Our UC Scholarships Database covers all UC administered scholarships however there are many other scholarship and funding sources that are administered externally to UC.
The links below are to sites that offer a variety of scholarships / funding:
Our UC Scholarships Database covers all UC administered scholarships however there are many other scholarship and funding sources that are administered externally to UC.
The links below are to sites that offer a variety of scholarships / funding:
The following scholarships are some of those which have been sent to the Scholarships Office from external providers. Please note that the UC does not administer any of these scholarships so is unable to answer any queries on them - all queries must be directed to the organisation who is offering the scholarship in the link provided.
We aim to keep this information as up to date as possible but cannot guarantee its accuracy at all times.
When we are sent information on a new scholarship, these will be added to the top of the list, so keep coming back to check!
Scholarship Name | Scholarship Summary |
OneChoice Futures Grant | Value: Financial assistance up to $5,000. Details: To encourage the best people into the healthcare, business and finance industries. Applicants must be undergraduate full-time students studying for a certificate, diploma, degree or traineeship in any of the following areas: Business; Finance; Health. Applicants must be NZ citizens or permanent residents. Closing date: 31 October |
Val Plenty Memorial Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance of up to $2,000. Details: To encourage and support people based in South Canterbury, who want to train, or are already in-training to be a teacher. Applicants must be NZ citizens or permanent residents and their principal place of residence is in South Canterbury. Closing date: 31 March |
Potatoes New Zealand Bursary | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $2,000. Details: To encourage education, leadership and advancement in the potato industry. Applicants must be NZ citizens or permanent residents and whose studies related to and relevant for the potato industry. Closing date: 28 February |
Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust STEM Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance to the value of $10,000 (three available nationwide). Details: The Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust recognises that Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics will play an important part in the future success of Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Aotearoa. The three scholarships are open to university students in their third year and above studying in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Applicants must be a registered Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust member who resides in Aotearoa New Zealand and have a GPA of 6.5 or higher. Closing date: 31 March |
Zonta International Canterbury Tertiary Education Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance to the value of $3,000 per annum for up to three years. Details: This scholarship was established in 1990 by the Zonta Clubs of Christchurch-Canterbury to assist women undertaking a course of tertiary study. Applicants must be NZ residents living in Canterbury at the date of application, and have completed one year of tertiary study. Email for more details. Closing date: 31 March |
Horticulture NZ Undergraduate Scholarships | Value: Financial assistance of between $1,500 and $4,500 Details: Every year Horticulture New Zealand and the Horticentre Trust offer scholarships to students who have a special interest in the fruit and/or vegetable industry and are studying towards an undergraduate degree. The scholarship allows successful applicants to attend the 2025 Horticulture Conference. Closing date: 01 December 2024 |
Ngā Raumanako and Suzanne Spencer Memorial Māori Scholarships | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $5,000 (Ngā Raumanako) or $6,000 (Suzanne Spencer) Details: Two scholarships for tertiary students who are whakapapa Māori and are studying in their second or subsequent year of an accounting qualification. Closing date: 06 October 2024 |
Milford Community Charitable Trust Grant | Value: Varies Details: For people from the Milford, Canterbury area to enable them to undertake a tertiary or vocational education programme or life skills course. Applicants must either (a) be former pupils of the Milford School; (b) have parents or grandparents who were former pupils of Milford School; or (c) be residents of the Milford district as defined by the district boundaries decided by the trustees. Applications must be made Closing date: 4pm, 01 November 2024 |
Christian Broadcasting Association Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance to the value of $4,000. Details: The purpose of these scholarships is to encourage and support Christian students studying for a career in media. Study can be in media, communication, journalism, film, radio and audio engineering and applicants must be Aotearoa New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. Closing date: TBC |
Zespri Horticultural Scholarship | Value: Up to the value of $10,000 towards tuition fees over two years. Details: Applicants must be currently completing their first year of study towards a career in the horticulture industry. Closing date: 7 October |
