
Wananga landing
Wananga landing

Global Exchange - Partner institutions

21 December 2023

UC's study abroad and exchange programme has arrangements with universities in Asia, Europe, North America, South America, and Australia. Check out our Global Exchange - Partner Institution details.



Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)


Tsinghua University

  • For students taking courses taught in Chinese mandarin, they shall pass HSK band six as the minimum entry requirement.
  • Computer Science is not available. 


University of Hong Kong

  • See details at University of Hong Kong Exchange programme website.
  • All papers taught in English, except courses offered by the Department of Chinese.
  • Please check information on course restrictions and offerings at HKU. 
  • Business and Economics courses is competitive. See further information about the course restrictions on Business and Economics courses.
  • Due to limited capacity in and strong demand for housing, competition for accommodation at HKU is intensive and cannot be guaranteed.


University of Nottingham Ningbo China

  • Courses taught in English available.
  • Scholarships from University of Nottingham and the Ningbo Government may be available. Please note that it will be your responsibility to check the regulations of the Scholarships to find out whether you are allowed to receive other financial support for your exchange, such as the UC Outbound Exchange Award (if available).


Zhejiang Gongshang University

  • Courses in Chinese as a foreign language only.
  • Information available from the UC Business School at 


Akita International University

  • All papers taught in English (except Japanese language courses).
  • See information on Akita's exchange programme website. 
  • Commerce students will receive priority


Bunkyo University

  • Intensive Japanese language programme
  • Japanese majors only.
  • One year exchange commencing in Semester 1 only (April intake at Bunkyo).
  • Special appliation deadline applicable, see UC Student Exchange programme for details.


Kwansei Gakuin University

  • Japanese language students receive priorty.
  • Students are required to have mastery of the basic Japanese syllabary of hiragana and katakana by the commencement of the exchange period. Students who wish to enrol in regular courses taught in Japanese at KGU must be fluent in the Japanese language. Please contact the Japanese department at UC for more information on the language requirements.
  • Courses in some subjects are taught in English.
  • Special appliation deadline applicable, see website of UC Student Exchange programme for details.

Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

  • for Commerce students only. 

Waseda University

  • Japanese majors will receive priority.
  • Intensive Japanese language programme. A programme is also available for those with limited Japanese. Those with very advanced Japanese may be able to enrol in standard university courses if they meet the required Japanese proficiency level.
  • One year exchange commencing in Semester 1 only (April intake at Waseda).
  • Special appliation deadline applicable, see UC Student Exchange programme for details.

Yonsei University

  •  Some Arts courses taught in English.

Taylor's University

  • Commerce students receive priority.
  • April's intake is not recommended if you intend to return to UC for Semester 2 after your exchange as the semester ends in August. 

National University of Singapore (NUS)

  • All courses in English.
  • To be considered for an exchange to NUS, students need to have achieved a B average and no single grade below grade C. 
  • Students are encouraged to go to NUS in NUS' Semester 2 (January intake, UC's Semester 1) as entry to courses and getting a place on-campus accommodation are less competitive compared to NUS Semester 1 (August intake, UC's Semester 2).
  • Course restrictions apply at NUS.
  • Exchange to NUS is not open to Commerce and Law students. 
  • NUS Computer Science, Economics, Psychology and Political Science courses are extremely popular and oversubscribed and the probability of securing these courses is low. Course availability cannot be guaranteed. Students who wish to enrol in these courses might not be able to secure their required number of courses in these disciplines and need to  consider alternative modules offered by other departments/schools during application.  
  • Students need to meet the GPA requirement of the UC Student Exchange programme and cannot have achieved a grade below C for all courses completed at UC. 
  • Engineering students - you are required to have minimum GPA of 5.4 on a 9.0 scale to be considered for the exchange programme with NUS.
  • Undergraduate courses at NUS range from Level 1000 (module code starting with “1” for Year 1) to Level 4000 (module code starting with “4” for Year 4). Level 4000 modules are mostly reserved for NUS graduating students and only very limited places are available for exchange students. It is important that you check the the list of limited or restricted modules (courses) and list of courses offered to exchange students . Level 5000 and above are graduate (postgraduate) courses which are not open to undergraduate exchange students. The Level 2 and above courses usually require pre-requisites and exchange students have to fulfill these requirements.


