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Law and Criminal Justice support, academic advice and forms

08 November 2023

Student Advisors in the Faculty of Law can help you plan your degree or prepare special applications about your course of study in Law or Criminal Justice. From our location on campus to booking an appointment with an advisor, find out about Law and Criminal Justice support at UC.



Student advisors

Faculty of Law Student Advisors are located on Level 3, Meremere Building and individual appointments may be made by following the Book an Appointment link below.

Our advisors are happy to see you in person, give you a call or have a zoom appointment, please indicated your preference at the time of booking.

Note, no appointments are released further in the future than 14 days and we kindly ask you to cancel your appointment if you can no longer make it to allow another student to book with us.

Alternatively, you may also email us with your query.


Degree planning and completions (Law or Criminal Justice)       

  • Limited Fulltime forms for Studylink
  • Workload issues    
  • Pre-requisite failures

If you are studying a double degree other than the BCJ/LLB, it is important that you seek or have obtained advice on the requirements of your other degree.


First year student advice

For first year student advice, please contact Eurica Thapa and Meredith Sim at Eurica Thapa and Meredith Sim are the Kaitoko (Law and Criminal Justice) in Te Pātaka. When emailing, please include your eight-digit Student ID# and surname in the subject line.


Stuck Enrolment
  • If your enrolment is not progressing through the online system (e.g. for Waitlist, HOD Approval Required, Pre-Req failure, Change of Enrolment), then you may not need to see and advisor:, email about the issue.
  • For third time enrolment please email the Assistant Dean (Students) with a rationale for why this should be considered and what you will do to ensure success this time. 
  • For workload checks please attend an open-door advising session to see an Advisor.
  • When emailing, please include your eight-digit Student ID# and surname in the subject line.
Studylink / Limited Full Time
AKO | Learn access
  • Learn access is made available to students who are fully enrolled in courses and access at the start of the year is only available for Semester 1 (S1) and whole year (W) courses.  Access to Semester 2 courses will be made available no more than 10 days before the start of the course.

  2024 - 2025 COURSES

Undergraduate Extension Application

Assessment Extension Request - Power Apps

Reconsideration of Internal Mark Form

Reconsideration of Internal Mark Form

LLB Undergraduate Cover Sheet Online Submission

LLB Undergraduate Cover Sheet Online Submission

UCSA Flowchart Information

UCSA Assessment Re-Mark Flowchart

UCSA Special Consideration Process Flowchart

Book an appointment

Send us an email

You can email us at for queries to do with your degree, such as:

  • Enrolment issues, including prerequisite failures in UC Student Web when you have met prerequisites from previous study or credit transfers
  • To check if you will meet degree requirements (points check). If it is too complicated to determine this by email, we will ask you to book an appointment
  • Course selection options due to postponed or cancelled courses
  • Completed applications for exemptions
  • Other quick queries regarding your degree.


Before you come

Vicky's office is room 331, Nicole's office is room 367 and Simon's office is room 333 - on Level 3 of the Meremere building.


Faculty of Law reception

Our reception area is located on level three of Meremere on University Drive. It is open from 9.15am to 4pm, Monday to Friday.

You can deliver applications for processing to our level 3 reception area from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.

Such documents include:

  • Completed transfer or credit applications
  • Completed Exemption from prerequisite/Concurrent enrolment applications
  • Transcripts – the reception team can photocopy and verify these if we require them (and for transfer or credits).

You can cancel an appointment online or email your name, student ID and appointment date and time to

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