Pat Shannon Scholarship | Value: Varies - scholarships will be awarded as one-off grants to successful honours students in their fourth year. For Master's, grants will be made in a series of progressive payments. Details: Looking for applicants with academic excellence, with special emphasis on mathematics, statistics, machine learning, or science; records should be accompanied by a recommendation from the university's relevant head of department. Applicants must have a commitment to working in genetics or machine/analytical learning, or any other area of interest to LIC. The student will use the scholarship grant to complete their final year of study, gaining a qualification that enables them to enrol in a PhD programme. Applicants must be a New Zealand citizen or resident, and legally able to work in New Zealand upon completion of their studies. Closing date: 28 November |
Manaaki Whenua Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $3,000. Details: The Tūhoe Tuawhenua Trust offers this scholarship in conjunction with Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua with the aim of promoting education, training and development of Tuawhenua people. The primary focus for the award of this scholarship is in the fields of forest ecology, indigenous forest management and environmental sciences and practices, however, other more general fields of study or development, such as mātauranga, leadership and management, may be considered eligible for the award. This scholarship is open to all people of the Tuawhenua. It is left to the applicant to demonstrate their link to the people, hapu and marae of the Tuawhenua. Closing date: 23 September |
New Horizons for Women | Hine Kahukura | Value: Varies but typically financial assistance from $1,000 to $3,000. Details: To benefit women who are continuing or coming back to a tertiary level qualification or trade training, and who may not have had the most straightforward path to education. Applicants must be Aotearoa New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. Closing date: 23 August |
The Fergusson Fund Media Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $10,000 for one year; plus up to 3 weeks work placement with the Taranaki Daily News. Details: To support students in/or from Taranaki pursuing studies in journalism, photography, or media related fields. Closing date: Applications and supporting documents must be submitted to Taranaki Foundation by 31 October (scholarship launches 21 July) |
The Reserve Bank of NZ Scholarships and Internships | Value: Financial assistance of between $3,000 and $10,000. Details: Applicants must be studying full time at a New Zealand university, ideally majoring in economics, finance, mathematics, law and or accounting, and attaining at least a B+ grade average. Also have scholarships available specifically for women, Māori or Pacific applicants. Closing date: TBC |
The TTTM Charitable Trust Scholarship | Value: Scholarship recipients will be advised of the funding terms and conditions. Details: Applicants must be enrolled full-time or part-time in under-graduate or post-graduate science programs. Preference will be given to New Zealand citizens, but applicants without this status will also be considered. The Scholarship will be awarded for one year study. Successful applicants have the option of applying to the Trustee for a continuation of the scholarship annually until the course of study is complete. Closing date: 30 September |
Keystone Trust NZ | Value: $5,500 per year Details: Engineering, Property Law, Urban Planning, Building Science, among others. Closing date: 1 August |
Sumner Ferrymead Foundation Science Scholarship | Value: Financial asssistance of up to $5,000 Details: Applicants must be studying in the Sciences (excludes 1st year students) and have resided in the Sumner / Ferrymead catchment area during their last 3 years of secondary school. Closing date: 06 April |
Sumner Ferrymead Foundation Health Sciences Scholarship | Value: Financial asssistance of up to $5,000 Details: Applicants must be studying in the Health Sciences (excludes 1st year students) and have resided in the Sumner / Ferrymead catchment area during their last 3 years of secondary school. Closing date: 06 April |
Sumner Ferrymead Foundation Humanities Scholarship | Value: Financial asssistance of up to $5,000 Details: Applicants must be studying in the Humanities (excludes 1st year students) and have resided in the Sumner / Ferrymead catchment area during their last 3 years of secondary school. Closing date: 06 April |
Betty Loughhead Soroptimist Scholarship | Value: up to $5,000 Details: To assist women intending to pursue an educational programme for the purpose of gaining a qualification that will enable them to enter or re-enter the workforce; or change in occupations. Closing date: 31 August |
BCG Scholarships & Early Intake Program | Value: $20,000 in scholarship funding, a mentor through the remainder of your studies, and a full-time graduate job offer with BCG Australia and New Zealand. Details: For driven, curious students from all backgrounds who are excited by a challenge and want to have a positive impact on their communities, whether local, national, or global. Closing date: 26 July |
The Don Linklater Memorial Bursary | Value: $8,000 for one year Details: Applicants must be studying at an undergraduate or postgraduate level in a field relevant to Horizons work. Relevant areas include; resource management, environmental planning, environmental engineering and modelling with particular emphasis on river and drainage basin dynamics. Closing date: 21 April |
Deloitte Māori Trust and Incorporations | Education Grants and Scholarships | Value: Varies. Details: All applicants must be able to provide verified whakapapa to confirm their connection to the specific Trust or Incorporation. You only need to register once, and you will then be able to access all online grants you are eligible by whakapapa to apply to. Closing date: Various |
New Zealand Seniors Aged Care Futures Grant | Value: $5,000 Details: Applicants must NZ Citizens or Permanent Residents and be studying full-time in a course related to Aged Care; Aged Care Nursing; Dementia Care; Disabilities Care; or any other courses leading to similar careers as an aged carer. Closing date: 31 October |
