An important cornerstone of inspirational leadership is the ability to champion change (Zenger Folkman). This includes the ability to be forward looking, to possess a growth mindset, and to convey a continuous improvement orientation to the day-to-day work.
This two-day course provides a foundational framework for looking at change through three levels of implementation: the organisation, teams, and individual transition.
What this Course is About
This change leadership course for middle managers takes a systems approach to understanding change.
By first taking a systems view of how variables in change can be used in combination to leverage the flow of employee attitudes from a starting point of being unaware or ‘apathetic’ to achieving implementation targets that reflect attitudes where the majority are not only supportive, but would advocate the change to others.
Reaching the ‘tipping point’ between these temporal attitudes is achieved through the effective use of seven change levers designed to address both employee engagement with the change and the environment that supports their engagement.
Using a computer-based simulation, participants will have an opportunity to craft a change strategy, try it out using the simulation, then reflect with their team mates on what works and what may need to adjust in their proposed change implementation approach.
The second level of the course relates to getting teams involved in the change through a ‘programme of change management’. Participants will translate the essential management steps of change to actions that reflect the participants context.
Finally, the third part of the course builds a practical approach for understanding and addressing the psychological process of personal transition and behaviour change. By understanding what is needed to bring about behavioural change for individuals, we demystify issues such as resistance, buy-in and change readiness.
What You Will Gain
- Understanding a systems view of complex change using the Tipping Point system dynamics simulation of organisational change
- Understanding important archetypes that recur in change and transformation organisational dynamics
- Applying insights from the Tipping Point experimentation to the participants’ own change strategies
- Identifying the key steps in implementing a change initiative that provides context, tools and direction
- Creating and presenting a compelling ‘why’ for change
- Auditing organisational structures, systems and processes for alignment with the change
- Building a plan to provide stakeholder relevant communication throughout the change process
- Measuring and evaluating success through pre-post measurement
- Helping individuals and teams navigate the transition process
- Understanding psychological enablers and barriers to transition
- Supporting individuals and teams during the change process
Key Outcomes
As a result of participation in the course, participants will:
1. Develop a change plan that emphasises the leader’s role in inspiring and motivating others
2. Take away a co-designed approach for assessing change readiness based on key principles covered in the course
3. Create a set of actions they can take for anticipated set-backs and obstacles in implementation
4. Receive an assessment tool to understand your organisations level of change maturity