Singapore Management University (SMU)

  • Undergraduate only.
  • Courses in English. Please visit SMU's website for course information.
  • The School of Accountancy at SMU offers very limited courses to exchange students, so if the student is an Accountancy major, the student must contact the academic advisors to check if there are sufficient Accountancy courses for course registration. Please note that courses that are marked as "applicable to SMU undergraduate students only" are not open to exchange students.
  • Exchange students going to SMU are advised to follow SMU's advice on seeking private accommodation.

National Taiwan University

  • Engineering only.


WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

  • Commerce students only.
  • Courses taught in English are available.
  • Students who wish to commence their exchange at WU in Semester 2 need to be very flexible with their course choices as entry to courses taught in English in Winter semester (WU time) is competitive. Availability of specific courses cannot be guaranteed.
  • Courses taught in German requires a high level of proficiency in German.



University of Antwerp (UAntwerp)

  • Bachelor of Commerce students only. 

Aarhus University - School of Business and Social Sciences


Copenhagen Business School (CBS)


Danish School of Media and Journalism

  • Media and Communications students only.


University of Copenhagen

  • Arts, Science and Law. Please note that the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagent only offers a limited number of places on certain courses to exchange students.
  • Law students: students who wish to study Law at Copenhagen on exchange will need to have gained at least 180 UC points in Law prior to the exchange commences at Copenhagen.
  • Many courses taught in English.
  • Subjects not offered at Copenhagen: Business, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Management, Engineering and Design.

Aalto University School of Business

  • Commerce students only.
  • Many courses are offered in English.
  • Semester 1 start (UC time) is recommended, due to better accommodation availability and capacity in courses.
  • Undergraduate programs are offered in Otaniemi Campus (main campus of Aalto University, 9 km from downtown) and the graduate level programs are in downtown Töölö Campus.
  • Currently students going to Aalto on exchange are required to travel to Sydney for the visa application for Finland (you must however check with the Finnish consulate for the most up to date advice prior to arranging travel for the visa application). Students cannot apply for the visa until after they have been accepted by the partner university.
  • You are responsible for arranging and funding travel to Sydney for this purpose, as well as for all fees associated with the visa. UC cannot provide immigration/ visa advice and you must always contact the relevant consulate or embassy for visa queries.
  • Check out what Exchange life at Aalto is like in the videos below. 


Exchange studies at Aalto University - YouTube


University of Helsinki

  • Media and Communications students receive priority.


Audencia Nantes School of Management


Sciences Po Aix-en-Provence 

  • You should check availability of courses taught in English very carefully. Most courses are taught in French. 
  • High level of French required. However, taking acadeic courses taught in French is not recommended. 
  • Must have completed four semesters of study prior to commencement of exchange.


Institute of Political Studies, Paris (Sciences Po)

  • Courses available in both English and French. See Sciences Po Paris's exchange programme website for details. 
  • Subject areas open to exchange students can be found on the website above. 
  • This exchange is a good option for students with limited or no background in French, as many courses are offered in English. Note that taking acadeic courses taught in French is not recommended. 
  • Must have completed four semesters of study prior to commencement of exchange.
  • Students wishing to complete a major in any particular subject should check the likely availability of courses. Note that there may not be sufficient courses available at Sciences Po-Paris for students wishing to gain credits towards some majors: e.g. English.



German Sport University

  • for students doing Bachelor of Sport Coaching.


Konstanz University

  • German and Linguistics students only.
  • Note that the semester dates of Konstanz may not fit well in UC's academic calendar. The Summer semester at Konstanz runs from March/April until the end of July. Exams for courses in Economics and Psychology take place in August. You are advised to check the dates on Konstanz's website carefully and discuss this with your departments and lecturers to find out if you are allowed to return to UC late for Semester 2 before you apply for the exchange.


University of Freiburg

  • High level of German language required.
  • Areas of study not available to exchange students: Psychology, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Molecular Medicine, English-taught Master programs.


WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management

  • Commerce students only.
  • Semester 2 start (Fall semester of WHU) is not recommended
  • 80% of undergraduate courses are taught in English.
  • Find out what it's like to be an Exchange student at WHU at WHU's Youtube Channel

Univesrity of Limerick

- Note that on campus accommodation at Limerick is not guaranteed.


  • Postgraduate students studying Earthquake Engineering.


University of Perugia

  • For postgraduate research students in Civil Engineering only. Special arrangements will be required and please contact Dr Pedro Lee at the Civil and Natural Resources Engineering department in the first instance. 