GCSB Women in STEM Scholarship | Value: $10,000, which can be spread over three years depending on your study plans. NB: no more than $5,000 will be allocated in any one year. Details: Applicants must be NZ Citizens or Permanent Resident students who identify as female, studying full-time in their second, or subsequent year of study (including Honours and Masters students) in a degree majoring in STEM disciplines including computer science, cyber security, technology, mathematics, computer engineering, and data science. Closing date: 1 October |
LineTrust South Canterbury Scholarship | Value: up to $5,000 Details: Applicants must be NZ Citizens or Permanent Residents that have residency in South Canterbury or have attended a South Canterbury secondary school. The degree pursued is required to be energy-related, aligning with the electricity distribution sector including in computer science; mathematics; data analytics; electronic or electrical engineering; sustainability. Closing date: 15 September |
Sir Robert Jones’ Refugee Daughters’ Scholarship 2025 | Value: Tuition fees for full-time study until the completion of the degree, and some accommodation assistance may be available - check scholarship details. Details: This scholarship assists young women from refugee backgrounds who aspire to complete a university degree, but who may be denied the opportunity because of their financial circumstances. Applicants must be young women (18-28 years of age at 1 Jan 2025) from refugee backgrounds who are permanent residents or citizens of Aotearoa New Zealand. Closing date: 14 July |
The Patrick Shannon Scholarship | Value: $5,000 (honours) and $10,000 (masters) Details: For students in a final year of study in Honours or a Masters qualification in the areas mathematics/statistics or bioinformatics to encourage them to complete a PhD with emphasis on Genetics or a related animal science field, and at the same time develop an interest in a career with LIC students. Closing date: 28 November |
Port of Tauranga Scholarships (Nga Matarae and Turirangi Te Kani Memorial Scholarship) | Value: $1,500 per annum for up to 3 years Details: Applicants need to be undertaking study in a discipline that will benefit the wellbeing of Te Awanui Tauranga Harbour and be descendants of Tauranga Moana iwi (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Pūkenga) or will have affiliation with Tauranga Iwi and have been resident (but allowing for schooling or University study outside the area) within the Tauranga Moana Trust Board area for the last five years. Closing date: 7 February |
The Lonsdale Scholarships | Value: up to $2,000 per annum for up to 3 years. Details: Applicants must be male students who attended state primary and or secondary schools in Nelson for three years and are intending to enrol in a course of study at University of Canterbury. Closing date: November |
The Louisa Roper Scholarships | Value: up to $3,000 per grant for the first year, up to $6,000 for the 2nd year and up to $8,000 for the 3rd year. Details: Applicants must have attended Avonside Girls High School, Papanui High School or Ashburton College during any part of their final year of secondary education and undertaking study in the Arts - primarily modern languages other than English. Closing date: November |
The Carterton District Trust Scholarship | Value: up to $1,200 for the first year, up to $1,000 for the 2nd year and up to $800 for the 3rd year Details: Applicants must have at any time resided within the boundaries of the districts of Carterton and Wairarapa South and should be starting or have started their tertiary course of study within three years of leaving school. Closing date: November |
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship | Value: A successful applicant will receive a club award of $500 and then their application will be forwarded for consideration for the national award which is US$5000 plus NZ$1000. Details: Applicants must be women who are studying in a business-related field, and who demonstrate outstanding potential in that field (accounting, economics, finance, business management, business technology, information technology, marketing, operations management, human resources management, international business, or entrepreneurship at an accredited university/college/institute). They must be enrolled in at least the second year of an undergraduate program through the final year of a master’s program at the time the application, and are graduating after April 2025. Closing date: 10 July |
Scholarship Name | Scholarship Summary |
Graduate Women NZ (GWNZ) Fellowships | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $10,000. Details: To provide recognition and financial assistance to outstanding female degree graduates who undertake doctoral study. Applicants must be NZ citizens or permanent residents. Closing date: 31 May |
Graduate Women NZ (GWNZ) Harriette Jenkins Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $5,000. Details: To encourage members of GWNZ to undertake research. Applicants must be an active member of GWNZ and have been a member for at least two full years, must be undertaking a research project or research degree with in an approved tertiary institution in New Zealand or overseas, and be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident. Closing date: 31 May |
Graduate Women NZ (GWNZ) Susan Byrne Memorial Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $10,000. Details: To assist mature women (over 35 years) to change career through study or research. Applicants must be female degree graduate, who is confirmed for doctoral study and a NZ citizen or permanent resident. Closing date: 31 May |
