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New Year’s honours for UC academics and alumni who make a difference

14 January 2021

Years of internationally-recognised work in politics, climate change and youth engagement have been honoured in Aotearoa New Zealand’s 2021 New Year’s Honours list for University of Canterbury (UC) Professor of Political Science Bronwyn Hayward.

Bronwyn Hayward

The passionate and dedicated academic was named a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) for services to political science, particularly sustainability, climate change and youth.

Professor Hayward is director of UC’s Hei Puāwaitanga: Sustainable Development and Civic Imagination Research Group and a Professor of Political Science. She has served as a Coordinating Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 report (cities & infrastructure) and was a lead author for the 2018 Special Report on 1.5 (Sustainable development & Poverty eradication). She is co-primary investigator for the Centre for Understanding Sustainable Prosperity (led by the University of Surrey), leads the CYCLES Children and Youth in Cities Lifestyle Evaluation study in seven world cities, and is a well-respected and active researcher, author and media commentator.

The New Zealand Royal Honours recognised 15 of UC’s current and former academics, and graduates for their community service and achievements across a range of sectors.

International music scholar and composer Dr Glenda Keam received an MNZM for services to music and music education. Dr Keam revitalised UC’s School of Music during her seven years at the helm, while also serving on the International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM), most recently as President, and organising conferences, publishing research and supervising doctoral students. Dr Keam recently retired as UC’s Head of Music, but will maintain a close relationship with the School of Music in an adjunct capacity, working with postgraduate students. 

Pioneering Transition Engineering Professor Susan Krumdieck received an MNZM for services to sustainability research and engineering. Professor Krumdieck is co-leader and trustee of the Global Association for Transition Engineering. She recently accepted a prestigious position as Professor of Energy Transition Engineering at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, where she will work with the people of Orkney to achieve a transition to zero carbon within five years, however she will maintain close links with UC’s College of Engineering and Advanced Energy and Material Systems Lab.

UC Vice-Chancellor Professor Cheryl de la Rey was delighted to see prominent current and former UC academics and alumni recognised on the New Year’s Honours list.

“It’s a great accolade that acknowledges the significant achievements of individuals who are UC academics, alumni and former staff members.  My heartfelt congratulations to each one of them for contributing to our understanding of the world and for making a tangible difference for communities and for Aotearoa New Zealand. ”

Members of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM)

Professor Bronwyn Hayward, MNZM. For services to political science, particularly sustainability, climate change and youth.

Dr Glenda Keam, MNZM. For services to music and music education. 

Professor Susan Pran Krumdieck, MNZM. For services to sustainability research and engineering

UC Alumni

Dr Gerard McSweeney CNZM For services to conservation

Dr Robert Fyfe CNZM For services to business and tourism.

Ms Christina Barton MNZM For services to art history and curation.

Professor Jonathan Boston ONZM For services to public and social policy.

Mrs Josephina Lelijveld MNZM For services to the Deaf community and education.

Mr Donald Mackenzie MNZM For services to athletics and the community.

Dr Colin Meurk ONZM For services to ecological restoration.

Superintendent John Price ONZM For services to the New Zealand Police and the community.

UC former staff

Dame Juliet Gerrard DNZM For services to science.

Emeritus Professor Geoffrey Rice ONZM For services to historical research and tertiary education.

Mr Victor Rodger ONZM For services to theatre and Pacific arts.

Associate Professor James Tully ONZM For services to journalism and education.

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