originally appeared on the Zonta Wellington website

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