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Postgraduate opportunities

06 December 2023

Southeast Asian postgraduate students from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam have studied a variety of programmes at UC. Find out about postgraduate opportunities at our Southeast Asia Research Initiative.


Over the years, Southeast Asian postgraduate students from Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam have studied at UC, in a variety of programmes. At the Masters level, students can specialise in International Relations and Diplomacy, in the MIRAD programme. Or students can specialise in Public Policy and Governance, in the MPAG programme. In these two programmes, students undertake both coursework and a dissertation, on a topic of their choice, in consultation with supervisors. The MIRAD and MPAG can be taken as a 12 month degree, or as an 18 month degree. We also offer an MA by thesis. There is no coursework in this degree, rather, students, in conjunction with their supervisors, choose a topic for a more intensive research-orientated thesis. We also offer a PhD by thesis. Normally a three year degree, the PhD allows students to focus intensely on a topic they choose together with their supervisors. A PhD often includes field research, and the completed thesis may be further refined and published as a book.

Our staff based at UC are happy to supervise work on Southeast Asia in a wide variety of areas.


Research interests 

Political Parties, Elections and Democracy

Political Economy and Development

Civil-Military Relations

Local Politics

Nationalism, Religion, Ethnicity, and Identity

Information Science, including Health information seeking/searching

Human computer interaction

You are also welcome to propose other topics.


SEARI postgraduate student community

Interact with our postgraduate community through the SEARI Facebook page. Many of our SEARI postgraduate students are also active in the Southeast Asian New Zealand Studies group. The SEA-NZ Studies group includes postgraduate students from across New Zealand who are working on topics related to Southeast Asia

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