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Team Tamariki

27 August 2024

Team Tamariki is a group of families willing to be contacted when their children are the right age for research projects about to start at UC. The research projects are on some aspect of child development or learning. Learn more about Team Tamariki.

Team Tamariki


Team is a group of families who are willing to be contacted when their child is the right age for research projects that are about to start at the University. The research projects will be on some aspect of child development or learning. For example, we might want to know what kinds of words children learn in their first two years, so we would ask you to bring your child into our child language centre to play some games and do some child development tests.

Team Tamariki is run by the University of Canterbury and the New Zealand Institute of Language Brain and Behaviour. The Team is looked after by an academic project leader and the NZILBB manager (Emma Parnell) so from time to time one of us would contact you about your willingness to take part in research projects.


What happens if you sign up?


Team Tamariki is a list that includes your name, your child’s name, your child’s data of birth, your contact information (address, email and telephone) and some other details that you provide in a questionnaire. Joining a project is voluntary; you can say yes or no. Your child can only join one research project at a time and we would not want your child to do lots of projects in one year. You can decide how many projects you would like your child to take part in. You can ask to be taken off the Team list at any time.


How to sign up


If you wish to register your child for one of the Team Tamariki projects then please email Emma and she will send you out a registration form.

Or you could download the Team Tamariki registration form and mail it to:

Team Tamariki
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140

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