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Celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 13–19 Mahuru 2021

12 September 2021

Nau mai, tauti mai - everybody is welcome at UC Puna to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 2021.


At UC events will be run each day of the week, organised by a collaboration from Waka Pākākano, Te Akatoki, UCSA, UC Rec Centre, Hōaka Pounamu, and UC Puna. 

This year’s events include Pō Kiriata (Movie Night), Kake Paihikara (Spin Class) at the UC Rec Centre, Pō Pātaitaitanga (Quiz Night), and more! Several cafes on campus also have discounted kāwhe me te kaputī. Keep an eye on all UC social media platforms for more, and make sure to check out our article on the changing technology of learning Te Reo Māori.

See the full UC schedule

This year we are celebrating Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori (Māori Language Moment), a very special initiative. By participating, you can help to set the world record for people speaking and celebrating an endangered, indigenous language at the same time. This will take place at 12pm on Tūrei 14 Maharu. It is a defining moment that commemorates when in 1972, 30,000 signatures were delivered to Parliament calling for te reo Māori to be taught in schools.

Sign up for Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori and join hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders for a historic moment celebrating what makes Aotearoa unique - te reo Māori. 

To celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori 2021, UC libraries will be highlighting a different rauemi (resource) every day on our social media accounts. Try one of them out as you celebrate Te Wā Tuku Reo Māori. Tukuna te reo kia rere, kia tika, kia Māori!

NB: while we are still in COVID-19 alert level 2 only UC students and staff can access library spaces.  Please bring your Canterbury Card as you'll need it for access. 

Ngā Puna Mātauraka | UC Library
Phone: +64 3 369 4888
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