Careers Fairs
From volunteering through to STEM, Law, Commerce, EngSci, and ICT, UC hosts a range of careers fairs. Learn more about Careers Fairs and keep an eye here for the next event.

Here are the employers scheduled to attend, providing you with the opportunity to conduct your research.
Stall number / Stall holder (in alphabetical order)
15. Asia New Zealand Foundation Te Whītau Tūhono
2. Audit New Zealand
20. Baker Tilly Staples Rodway
16. BDO Christchurch Limited
18. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
13. CPA Australia
19. Deloitte
3. Ernst & Young
7. Farmlands
17. Fulton Hogan Limited
10. Grant Thornton
21. Hays
14. KPMG
9. Mafic Partners
11. Mainfreight
12. Nexia Christchurch Limited
8. PwC
5. Ray White Metro
6. Reserve Bank of New Zealand
1. Resure Insurance Advisors
4. Westland Milk Products
Law Recruitment Evening 2025

Here are the employers scheduled to attend, providing you with the opportunity to conduct your research.
Stall number / Stall holder (in alphabetical order)
25. Anderson Lloyd
18. Anthony Harper
24. Bell Gully
8. Buddle Findlay
17. Chapman Tripp
15. Community Law Canterbury
20. Cooney Lees Morgan
5. Corcoran French
14. Dentons
13. DLA Piper
26. Duncan Cotterill
3. Ernst & Young
2. Harmans Lawyers
23. Institute of Professional Legal Studies
7. Lane Neave
9. MinterEllisonRuddWatts
12. New Zealand Defence Force
16. Parry Field Lawyers
10. Russell McVeagh
19. Saunders Robinson Brown
6. Simpson Grierson
1. Tavendale and Partners
21. The College of Law
11. Wotton Kearney
22. Wynn Williams
STEM Careers Fair 2025

Past 2024 Careers Fairs
Stall number / Stall holder:
1. Downer
2. Babcock Australasia
3. Worley
4. TSA Management Ltd
5. Basis
6. Rio Tinto and NZAS
7. Susquehanna International Group
8. Paihau-Robinson Research Institute
10. NZTA - Waka Kotahi
11. Jacobs
13. MetService
14. Transpower NZ Ltd
15. Brackenridge Services Limited
16. HEB Construction
17. Tetra Pak New Zealand
18. Ergo Consulting Ltd
19. Lumin
20. Enphase Energy
21. Trimble
22. Clarus
23. Eagle Technology
24. Mercury NZ Ltd
25. Engenium Ltd.
26. Riley Consultants Limited
27. Maynard Marks
28. Winstone Pulp International Limited
29. Waimakariri District Council
30. OpenStar Technologies
31. Summer of Tech
32. A W Trinder LTD
33. GHD003
34. CPB Contractors NZ
35. Jade Software Corporation Limi
36 WSP New Zealand Limited
38. CWF Hamilton & Co Ltd (HamiltonJet)
39. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare
40. IMC Trading
41. Fisher & Paykel Appliances
42. BCD Group Ltd
43. Fleetpin
44. Randall & Associates Ltd
45. Hilti
46. Scott Technology
47. VivCourt Trading
48. Origin Fire Consultants
49. Hawthorn Geddes Engineers & Architects Ltd
50. Crossfire / Jensen Hughes
51. Beca
53. Oji Fibre Solutions
54. Fulton Hogan
55. Datacom
56. Fonterra
57. Fast Enterprises, LLC
58. Frequency
59. Kotahi Engineering Studio
60. Tui Technology
61. Cuttriss Consultants Limited
62. Stantec New Zealand
63. Jane Street
64. Pattle Delamore Partners
65. OceanaGold
66. Aurecon
67. Engineering Design Consultants Ltd
68. Energy Resources Aotearoa
69. Pocket - Structural Engineering
70. Cook Costello
71. Fletcher Construction
72. Egis Pty Ltd
73. Allied Telesis Labs Ltd
74. ENGEO Ltd
75. Deloitte
76. Contact Energy
77. Silvester Clark Consulting Engineers
78. Davis Ogilvie
79. Cortek Limited
80. Structex Limited
81. Tetra Tech Coffey
82. New Zealand Defence Force
83. MEL 2020 Limited T/A Mainstream Engineering
84. DTCE Structural Engineers
85. Wyma Engineering
86. KPMG
87. Optiver
88. Richards Consulting Engineers
89. Robert Bird Group
Stall Number:
11. Audit New Zealand
10. Baker Tilly Staples Rodway
14. BDO Christchurch Limited
4. Castalia
16. Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
20. CPA Australia
6. Darvill Mellors & Co
17. Deloitte
3. Dept of Corrections/Ara Poutama
5. Ernst & Young
9. Fluid Recruitment New Zealand
7. Foodstuffs South Island Limited
15. Fulton Hogan Limited
18. Grant Thornton
19. KPMG
13. Mainfreight Training Centre
23. MBIE
2. MG Group
1. Ministry of Social Development
8. MOVE Logistics
22. New Zealand Procurement Excellence Forum Incorporated
and CIPS Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply
12. Nexia Christchurch Limited
21. PwC
16. Anderson Lloyd
11. Anthony Harper
7. Bell Gully
6. Buddle Findlay
10. Chapman Tripp
1. Community Law Canterbury
12. Corcoran French Lawyers
3. Dept of Corrections/Ara Poutama
20. DLA Piper New Zealand
19. Duncan Cotterill
5. Ernst & Young
22. Harmans Lawyers
17. IPLS
15. Lane Neave
13. MinterEllisonRuddWatts
14. New Zealand Defence Force
8. Parry Field Lawyers
21. PwC
25.. Russell McVeagh
2. Saunders Robinson Brown
23. Simpson Grierson
4. Tavendale and Partners
9. The College of Law New Zealand
18. Wotton + Kearney