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UC celebrates staff in inaugural event

03 December 2020

The Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury Celebrating Staff Event was held on Wednesday 2 December to present various awards from across the University.


The inaugural Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury Celebrating Staff Event is the final university-wide celebration of the year, combining many award ceremonies in acknowledgement of staff achievements from across the University.

The ceremony was held on Wednesday 2 December to present the Vice-Chancellor’s Professional Staff Development Awards, Health and Safety Initiative Awards and Recognitions, Long Service Recognition Awards, Teaching Development Scholarships and Professorial Appointments.

Vice-Chancellor Cheryl de la Rey said it was important to recognise and celebrate the impressive contribution staff give to the University through their different but equally important contributions.

“It’s a privilege to be surrounded by people who rise to the occasion. With their quality, calibre and commitment they were able to transform their home spaces into work spaces. Our staff not only navigated but succeeded during this challenging year.

“Your success is much deserved. Congratulations to all recipients, we are truly gratified to have you among our staff. Your hard work makes UC a place for students to thrive.”

Professor De la Rey made special mention of Long Service Recognition Award recipients, who have each served 40 years at UC. During their time at UC, some 60,000 students have passed through the campuses and in some way benefitted from their great work.  

The award-winners are:

Vice-Chancellor Professional Staff Development Awards

  • Anderson, Laurie
  • DeLange, Lue-Ellen
  • Kay, Ellie
  • Parker, Yifang

Health and Safety Wellbeing Awards

  • Baldwin, Sacha
  • Davison, Tom
  • Grenfell, Randall
  • Nicholls, Dave
  • Peterson, Louisa
  • Van den Broek, Naomi

Health and Safety Initiative Awards and Recognitions

  • Mental Health Awareness Week Planning team - Charmaine Atherfold, Marj Blake, Dave MacPherson, Tracey Robinson, Julie Stafford and  Bonnie Tainui
  • Student Services Health and Wellbeing Committee - Lauralee Mather, Sarai Roper, Tracey Robinson

40 years+ Long Service Recognition Awards

  • Allardyce, Joan
  • Bishop, Renny
  • Boyd, Ian
  • Corbett, Roger
  • De Groot, Lyn
  • Hughes, Rob
  • Joseph, Philip
  • Leota, Tupe
  • MacPherson, Dave
  • McKenzie, Jan
  • Morris, Linda
  • Rodd, Chris
  • Steel, Ian
  • Stephenson, Marie
  • Van der Colk, Mike

Teaching Development Scholarship

  • Abbiss, Jane
  • Brown, Cheryl
  • Cameron, Rosie
  • Hughes, Matthew
  • Kennedy, Ben
  • Tolbert, Sara

Professorial Appointments

  • Adams, Jenni
  • Allen, Martin
  • Gaw, Sally
  • Holland, Daniel
  • Kennedy, Ben
  • Morrish, Sussie
  • McNeill, Brigid
  • Nelson, Ximena
  • Ozanne, Lucie
  • Saleh, Mofreh
  • Taylor, Nik
  • Watson, Matt
  • Zhao, Dan

Photo captions:

Vice-Chancellor General Professional Staff Development Award recipients from left, Laurie Anderson, Lue-Ellen DeLange, Ellie Kay, Yifang Parker.

The Health and Safety Awards recipients from left back were, Dave MacPherson, Julie Stafford, Naomi van den Broek, Angie Willington and Laurelee Mather. Recipients from left front were, Tom Davison, Sacha Baldwin, Tracey Robinson and Sarai Roper. Those unable to attend were, Dave Nicholls, Louisa Peterson, Randall Grenfell, Charmaine Atherfold, Marj Blake and Georgie Dibble.

40 years+ Long Service Recognition Awards recipients from left back, Linda Morris, Lyn de Groot, Roger Corbett, Dave Macpherson, Chris Rodd, Joan Allardyce and Tupe Leota. Recipients from left front were, Ian Steel, Ian Gould, Jan McKenzie, Rob Hughes and Marie Stephenson. Mike Van der Colk, Philip Joseph and Renny Bishop also received awards but were unable to attend.

Teaching development scholarship recipients were, Jonathan Davidson, Rosie Cameron, Jane Abbiss, Cheryl Brown, Ben Kennedy, Matthew Hughes, and Sara Tolbert, who was unable to attend.

Those who received Professorial Appointments from the left back were, Martin Allen, Lucie Ozanne, Sally Gaw, Dan Zhao and Matthew Watson. Recipients from left front were, Brigid McNeill, Nik Taylor, Sussie Morrish, Mofreh Saleh, Ben Kennedy, Ximena Nelson, Jenni Adams. Daniel Holland was unable to attend.

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