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Teaching support

06 October 2023

From choosing textbooks to digital literacy, UC libraries provide a range of services and resources to support teaching at UC. See what teaching support is available to you from UC libraries.


The Library provides services and resources to support teaching at UC, including:

  • teaching information and digital literacy skills to students
  • support in textbook selection and provision
  • high quality print and electronic collections.


Information and digital literacy


Subject librarians deliver course-specific training on:

  • finding and evaluating electronic and print information resources
  • the ethical management and use of information resources
  • discipline-specific use of citations and referencing.


Training can be offered within course lectures and tutorials or delivered using e-learning technology via LEARN.


Contact your subject librarian to discuss your requirements.


Te Tiriti o Waitangi – open educational resources


Visit our Te Tiriti o Waitangi subject guide for curated and freely available resources for both teaching and learning around the kaupapa of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.


Links to rauemi in the guide include:

  • blogs
  • podcasts
  • short films
  • posters.


Textbook selection and provision


UC Library purchases copies of prescribed textbooks to provide equitable textbook access for students. Students increasingly expect e-textbooks, and in response the textbook publishing market is changing rapidly with complex licences. We can help you choose a textbook that will be accessible for your students – contact your subject librarian.


What are your e-textbook options?

This textbook graphic outlines the main licence options for e-textbooks. Licences with the fewest restrictions on access and use are the most equitable options for students.


E-textbook provision at UC

If you have not been able to source an open e-textbook for your course, review the guidelines for UC Library’s provision of equitable textbook access and talk to your subject librarian before selecting an alternative.


Open textbooks

Using an open textbook for your course ensures all students are able to access the textbook. Check out our Open Textbooks guide to discover where to source open textbooks and how the library can support you in creating your own open textbook.


High demand collections for print textbooks

UC Library places print textbooks in high demand collections, with shorter loan periods, to ensure equitable access to textbooks at peak times. You can request titles go into high demand collections via the high demand request form (staff login required).


Print and electronic collections


UC Library provides high quality print and electronic collections of books, articles and reports to support teaching. You can recommend resources for purchase.


Providing readings via LEARN | AKO

Book chapters and articles can be linked from AKO | LEARN courses in accordance with copyright law. Use the link maker tool to create stable links that are accessible off-campus. For help with integrating library resources into AKO | LEARN, contact your subject librarian.


Keeping up to date

Keep up to date with publications in your discipline via the subject-specific subject guide maintained by your subject librarian. If you have titles to recommend for our collections, contact your subject librarian.

Need help? Chat with us on AskLibrary now.

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