Delft University of Technology

  • Civil Engineering students only. 
  • Limited capacity for accommodation.


Radboud University

  • Limited capacity for accommodation.
  • Arts, Commerce and Law students only. 

    See courses offered by:
    • Radboud University Nijmegen School of Management
    • Radboud University Faculty of Arts
    • Radboud University Faculty of Social Sciences
    • Radboud School of Law
  • Law students:
    • Many courses are offered in English
    • Law students will need to have gained at least 120 points in Law before the exchange commences. Students are recommended to take courses at bachelor degree level. If students wish to take advanced courses in Law, they are normally required to have completed 320 points in Law.
    • Study during some semesters may include a compulsory course.


Tilburg University 

  • Commerce and Law students only. 
  • You must have completed at least 4 semesters, preferrably 5 semesters of study within a relevant field of studies (economics, business, law, social & behavioral sciences, humanities, theology) prior to commencement of exchange. 
  • Limited capacity for accommodation.

Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics (Catholic University of Portugal)

  • Commerce students only.
  • Please see: information on Católica-Lisbon (UC School of Business and Economics website), including courses, semester structure, living in Lisbon, etc.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (The Higher School of Translation and Interpretation)

  • This exchange is not currently available. 

Pompeu Fabra University

  • only January start (Semester 1 UC time) is available. It is not possible to go to Pompeu Fabra in Semester 2 (UC time).
  • Commerce students only.
  • Many courses are offered in English.

University of Navarra (School of Economics and Business Administration)

  • Commerce students only.
  • Information for exchange students (University of Navarra's website)
  • Some courses are taught in English.
  • Exchange students at the School of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Navarra could pursue a whole semester of Business courses in English and at the same time study Spanish Language at the Institute of Spanish Language and Culture of the University of Navarra. The Institute of Spanish Language and Culture (ILCE) is an institution independent of the School of Economics and Business Administration, therefore not all the courses they offer are free of charge for the exchange students. If you need further information on this, please contact University of Navarra (School of Economics and Business Administration).
  • Please also see:

University of Granada - Spanish language students receive priority for this exchange. 

Lund University

  • Many courses taught in English.
  • Each course has specific admission requirements. Before you committ to applying for an exhange to Lund, please read the specific course requirements carefully on the Lund's website of the relevant department (either in the course description or the syllabus), to ensure that you meet the requirements of the courses you wish to take at Lund. Most courses require that students already have a background in the subject - at least one year of full-time studies in the subject area (120 UC points) in order to be eligible for admission. Lund's decision on whether or not you are eligible for the courses you wish to attend is based on your Transcripts of Record. Please also read about Lund's admission requirements for exchange courses on their website carefully.
  • Students should also be aware that many courses have a cap on the number of places available, and that it may in some cases be difficult to change a programme of courses once pre-approval from Lund has been granted.
  • Restrictions:
    Law: Students must have the equivalent of 300 points (3 years full time studies) within the field of law to be eligible. You are also required to have completed 3 years of full-time study (360 points) prior to the exchange to meet the entry requirements. Please see the information on eligibility for law courses.
  • Currently students going to Sweden on exchange may be required to travel to Canberra for the visa application for Sweden (you must however check with the Swedish Embassy for the most up to date advice prior to arranging travel for the visa application). 
  • There is strong competition for accommodation in Lund and you must check with Lund's exchange website to find out what options may be available and the advice they have for exchange student
  • Take a virtual tour of Lund University and the city.


Lund University School of Economics & Management (LUSEM)

  • For Commerce students only. 
  • See further information on LUSEM's Exchange website
  • Currently students going to Sweden on exchange may be required to travel to Canberra for the visa application for Sweden (you must however check with the Swedish Embassy for the most up to date advice prior to arranging travel for the visa application). 
  • There is strong competition for accommodation in Lund and you must check with Lund's exchange website to find out what options may be available and the advice they have for exchange students. 


Stockholm University – Department of Law

  • For Law Students only.