Potatoes New Zealand Bursary | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $2,000. Details: To encourage education, leadership and advancement in the potato industry. Applicants must be NZ citizens or permanent residents and whose studies related to and relevant for the potato industry. Closing date: 28 February |
Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust STEM Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance to the value of $10,000 (three available nationwide). Details: The Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust recognises that Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics will play an important part in the future success of Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Aotearoa. The three scholarships are open to university students in their third year and above studying in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Applicants must be a registered Tūwharetoa Settlement Trust member who resides in Aotearoa New Zealand and have a GPA of 6.5 or higher. Closing date: 31 March |
Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) in Global Change Ecology & Biodiversity Management | Value: All participation fees, and provide a monthly stipend of 1,400€ to cover expenses such as living costs, accommodation, travel etc. Details: For graduates who are passionate about biodiversity and want to learn how to implement conservation and environmental management practices. Two year programme, taught in English. Delivered by Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, together with Bangor University (UK), Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), and Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala (Mexico). Candidates from a range of disciplinary backgrounds are encouraged to apply, as long as they can demonstrate academic excellence and a passion for the ecological, social, economic and political challenges posed by contemporary environmental change. Closing date: 16 December |
Sadie Balkind Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance to the value of $12,500 for one year. Details: Supports a successful student to undertake fulltime postgraduate study below PhD level at either the University of Canterbury, Lincoln University or Ara Institute of Canterbury. It is open to female New Zealand citizens who have demonstrated high academic achievement. Closing date: 13 December |
Horticulture NZ Undergraduate Scholarships | Value: Financial assistance of up to $10,000 Details: Every year Horticulture New Zealand and the New Zealand Fruitgrowers Charitable Trust each offer one scholarship to a postgraduate student studying in New Zealand. These scholarships support students undertaking postgraduate study focused on innovation and tackling challenges critical to the horticulture industry's future success. Closing date: 01 December 2024 |
1000minds Scholarships | Value: Financial asssistance up to the value of USD$2,000 Details: 2 scholarships available: (a) The 1000minds decision-making scholarship is awarded for a research project by a post-graduate student about or involving the use of multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) / multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and (b) The 1000minds conjoint analysis scholarship is awarded for a research project by a post-graduate student about or involving the use of conjoint analysis, choice modeling or a discrete choice experiment (DCE). Applications are open to post-graduate students, e.g. Masters or PhD, enrolled at any university worldwide. Applicants must be the lead researcher on the research project (e.g. their thesis, dissertation, etc). Closing date: 01 December |
Value: The value of the scholarship may be as high as $65,000 and is dependent on the course of study and other factors. Details: To encourage and promote women as future leaders of New Zealand business and society. Open to women applicants who wish to undertake full-time Masters or Doctoral studies with preference being given to the subject areas of political studies, economics, business or law. Applicants must be either a New Zealand citizen or permanently resident in New Zealand. Closing date: 17 January | |
Birds NZ Funding & Awards | Value: Varies - scholarship and research grants available. Details: Birds New Zealand is committed to the study of birds and their habitat use within New Zealand through encouraging members and organising projects and schemes. Funding and scholarships available for full-time post grad students conducting research in ornithology. Closing date: 30 March or 15 June - depending on scholarship/grant |
Pat Shannon Scholarship | Value: Varies - scholarships will be awarded as one-off grants to successful honours students in their fourth year. For Master's, grants will be made in a series of progressive payments. Details: Looking for applicants with academic excellence, with special emphasis on mathematics, statistics, machine learning, or science; records should be accompanied by a recommendation from the university's relevant head of department. Applicants must have a commitment to working in genetics or machine/analytical learning, or any other area of interest to LIC. The student will use the scholarship grant to complete their final year of study, gaining a qualification that enables them to enrol in a PhD programme. Applicants must be a New Zealand citizen or resident, and legally able to work in New Zealand upon completion of their studies. Closing date: 28 November |
The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation (NEAF) Grants | Value: Varies depending on the Grant Details: Various grants available for travel, research and conferences. Applicants must be honours students, a student undertaking a higher degree or postdoctoral early career researcher. Applicants must be part of an Australian or New Zealand University as a student, researcher, tutor, research assistant or affiliate or have held such a position within the last ten years. Applicants must be undertaking research in the archaeology of Egypt, Cyprus or Western Asia. Applicants may apply for more than one of the grants for the dame research project funding. The Catherine Southwell-Keely Travel Grant, The Leone Crawford Travel Grant, The Sam Eames Grant-in-Aid, and General Grants-in-Aid. Closing date: 16 September |
