
Wananga landing Wananga landing

Evacuation Procedure: Erskine Building

10 July 2024

Mathematics & Statistics / 
Computer Science & Software Engineering Departments


University Staff

Floor Wardens are appointed to each floor area, but since they may be absent from the building at any time, any permanent staff member should be prepared to carry out the duties of any absent wardens during an emergency evacuation, as described below.

Hence, if the Floor Warden's armband has not already been taken up when you exit from your floor, then you should do so until relieved by the appointed Floor Warden.

The first floor warden to arrive at the evacuation control point should assume the role of the building warden until relieved by the appointed Building Warden or Deputy Building Warden, or until the Fire Service arrives.


Evacuation Routes and Safe Areas

The assembly area for evacuation of the Erskine building is the lawn area between Jack Erskine building and Okeover building on the south side of the building.

The evacuation routes are via the stairwells at each end of the Erskine building, which are the designated safe areas of this building and well-protected from fire.

Do not use the central stairway in the atrium for evacuation (unless the stairways at each end are blocked), since it is not protected from falling glass, and smoke is also vented into the atrium.


Evacuation Control and Floor Areas

The evacuation control point is on the ground floor of the east end stairwell of the Erskine building, where the blue evacuation control cabinet is located. The building is divided into separate floor areas, consisting generally of each side (i.e. north/south, or tower/teaching) at each level, whose evacuation is controlled by Floor Wardens. A red plaque on the wall at the west end of each floor shows the name of that floor area and holds the Floor Warden's armband.

  • Up to level 4, the floor areas on each level are designated as:


    Level n, North and Centre:

    rooms and offices in the tower block on the north side of Erskine,
    and the toilets adjoining the stairwell blocks at each end.

    Level n, South Side:

    rooms in the teaching block on the south side of Erskine.


  • Level 5 and Level 6:

    levels 5 and 6 of the tower block are separate floor areas.


  • Level 7, West EndLevel 7, Centre; and Level 7, East End:

    the three level 7 "pods" of the tower block are separate floor areas.



  • Proceed to the assembly area via the nearest stairway at either end of the Erskine building, by following the flashing green "EXIT" signs along the main corridors.
  • When evacuating from rooms on the ground floor, exit from the atrium via the main entrance on the north side of the Erskine building, directly to the assembly area.


Floor Warden's Duties
  • Put on the "Warden" armband located on the Floor Warden's plaque at the west end of the floor area.
  • Check the designated floor area, including all rooms, toilets, common areas and passageways, and ensure all persons are evacuated to the assembly area via the nearest stairway at either end of the building.
  • Ensure disabled persons are assisted to the stairwell landing at either end of the Erskine bilding and are assigned an escort to stay with them, who is capable of assisting them from the building if an immediate need arises (otherwise they will be evacuated by Fire Service personnel).
  • Floor Wardens should normally proceed from the west to the east end of their floor, closing all smoke stop doors on route, and should note to report to the Building Warden the location of any persons remaining on their floor area, including:
    • disabled persons and escorts;
    • fire control personnel;
    • persons trapped;
    • unchecked rooms (with locked doors).
  • Proceed to the evacuation control point on the ground floor of the east end stairwell, report the situation to the Building Warden, and remain there to await any further instructions.
  • Do not attempt to re-enter the building, nor allow others to do so, until authorized.


Building Warden's Duties
  • Notify the Fire Service by dialling the 111 Emergency Service.
  • Proceed to the evacuation control point on the ground floor of the east end stairwell, open the evacuation control cabinet, put on the Building Warden's red jacket, and take out the clipboard with the floor area Tally Sheet and the Building Assistance Register.
  • Receive reports from the Floor Wardens, noting all details on the Tally Sheet provided.
  • Note whether all persons on the Building Assistance Register are accounted for, or not.
  • Report all relevant details to the Fire Service on their arrival.
  • Do not allow anyone to re-enter the building until authorized.
  • Debrief staff following the emergency incident.
  • Note any deficiencies in the system (eg. defective fire alarm sirens, egress obstructions, staff behaviour, or any other defect), and report these to the University Safety Officer.

Kat Bell , CSSE department safety officer.
(Room 204, ext. 91234, ).

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