University of Bath

  • Subjects at Bath open to exchange students: Biology & Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematical Sciences, Natural Sciences and Physics. These are the only subjects open to UC students going to Bath on exchange.
  • Bath exchange is undergraduate only. Students must take the majority of their units (courses) in the subject area in which the exchange is held.
  • You are required to have completed at least 2 years of full-time study prior to commencing your exchange at Bath. The earliest time to begin your exchange will be the first semester of your 3rd year. You will still need to apply to UC before the appropriate UC's application deadline for Global Exchange. 
  • Students may take units from Bachelor’s degree programmes (BA and BSc programmes) and from "undergraduate Master's" degree programmes (e.g. MBiol, MChem, MEng, MMath, MPharm, and MPhys programmes). These units are marked Levels 1 to 4 in our Unit Catalogue.
    Exchange Students are not permitted to take units from postgraduate Master’s and Doctoral degree programmes. These are marked Levels 5 to 6 in the Unit Catalogue.
  • Course information can be found in the online Unit Catalogue.
  • The number of rooms at Bath is limited and it is not possible to offer accommodation in University halls of residence to all students.  Students should check their accommodation status with the Bath’s Mobility Office at the time of application, after your UC Student Exchange application has been approved by UC.  If you have questions about accommodation at Bath, you should also contact Bath’s Mobility Office directly at

    Advice on finding privately rented accommodation is provided on the Accommodation Office website,  

    It is easier to find privately rented accommodation if you stay for the full academic year or for Semester 2 only.  It is more difficult to find privately rented accommodation if you stay for Semester 1 only. 

    Students joining in Semester 1 should arrange to visit Bath in the summer in order to find accommodation (during our Students’ Union House Hunting Weekend for example).  You are advised to check with the UK Embassy if your visa will allow you to arrive in the UK early. It is very difficult to find privately rented accommodation at the beginning of the semester.


University of Exeter

Please see Exeter's exchange programme page for more information about this university. It is important that you read the information about Exeter's retrictions on courses (modules), course load, etc. can also be found on their website.  Note that various subjects are offered on different campuses located in different town. You are advised to check Exeter's website for further information and make sure that your programme of study will be feasible.


University of Leeds

It is not possible to do a one year exchange at Leeds. 

Please see Leeds' exchange programme  page for more information about this university.

Some modules (courses) take two semesters (the full academic year) to complete. These modules are listed as ‘Semester 1 and 2’ in the module catalogue. Students cannot study a ‘Semester 1 and 2’ module if they are going to Leeds for one semester only.
Most modules in these schools are ‘Semester 1 and 2’ modules:
• Chemical and Process Engineering (CAPE)
• Design (Fashion Design and Fashion Marketing modules)
• Electronic and Electrical Engineering (ELEC)
• Healthcare (HECS)
• Languages Cultures and Societies (ARAB, FREN, GERM, ITAL, SPPO)
• Law (LAW)
• Mechanical Engineering (MECH and PDES)

Therefore, students coming to Leeds for one semester only, would need to choose modules in other disciplines or schools to make up their necessary total credits. They will need to consider carefully if their intended programme of study meets the requirements of their home University.

Please also read the information on specific subject and course restrictions  carefully.


University of Leicester

  • Some courses or subjects are not open to exchange students studying at Leicester. Please visit the website for more information on this.
  • Management modules are only available for students majoring in this subject. Limited places available and will be given on a priority basis.
  • Engineering, Geology and Mathematics students (one semester and full year) are required to stay for the exams in January and June. (see exam dates at Lecicester's website above).
  • Biological Sciences: Students are only to apply for the same year modules to avoid timetable clashes.
  • Politics & International Relations: Third year modules are not available.
  • Media & Communications: Modules are only available to students majoring in this subject.


University of Nottingham

  • Open to all. UC has both a Law exchange and a general university-wide exchange with the University of Nottingham. The general exchange includes both the University of Nottingham’s UK campus and the Nottingham campus in Ningbo (near Shanghai), China.
  • Important:
    • Chemical Engineering and Environemental Engineering are not available at Nottingham
    • Due to the application timeframes of Nottingham, it is not possible to study English or Physics in Nottingham's Spring semester, i.e. UC's Semester 1.
    • International students whose first language is not English are requried to provide an accceptable English language test for meeting Nottingham's English language requirement (see website for further details).
    • Please also see: Nottingham's International Exchange Programme website.


University of Sheffield

  • Open to all. UC has both a Law exchange and a general university-wide exchange with the University of Sheffield.
  • Law students: it is not possible to take courses in Law and another non-Law suject at Sheffield. 
  • Availability of course in History, Politics, English language and Literature is limited. Students will need to be prepared to take courses in alternavtive subjects. 


