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Employable, innovative & enterprising

07 June 2024

Being able to come up with ideas and put them into practice, show motivation, and resolve while applying their discipline prepares UC students for a wide variety of career settings. Find out how we support our students to be employable, innovative, and enterprising.


Find, carrying out and apply your own creative ideas in the workplace

Employability, innovation and enterprise shows how students can demonstrate and actively use their skills in the workplace. The ability to come up with ideas and put them into practice, showing motivation and resolve while applying their discipline, prepares UC students for a wide variety of career settings. UC aims to give students practical experience while applying their skills and ideas to a wide variety of situations.



Employable, innovative and enterprising Kaupapa


 Working effectively and professionally with diverse communities

Self, local, national and international



 Analytical, critical thinking and problem solving in diverse contexts

Self, local, national and international

 Digital literacy 


 Innovation, enterprising and creativity


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