Manaaki Whenua Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $3,000. Details: The Tūhoe Tuawhenua Trust offers this scholarship in conjunction with Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua with the aim of promoting education, training and development of Tuawhenua people. The primary focus for the award of this scholarship is in the fields of forest ecology, indigenous forest management and environmental sciences and practices, however, other more general fields of study or development, such as mātauranga, leadership and management, may be considered eligible for the award. This scholarship is open to all people of the Tuawhenua. It is left to the applicant to demonstrate their link to the people, hapu and marae of the Tuawhenua. Closing date: 23 September |
Tūpuna Maunga Research Scholarship | Value: A funding pool of $10,000 is available annually to support research projects across the Tūpuna Maunga. Details: To support research that aligns with the Tūpuna Maunga Values, enhancing and protecting the mauri and wairua of the Tūpuna Maunga. Applications are open to research from a range of fields including conservation, archaeology, creative arts, urban-planning, and design, applied sciences, social sciences, cultural heritage, business, and commercial studies. Research must align with the Tūpuna Maunga Authority Research Policy and approved project list. Applicants must be Aotearoa New Zealand citizens or permanent residents. Closing date: 25 September |
Stocker Scholarship | Value: Grants of up to $5,000for one year are available. Details: This grant offers research support for post-graduate students at the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University undertaking conservation or environmental related projects in Canterbury. The grants are intended to help with, for example, the purchase of equipment, costs of laboratory tests or travel to carry out field work. Closing date: 31 October |
Coastal Restoration Trust Post-graduate Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance to the value of $2,000 to assist with an individual's postgraduate level research to improve knowledge in the field of coastal restoration. Staff and students are also welcome to attend the annual conference with highly subsidised registration fees for students. Details: To assist with an individual’s post-graduate level research to improve knowledge in the field of coastal restoration. Closing date: 14 February |
Arthritis NZ External Research Grants | Value: Up to $80,000 over a one-to-two year period. Details: To engage and support researchers or professionals in Aotearoa New Zealand working in the wider arthritis research field who are based in academia, health service provision or other types of institutional organisations. Research projects must be clearly related to arthritis with the precise topic to be determined by applicants. Research projects should aim to be translational in nature and clearly align with Arthritis NZ’s research objectives and Research Action Plan for 2021-2023 (please note this Plan is currently being updated.) The application process for External Research Grants is comprised of a two-stage process. Closing date: EOI (Stage One) of the process is due 28 February 2025. |
Arthritis NZ Mateponapona Aotearoa Summer Scholarships | Value: Financial assistance to the value of $6,000. Details: to engage and support students in research in the area of arthritis under the supervision of an experienced research professional working in academia, health service provision or other types of institutional organisations. Arthritis NZ uses its research funding programme to achieve four key objectives, including to contribute to the body of research that seeks to determine the cause of arthritis, prevention of arthritis, improvement of early diagnosis, and treatment of all forms of arthritis. The Summer Scholarships are granted for small research projects with the intention of enabling students to develop valuable research skills. Projects are to be undertaken over the course of a 10–12-week period. NB: Applications are to be completed and received from supervisors of research projects. Closing date: 05 August |
The Fergusson Fund Media Scholarship | Value: Financial assistance up to the value of $10,000 for one year; plus up to 3 weeks work placement with the Taranaki Daily News. Details: To support students in/or from Taranaki pursuing studies in journalism, photography, or media related fields. Closing date: Applications and supporting documents must be submitted to Taranaki Foundation by 31 October (scholarship launches 21 July) |
The TTTM Charitable Trust Scholarship | Value: Scholarship recipients will be advised of the funding terms and conditions. Details: Applicants must be enrolled full-time or part-time in under-graduate or post-graduate science programs. Preference will be given to New Zealand citizens, but applicants without this status will also be considered. The Scholarship will be awarded for one year study. Successful applicants have the option of applying to the Trustee for a continuation of the scholarship annually until the course of study is complete. Closing date: 30 September |
He Whenua Taurikura Master’s and PhD scholarships | Value: Masters = up to $15,000 for one year; PhD = up to $44,000 pa and tuition fees for up to 3 years. Details: To encourage and support postgraduate research on countering and preventing terrorism and violent extremism or building social cohesion in the context of Aotearoa New Zealand. Closing date: 31 October |
