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Surveying UC Students: Procedures, Policies, and Survey Calendar

24 December 2023

UC has procedures, policies, and a survey calendar to survey our students. We do this in line with internal and external policies and laws. Our policy and procedures aim to protect the strategic importance of UC institutional research surveys and Student Evaluations of Teaching, as well as protect students from survey fatigue. 


Information on how to survey UC students in accordance with UC and external policy and laws. 

Policy and procedures referenced here aim to protect the strategic importance of UC institutional research surveys and Student Evaluations of Teaching (Course and Teaching Surveys), while also protecting students from survey fatigue and inundation of survey requests.


Student Community Online Survey Policy

Due to the strategic nature of Ako Marake | ESI Student Lifecycle survey research, ESI hold priority for surveying UC students. As such, any online surveying for currently enrolled studentsgraduands, and graduates must be done in accordance with the University of Canterbury’s Student Community Online Survey Policy (below). 

To help you through the process, Ako Marake has created an interactive screening tool on the next tab.

UC Student Community Online Survey Policy (PDF, 387KB, 6 pages)


Survey Screening Tool

This screening tool was created to assist those who wish to administer an online survey to any UC students to maintain compliance with the Student Community Online Survey Policy.  

If you are planning to survey the UC Student Community, please provide the administrative details about your survey through the screening tool. Please note that this is an iterative process that simply helps to initiate the process for compliant surveying within the policy. 

You will be asked a series of questions about the survey you wish to administer, and approval to run the survey may or may not be granted based on your responses.

Please fill out separate screening forms for each survey that you are interested in administering. 


Survey Calendar

In accordance with the Student Community Online Survey Policy, please reference the UC Survey Calendar below for permissible timing for any surveying of students (current or graduated).

This is a living document and will updated as dates are finalised or amended. 

Note: Calendar is subject to change without notice.


UC Survey Calendar 2024

Download 2024 UC Survey Calendar (application/pdf, 291 KB)
Download 2024 UC Survey Calendar

Qualtrics Survey Platform

Qualtrics is the University’s approved survey software platform. Qualtrics is a powerful survey tool that allows agile and tailored data collection.

All students and staff members at UC can set up a Qualtrics account.

For more, please see Qualtrics Survey Support

Qualtrics XM UC Qualtrics Login Page

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