University of Southampton

  • Mechanical Engineering students only.
  • A minimum GPA of 5.4 will be required.


Swansea University

  • Open to all students. Commerce students will receive priority.

North America

Nova Scotia College of Art and Design

  • This programme is currently under review and is not available until further notice.
  • Fine Arts only.
  • Entry is competitive.


Queen's University

  • Arts, Science and Engineering students. Note that Arts and Science students should refer to the website of Faculty of Arts and Science and Engineering students should visit the website of Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science for relevant information about their exchange programme.
  • The following subjects are in high demand in the Faculty of Arts and Science at Queen’s and courses may have limited spaces:

    • Economics
    • Kinesiology
    • Political Studies
    • Psychology
    • Computing
    • Drama and Music
  • Arts and Science students - early / special application deadlines apply. See UC Global Exchange webpage for further details. 
  • It's not possible to undertake a full year exchange over UC's Semester 2 and Semester 1 in the following year, i.e. Queen's Winter Term and Fall Term in the same calendar year. 
  • On campus accommodation is not guranteed and due to strong demand for accommodation, students may not be able to stay on campus. Please refer to Queen's exchange website for advice on how to find accommodation before committing to applying for accommodation. 
  • Check out these videos to find out more about Queen's University.


Simon Fraser University


University of Alberta

  • Law students are advised to select another partner university as Law places are very limited at Alberta.
  • Engineering students:
    • You are advised to consider another partner university. The processing time for Engineering exchange applications is lengthy which may cause delays in applying for a visa and making other exchange and travel arrangements. 
    • Additional entry requirements: Engineering students must have completed two years of study in Engineering. This means that the earliest Engineering students can go to Alberta is the second semester of the 2nd Professional Year. Alberta requires Engineering students are required to have an overall GPA of 6.0 to be considered for entry to Alberta. 
  • Course restrictions: read the inforamtion on Alberta's course restrictions carefully. Computer Science and some Business courses are not open to exchange students. It is likely that exchange students are not able to take Economics and Computer Science courses at Alberta.


University of British Columbia

  • Special application deadlines applicable, see the website of UC Student Exchange programme for details.
  • Please check course restrictions at UBC very carefully before committing to applying for UBC: Information on course availability and restrictions at UBC. 
  • UBC’s Engineering courses have very limited spaces for exchange students. Engineering students are advised to consider other options. UBC's advice is that it would be best if students had back-up alternative courses such as Elective offered by other faculties where courses tend to be less restrictive. If it’s not possible for Engineering students to take course work in other areas, then they may need to choose a different partner university. See restrictions on Engineering courses at UBC's website
  • Commerce are restricted at UBC. Enrolment in Commerce courses is limited and not guaranteed. Students may request to take Commerce courses but may only be approved to take one or two courses which is not guaranteed. Students need to take the majority of their coursework in a different area outside Commerce. It is not possible to enrol in a full course load in Commerce. 
  • Law is not open to exchange students at UBC. 
  • UBC Vancouver campus is not able to guarantee access to housing for exchange students for UBC due to strong demand on accommodation in Vancouver.  Not every exchange students will be allocated on-campus accommodation. 
  • UBC Okanagan campus is also open to exchange students. Students nominated to UBC Okanagan campus will have priority access to on-campus accommodations, regardless of which term (semester) they apply for.
  • For more information on UBC Housing.
  • Forestry students meeting the GPA requirements will receive priority.


University of Saskatchewan

  • For Arts, Law and Science students. Law students should contact the International Relationships Office before submitting your application for Saskatchewan.


University of Waterloo

  • Please read the information on restricted courses carefully.

Montana State University Bozeman


Purdue University

  • Undergraduate only.
  • Entry to Business courses is competitive. 
  • Computer Science is not available to exchange students at Purdue.
  • it is harder to get on-campus or close to campus accommodation for Purdue's Fall semester (August intake), i.e. UC's Semester 2. Please refer to Purdue's exchange website for further details before choosing Purdue for your UC Global Exchange application.


State University of New York (SUNY) at Geneseo

  • Undergraduate only.
  • Restrictions on Business (Commerce) courses:
  • Students must be a Business major and must have had the appropriate prerequisite courses. However, due to seat limiatations, students are not be able to take all courses in Business and should plan to take some courses in other disciplines. The amount of Business courses that exchange students can take is limited.


University of California


  • Strong grades are required and you will also need to have gained strong academic background and grades and in pre-requisite subjects.

