
Wananga landing
Wananga landing

UC Law graduate takes the helm of navy career

08 March 2021

Taking part in counter-piracy operations at sea isn’t run-of-the-mill for a lawyer but it’s the kind of challenge that attracted Natacha Wisstt to joining the New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) as a legal officer.


Natacha finished her Master of Laws degree in International Law and Politics from the University of Canterbury (UC) in 2019 but she knew a conventional legal career wasn’t her style.

She realised working for NZDF would allow her to combine her interests in international law and the law of armed conflict and offer plenty of excitement and new skills.

“Through doing my Masters I got really interested in the law of armed conflict and international law. Working for the Defence Force became the natural choice from that point, because I could get exposure to those areas,” she says.

“I love my job. Every day is so different and there are loads of really unique and exciting opportunities that come from being part of the armed forces. I wanted a career where I could help others and this is where I feel I can do that.”

Natacha grew up in Christchurch but is now living in Auckland working for the Royal New Zealand Navy, although she also works equally with the New Zealand Army and Royal New Zealand Air Force and can be posted to any of their bases.

She spent the majority of last year going through Junior Officer Common Training, a 23 week long commissioning course teaching the skills needed to be an officer in the armed forces, before “marching out” (graduating) in July 2020.

She has to be weapons qualified, go through Damage Control training including fire-fighting and flood training at sea, and be prepared for overseas deployments and coping with communal living on board a ship.

Her role includes understanding military law, international law, human rights law, and the law of armed conflict. It also gives her the chance to keep fit and active with many opportunities for fitness and sports related activities within the NZDF.

Before she graduated from UC she met with a New Zealand Army legal officer who introduced her to what was involved in the job.

Natacha’s advice to other students is to explore a wide range of options for your career and take advantage of every opportunity that comes along, including attending events like this Wednesday’s UC Taiopenga Rapuara | Careers Fairs 2021.

“Put your hand up for opportunities, even the ones that you don’t think you’re necessarily qualified for. In law school I felt like everyone else had it together and I was the only one who didn’t know what I wanted to do.”

She says putting herself forward to work on a piece of research during her undergraduate degree – despite feeling she might be out of her depth - ultimately sparked her interest in international law and led to her current role.

“Taking that first step meant that more opportunities opened up for me. I think that a lot of people don’t take the opportunities because they don’t think they’re good enough for it. But my advice would be to go for it, and make sure you find out about all the options that are open to you, not just the ones that seem obvious or expected.”

  • Taiopenga Rapuara | Careers Fairs 2021, Wednesday 10 March. Business and Arts Careers Fair 1.30pm-4pm and Law and Justice Recruitment Evening 6pm-8pm, Puaka James Hight, Undercroft. Registrations are not required for UC students.

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