UC Library has organised a trial of the IUPAC Standards Online Database - the trial will run until December 31st this year.
What is IUPAC Standards Online?
It is a unique compilation of the internationally-binding standards and recommendations for chemistry and related fields created by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). These standards and recommendations are used worldwide by scientists in industry and academia, patent lawyers, toxicologists, environmental scientists, legislators and others who need access to the authoritative information on chemical nomenclature, symbols, terminology, units, weights, measures, and similar scientific conventions.
What are the benefits?
- Useful: IUPAC’s standards and recommendations easily discoverable
- Comprehensive: standard values and procedures, nomenclature, terminology and symbols in chemistry, properties of elements
- Smart: topical structure, advanced search, cross-linked entries
- Interactive Periodic Table enables to extract element-specific information
- InChI search to selectively retrieve the information related to certain chemical compound
For more information and to provide feedback see our Electronic resources trial page
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