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Academic school or department

Chemical and Process Engineering Department

Te Tari Pūhanga Tukanga Matū

19 August 2023

Chemical and Process Engineers develop the most sustainable production pathways to provide society with water, food, energy, and consumer goods.

We are driven by a desire to make the world a materially better place. Optimising the production and manufacture of life’s necessities, we lift populations from absolute poverty, lessen human’s impact on the environment, and make the most of our natural resources.

Our engineers are also involved in cutting-edge industries including pharmaceuticals, environmental management, energy production and management, waste processing, alternative fuel production, and nanotechnology.

Where could a qualification in Chemical and Process Engineering take you?

Our research

Our world-leading experts are collaborating on ground-breaking research and development work. Find out what we are working on.

News and events

For more UC CAPE stories, see our News Archive

UC CAPE national news


Below are some national stories featuring UC CAPE research, UC CAPE graduates and start-up companies that are UC CAPE 'spinouts'.

Ivan Williams (CAPE graduate): The Next Chips to Transform EVs Could Be Made From Wood

ArcActive (CAPE spinout): Christchurch company developing cost effective home battery system

Zincovery (CAPE spinout): Zinc recyclers take on $17 billion market

Aspiring Materials (CAPE spinout): The ordinary rock we drive on holds a planet-saving secret

Jack Muir and Ken Morison (PhD candidate & supervisor): Prediction of calcium tartrate crystals in wine


Student stories
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