The Don Linklater Memorial Bursary | Value: $8,000 for one year Details: Applicants must be studying at an undergraduate or postgraduate level in a field relevant to Horizons work. Relevant areas include; resource management, environmental planning, environmental engineering and modelling with particular emphasis on river and drainage basin dynamics. Closing date: 21 April |
Amelia Earhart Fellowship | Value: USD$10,000 Details: Women of any nationality pursuing a Ph.D./doctoral degree who demonstrate a superior academic record conducting research applied to aerospace engineering or space sciences are eligible. Closing date: 15 November |
ANZMES Grant and Scholarship Programme | Value: up to $25,000 Details: Applicants must NZ Citizens or Permanent Residents who are enrolled in postgraduate study/research on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) or ME/CFS and Long COVID within a Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, Faculty of Public Health, Faculty of Health, Faculty of Exercise & Sport Science. Closing date: 31 July |
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | Value: up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for living costs for the Master’s programme, plus possible internship on completion. Details: Supports young women studying in nuclear related fields relevant to the IAEA’s work to advance the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology such as nuclear engineering, nuclear physics and chemistry, nuclear medicine, isotopic techniques, radiation biology, nuclear safety, nuclear security, non-proliferation and nuclear law. Closing date: 30 September |
The Kate Sheppard Memorial Award | Value: $2,500 Details: An annual award to provide an opportunity for a woman to develop her potential by undertaking further education, study, research or training in areas which are of value in the community of New Zealand. Closing date: 30 June |
Our Seas Our Future Scholarship | Value: $2,500 Details: For postgraduate students undertaking Master's of PhD research in the areas of Marine Science related to our core mission: Fisheries (SSN), Pollution (PFNZ), Marine Protected Areas (MMR), or Climate Change (CAN). Closing date: 15 July |
GCSB Women in STEM Scholarship | Value: $10,000, which can be spread over three years depending on your study plans. NB: no more than $5,000 will be allocated in any one year. Details: Applicants must be NZ Citizens or Permanent Resident students who identify as female, studying full-time in their second, or subsequent year of study (including Honours and Masters students) in a degree majoring in STEM disciplines including computer science, cyber security, technology, mathematics, computer engineering, and data science. Closing date: 1 October |
The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme | Value: Annual stipend of HK$331,200 and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,800 (approximately US$1,760) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. Details: This scheme aims to attract the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in one of Hong Kong's eight universities. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding qualities of academic performance, research ability / potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities. Closing date: 1 December |
Ireland Fellows Programme | Value: this award covers programme fees, flights, accommodation and living costs for a one year Masters programme in Ireland. Details: Specific areas are confirmed each year and students from certain Pacific nations are eligible to apply. A range of different strands are offered under the Programme. Each strand has a different focus in terms of eligible countries and subject areas. Please read carefully to check which programme you are eligible for. Study areas can be environmental leadership; food security; marine management; engineering; science and technology; development studies; international relations; law; human rights; gender and equality; health; education; information systems; social policy; and business. Closing date: 30 July |
LineTrust South Canterbury Scholarship | Value: up to $5,000 Details: Applicants must be NZ Citizens or Permanent Residents that have residency in South Canterbury or have attended a South Canterbury secondary school. The degree pursued can be MSc in an energy-related, aligning with the electricity distribution sector including in computer science; mathematics; data analytics; electronic or electrical engineering; sustainability. Closing date: 15 September |
Neurological Foundation Postgraduate Student Scholarships | Value: includes stipend and tuition fees for up to three years of full-time PhD thesis enrolment and more. Details: For NZ Citizen or Permanent Resident students undertaking a PhD in basic or clinical neuroscience. Closing date: 1 October |
New Zealand Sexual Health Society (NZSHS) Research Scholarship | Value: $5,000 (Honours) or $10,000 (Masters) for one year Details: To support domestic students academically excellent students to complete a research project on a sexual health related topic. Closing date: 15 December |
The Patrick Shannon Scholarship | Value: $5,000 (honours) and $10,000 (masters) Details: For students in a final year of study in Honours or a Masters qualification in the areas mathematics/statistics or bioinformatics to encourage them to complete a PhD with emphasis on Genetics or a related animal science field, and at the same time develop an interest in a career with LIC students. Closing date: 28 November |
Āheitanga Thesis Scholarship | Value: $10,000 for one year Details: For university students of Māori descent who are working on (or are planning to work on) an Honours, Masters or PhD thesis in economic or public policy research in Aotearoa. Closing date: 15 September |