
Villagers with donated trees
Villagers with donated trees
Wananga landing


27 August 2024

The Project is greatly supported by many partnerships and collaborations along with many grants, scholarships and other financial support. Learn more about our partnerships.

Partners and collaborators
  • Professor Dr Pierre-Michel Forget, Natural History Museum, Paris, France
    PM Forget is a strong associate of the project and is involved in collaborative research and student supervision.
  • Gashaka Biodiversity Project, England/Nigeria
    Our nearest neighbour. The project collaborates with the Gashaka Biodiversity Project (formerly the Gashaka Primate Project) in both research and logistical support.
  • Gombe State University
    The Project has an MOU with the Gombe State around early career staff training and undergraduate field trips.
  • Nigerian National Park Service
    The project has an MOU with the Park Service around collaborative research.
  • Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Surrey, England
    The project has a memorandum of collaboration with RBG Kew in regards to plant identification and staff training.
  • Taraba State Forestry
    The Project has an MOU with the Taraba State Ministry of Environment around research and collaboration.
  • University of Exeter, United Kingdom
    The Project is hosting Dr Tim Hill and Silveo Stiivanello who are conducting lightening research in the ForestGEO plot. 

  • WAFROEX (West African Export)
    Our partners for honey processing and sale



Donation to establish a forest monitoring plot
T. Y. Danjuma
The research plot is part of the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) global network operated through the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. 


Annual Supporters

We are extremely grateful to these donors for their ongoing financial support:

  • Africa Financial Corporation (AFC)
  • A. P. Leventis and AG Leventis Foundation
  • Retired General T.Y. Danjuma
  • Stanbic IBCT Bank
  • University of Canterbury, NZ
  • Taraba State Government


  • CTFS ForestGEO, to facilitate research within the Ngel Nyaki ForestGEO Plot
  • Rufford Small Grants, Seed Dispersal and the Long-Term Survival of Nigeria’s Montane Forests and the role of Cercopithecus nicitans (putty nose monkey) in seed dispersal at Ngel Nyaki Forest Reserve
  • DHL Nigeria, logistical support
  • World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF), support to publish The forests of Taraba and Adamawa states, Nigeria. An ecological account and plant species checklist. Chapman JD & Chapman HM (2001)
  • Primates Inc, chimpanzee ecology research support, awarded to Paul Dutton (PhD student), chimpanzee genetics research support, awarded to Alex Knight (MSc student)
  • Ford Motor Company Conservation and Environmental Grants for student research and logistical support
  • Explorers Club, for student research into the conservation genetics of rare trees, awarded to Josh Thia (MSc student)
  • Chester Zoo Studentship Grant, for student research into the conservation genetics of rare trees, awarded to Josh Thia (MSc student)
  • NZ Institute of University Women, for student research into forest restoration, awarded to Sasha Roselli (MSc student)
  • British High Commission, Abjua, Low Carbon High Growth grant for a fully automated weather station 


Community Grants
  • T Y Danjuma Taraba State Community Fund, for teacher training and playground equipment for the nursery school
  • Exxon Mobil, funding for the Esso Mobil Nursery School in Yelwa village, funding for the nursery school bore hole
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