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Management, marketing and entrepreneurship

17 August 2023

UC's management, marketing and entrepreneurship researchers are working on Energy sector modelling, Sustainability and innovation, Water market management, and Engineering leadership and management. Check it out.


The Department of Management, Marketing and Tourism is one of the leading business departments in New Zealand. 

Our research in the area of Sustainability and Innovation includes Certification and Biodiversity, and Enhancing the Credibility and Value of ISO9000/14000 Certification.

The Water Markets Research Group, Wai Makete Rangahau Ropu (WMRG) is a group of researchers studying smart markets for hydrological resources. We have developed smart market concepts for ground and surface water, nitrate runoff, phosphorus runoff, sediment runoff, and impervious cover. The use of a smart market simplifies the process of reallocating water, solving the problems of “first come first served”, while ensuring environmental sustainability.

Research strengths

Energy sector modeling

Energy sector modeling focusses on various aspects of modelling the electricity sector.


Research centres and groups

  • Energy Modelling Research Group


Researchers and supervisors

Staff actively working in these areas are:

Sustainability and innovation

Areas of current research in sustainability and innovation include:

  • Certification and biodiversity
  • Enhancing the Credibility and Value of ISO9000/14000 Certification
  • ISO 14064 and the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)
  • Looking into the Crystal Ball: future diffusion of ISO 26000
  • Development of ISO 26000 through a multistakeholder dialogue
  • Do external audits add value to certified organisations?


Research centres and groups

  • Q21 Research Group: Sustainability and Innovation


Researchers and supervisors

Staff actively working in these areas are:

Water market management

Areas of current research in water market management include:

  • Smart markets for sediment and runoff
  • Smart markets for nitrate


Research centres and groups

  • Water Markets Research Group, Wai Makete Rangahau Ropu


Researchers and supervisors

Staff actively working in these areas are:

Engineering leadership and management

Areas of current research in engineering leadership and management include:

  • Knowledge management practices in NZ
  • Successful project management teams


Research centres and groups


Researchers and supervisors

Staff actively working in these areas are:

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