Bethany Growns | Perceptual expertise of super-matchers and forensic science experts | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $360,000 2025 -2028 |
Kirsten Culhane | Te reo Māori word stress: Production and perception | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $360,000 2025 -2028 |
Forrest Panther | Parts of speech in te reo Māori | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $852,000 2025 - 2028 |
Owen Edwards | Documentation of Emplawas and languages of the Babar Islands | Endangered Languages Documentation Programme | $143,917 2024 - 2025 |
A real world example of implicit grammar learning | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $870,000 2024-2027 | |
The intersection of physiology and sociolinguistics in the speech of older talkers | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $660,000 2024-2027 | |
Ben Adams | Does machine-assisted writing erase linguistic diversity? | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $660,000 2024-2027 |
Sarah van Eyndhoven | Between the Clutha & the Kawarau – the threads of old and new identities shaping written language use among early Scottish immigrants to NZ | Rutherford Foundation Post Doctoral Fund | $400,000 2024-2026 |
Toby Macrae | Speech-language therapy assistant delivered interventions for children | Health Research Council | $30,000 for 2023 |
Susan Foster-Cohen | A window on the communication of children with Down Syndrome | Canterbury Medical Research Foundation | $5,000 for 2023 |
Kevin Watson Jen Hay Lynn Clark | Do patterns of co-variation in speech carry social meaning | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $659,000 2022 - 2025 |
Te Reo Māori vowel sequence within and across morpheme boundaries | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $660,000 2023-2026 | |
Donald Derrick Mark Jermy Brian Gick | Multi-sensory speech perception and syllable structure | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $839,000 2022 - 2025 |
Forrest Panther | Understanding the nature of word grammar through Te Reo Māori | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $360,000 2022 - 2025 |
Lynn Clark Brigid McNeill Gail Gillon | Understanding the onset of vernacular reorganisation | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $614,000 2021 - 2024 |
Jonathan Dunn | Domain adaptation to support language technologies for the Pacific | Callaghan Innovation | $200,000 2021-2022 |
Donald Derrick | Infection risk model of airbone transmission to facilitate decisions about PPE, ventilation and isolation in shared indoor space | Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation | $150,917 2020-2021 |
Jen Hay Jeanette King Janet Pierrehumbert | Tracking the emergence of an adult proto-lexicon | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $850,000 2020-2024 |
Jeanette King Jen Hay Peter Keegan | Awakening the proto-lexicon | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $660,000 2020-2024 |
Paul Millar Jen Hay | 'Korero mai. Tell us your earthquake story' - A longitudinal study of postdisaster narratives | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $859,000 2019-2023 |
Kevin Watson Jen Hay Lynn Clark | Towards an improved theory of language change: Understanding the covariation of linguistic variables within and across speakers | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $635,000 2018-2022 |
Lynn Clark Jen Hay Kevin Watson | What is the Southland accent? | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $530,000 2017-2021 |
Jen Hay Jeanette King Janet Pierrehumbert | Statistical learning with and without a lexicon | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $767,000 2016-2021 |
Megan McAuliffe | Randomized controlled trial of hearing aids to improve cognition in older New Zealanders | Health Research Council | $315,000 2017-2021 |
Catherine Theys | Unraveling the neural mechanisms of speech production: Insights from EEG and fMRI in people who stutter | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $300,000 2015-2020 |
Greg O'Beirne | Intraoperative monitoring: In vestibular schwannoma, middle-ear, and cochlear implant surgery | Oticon Foundation | $320,000 2015-2020 |
Catherine Theys | Phonological processing difficulties in late-talking children: Exploring neurophysiological markers | Neurological Foundation of NZ | $11,350 2018 |
Jen Hay | How experience shapes words and words shape grammar | Royal Society of NZ James Cook Research Fellowship | $220,000 2016-2018 |
Megan McAuliffe Donal Sinex | Understanding how listeners comprehend distorted speech | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $544,000 2014-2017 |
Lynn Clark | Recency effects in spoken New Zealand English | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $300,000 2014-2017 |
Jen Hay Janet Pierrehumbert | Creativity and cooperation in the dynamics of the lexicon: from lexis to logos | John Templeton Foundation (USA) | $1,261,000 2013-2017 |
Jen Hay | Episodic word memory | Rutherford Discovery, Royal Society of NZ | $1,000,000 2011-2017 |
Donald Derrick Jen Hay Greg O'Beirne Scott Lloyd | Aero-tactile enhancement of speech perception | Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation | $1,482,000 2012-2017 |
Donald Derrick | Saving energy vs making yourself understood during speech production | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $300,000 2013-2016 |
Megan McAuliffe Julie Liss Visar Berisha | A web-based platform for cross-linguistic research in Dysarthric speech | National Institues of Health (USA) | $200,000 2015-2016 |
Jen Hay Cathi Best Gerry Docherty Paul Foulkes Bronwen Evans Jason Shaw | You came TO DIE?! Perceptual adaptation to regional accents as a new lens on the puzzle of spoken word recognition | Australian Research Council | $110,000 2012-2015 |
Thomas Klee Stephanie Stokes Catherine Moran | Early factors in childhood communication disorders | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $730,000 2011 - 2015 |
Catherine Theys | Upgrade to the EEG BioSemi system | Lotteries Health Research Committee | $25,000 in 2014 |
Dean Sutherland Jeff Sigafoos | Communication intervention for children with Autism | Royal Society of NZ Marsden Fund | $885,000 2011-2015 |
Stephanie Stokes Thomas Klee Catherine Moran Megan McAuliffe | Neurophysiological correlates of human behaviour | Lotteries Health Research Committee | $94,000 in 2012 |
Joan Bresnan Marilyn Ford Jen Hay Anette Rosenbach Benedikt Szmrecsányi Sali Tagliamonte | The development of syntactic alternations | National Science Foundation (USA) | $275,000 USD |
Jen Hay | The Phonetics of the Good Old Days: Investigating the Role of Topic and Emotional Affect in Speech Perception and Prodiction | Royal Society of New Zealand - Marsden Fund | |
Megan McAuliffe Tim Anderson | Factors Influencing Older Listeners' Comprehension of Dysarthric Speech | Health Research Council of New Zealand | |
Megan McAuliffe Catherine Moran Tim Anderson | Factors Influencing Older Listeners’ Comprehension of Disordered Speech Associated with Parkinson’s Disease | Neurological Foundation of New Zealand |