A selection of election ephemera from the 1890's and 1990's all from the Macmillan Brown Library Ephemera Collection.
You can vote in the Undercroft (Puaka-James Hight building) open on:
- Monday 5 Oct - Saturday 10 Oct - 11am-5pm
- Monday 12 Oct - Thursday 15 Oct - 11am-5pm
- Friday 16 Oct - 11am-3pm
To celebrate the election we've been looking through our collection for all things election and politics.
The UC Library holds the archives of many NZ political parties past and present including Labour, National, Values, Social Credit, and the Socialist party. On the subject of women in politics we have the personal papers of many women prominent in NZ politics over the years including Lianne Dalziel, Ruth Dyson, Ruth Richardson, and Margaret Austin.

Our archives have been used by many authors researching political biographies, including former prime minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer who spent many days in the library accessing his own archives (kept here).
Visit the Macmillan Brown Library to find out more about how to access these archives for your research or to satisfy your political curiosity.
Macmillan Brown Library - Te Puna Rakahau o Macmillan Brown
Phone: +64 3 369 4499 (extn 94499)
Email: macbrown@libr.canterbury.ac.nz