  • Business and Engineering - not available for 2026.  Note that places Business and Engineering at California are extremely limited and you are advised to select other partner universities. There is no guarantee that places will be available for future application rounds. 
  • Students applying to the University of California must select at least 3 campus choices from the following 9 University of California campuses (we cannot guarantee first choice).

  • Discover California 9 campuses: Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego.

  • Pre-requisite requirements - California has specific pre-requisites for students wishing to study certain subjects at California. Please also consult the Major Prerequisites Checklist (PDF, 143KB) to check that you have met these pre-requisites. Note that biology, business administration, economics, engineering, and psychology require intensive preparation for coursework taught at the upper-division level (100-199). To be approved for upper-division courses, you must demonstrate that you are sufficiently prepared with the courses you have completed at UC. The information on prerequisites is provided as a general guide only. Other coursework may be necessary. Enrollment in classes is not guaranteed and is subject to meeting prerequisites and available space in the class.

  • Be aware of the the popular subjects are at California and that course offerings vary across different campuses. Entry to specific courses is not guranteed and you need to be very flexible with your courses and campus choices.

  • Course restrictions and offerings vary across the campuses. Some courses or subjects are not open to Exchange students at certain California campuses. Please check the campus-specific requirements and restrictions very carefully. Also see majors available at California campuses.

  • You should check the websites above to make sure that you have met these pre-requisites of your selected subjects and are aware of what subjects are available at the campuses before finalising your campus choices.

  • Access to more than one field of study cannot be guaranteed. You should check with the Student Advisor at your Faculty to find our whether you have the flexibility to focus on only one subject at California for your exchange, and plan accordingly. 

  • Living costs vary across different California campuses.

  • You should also make an appointment and discuss you plan with Percy Chan ( before you submit your exchange application.


  • There is only one application round/deadline for exchanges to California commencing in Semester 1 for a one semester or one year exchange and Semester 2 for a one year exchange. But it is not possible to undertake a one semester exchange at California commencing in Semester 2 (UC time).  Check the application deadlines on the Global Exchange website (under Step b Choose where you want to study).


University of Cincinnati


University of Colorado - Boulder

  • Places are limited at CU Boulder. 
  • Education, music, and law are not open to exchange students.
  • Entry to Business courses is competitive. 
  • on-campus housing is extremely limited and exchange students are not guaranteed campus housing. Please refer to CU Boulder's exchange website for further details before choosing CU Boulder for your UC Global Exchange application. 


University of New Mexico


University of Washington

  • There is only one application round/deadline for exchanges to Washington commencing in Semester 1 for a one semester or one year exchange and Semester 2 for a one year exchange. But it is not possible to undertake a one semester exchange at Washington commencing in Semester 2 (UC time). 
  • Washington Restricted Programs: a number of subjects and programmes are not open to exchange students or are restricted. Please see below for details. 
  • Economics, Computer Science and Business (Commerce) are not open to exchange students. 
  • Undergraduates exchange students are only accepted into University of Washington’s College of Arts & Sciences regardless of their major of their degree. The college is comprised of four academic divisions: art, humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences. Please be aware that Communications, Economics, Psychology, and Law, Societies & Justice courses in particular are extremely competitive, so students should plan to take courses outside of these areas.
  • If a course attracts more students than there are places, students enrolled in the University of Washington degree program will be given priority above exchange students. Washington cannot guarantee any courses for exchange students so you need to be very flexible with your course selections. 
  • If you hope to take courses outside of the College of Arts & Sciences, you do so at your own risk. You are recommended to select an alternative exchange partner university. Examples of schools/departments that may not be able to accommodate exchange students include, but are not limited to, College of Built Environments and College of Engineering (including the Department of Computer Science & Engineering). Engineering students are not advised to select University of Washington for their exchange. 
  • Professional programs including those offered by the Information School, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and School of Pharmacy, as well as any fee-based programs are not available to exchange students.


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

  • Forestry students only. Note: Exchange students are required to pay for any course related costs at Virginia Tech, such as field trips, materials, etc.


South America

Universidad de Los Andes

  • Commerce students only. Also open to BSc or BA students who intend to do Commerce subjects on exchange. 


Universidad de Chile

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEN)

  • Commerce students only


Queensland University of Technology


The Australian National University (CRICOS code: 00120C)


Adelaide University


University of Wollongong

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