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PACE Internship Programme

13 September 2023

The Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) programme allows students to apply what they are studying within an authentic workplace environment to boost their employability, all whilst earning credits towards their degree programme. 


PACE offers on-campus and internship courses at all levels of university study and is available to any student in any study area. Check with your student advisor to see which PACE course you are qualified to take and how that course will fit into your programme of study.

Benefits of the PACE Programme
  • Enhance employability
  • Build workplace confidence
  • Develop professional and personal employability skills and competencies
  • Establish professional networks and industry knowledge
  • Utilise real-world work experiences to enhance your learning and improve academic outcomes
PACE Courses

PACE courses are available in semester 1, semester 2, and during summer school and are offered to any student, regardless of study area. Each course involves compulsory workshops focused on professional and career development.

*If you're interested in taking PACE over summer, register your interest now and keep an eye out for when enrolments open!

As a student, you will be given the opportunity to work with a business to formulate a project proposal that furthers its corporate social responsibility objectives through community engagement. Making a difference to a community as well as to your career and workplace skills development are key objectives of this course. The course is open to students from all disciplines. Designed to build students' career capital.

PACE225 is a 15-point course offered in semester 1. Pre-requisites include any 60 points at any level from any subject.

70 hours with internship partner project 
Interview and CV required 
Designed to apply the skills you are acquiring through your academic study to a project designed by a local company or community group in New Zealand, or internationally. Designed to build career literacy and career skills.

PACE295 is a 15-point course offered in semester 1, semester 2, and over summer. Pre-requisites include any 90 points at any level from any subject, secondary application process with CV and interview, and permission of the Programme Coordinator.

70 hours with internship partner project 
Interview and CV required 
Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) internship courses provide an opportunity for practical application of disciplinary theory, skills, and knowledge during an internship in an approved business or community organisation. 

PACE courses are specialised, hybrid courses: half of the course takes place in the classroom where you can develop your professionalism and broaden the application of your academic discipline, and half the course takes place in the workplace where you can put that knowledge to use. PACE students learn to provide productive outcomes, develop strategies, and enhance their employability skills. Designed to make students employability ready.

PACE390 is a 15-point course offered in semester 1, semester 2, and over summer. Pre-requisites include 150 points towards degree completion with secondary application process with CV and interview, and permission of the Programme Coordinator. A student may not take PACE390 and PACE395.

140 hours with internship partner project 
The purpose of the internship course is to explore both the ideological and practical assumptions guiding this question. The course is designed to be a critical, theoretical, and "real-world" examination of the practices and ideologies inherent in both community and business organisations. You will apply the analytical skills acquired through your major, and through class seminars.

PACE 395 is a 30-point course offered in semester 1, semester 2, and over summer. Pre-requisites include 150 points, with secondary application process with CV and interview, and permission of the Programme Coordinator.

140 hours with internship academic project
Interview and CV required
Academic mentor required
The programme provides students with a placement within a business or organisation to gain experience in a professional workplace environment and develop the skills and competences to gain a competitive edge upon graduation 

Students work with a host organisation throughout the programme, complete a related academic research element, and receive personal development and skills training through several workshops throughout the semester. Designed to upskill students’ professional development.

PACE495 is a 30-point course offered in semester 1 and semester 2. Pre-requisites include a secondary application process with CV and interview, and permission of the Programme Coordinator.

Kinds of Internships Available

The following are examples of different types of internship roles that students have had:

  • Environmental impact projects
  • Urban planning
  • GIS mapping
  • Community engagement initiatives
  • Research and report writing
  • Data analysis
  • Policy analysis and writing
  • Accounting
  • Project management
  • Creative Arts administration
  • Content creation (e.g., websites, social media)
  • Creative writing
  • Exhibition curation
  • Marketing strategies
  • Event management
  • Social media platform creation
  • Coding
  • Translation
Application and Enrolment Process

1. Decide which PACE course you would like to take and the semester you would like to complete it in. 

2. Check with your student advisor to ensure you have enough points for the course you want and how the course will fit into your degree programme.

3. Enrol in PACE on the myUC website by the following deadlines:

    SU2: 8 October
    S1: 8 January
    S2: 20 May

*There are no exceptions to late enrolment.

4. Once you are enrolled, the PACE Team will follow up with you to complete an interview to establish your interests, area of study, and career aspirations, which will inform the matching process.   

5. The PACE Team will find an internship that is the best fit for you based on our available projects and then connect you with that organisation.

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