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Changing your enrolment

22 November 2023

Needing to add or drop courses? Check when you can submit a Change of Enrolment in myUC, and what you need to consider before making the change. 


Adding courses

You can add a course to your enrolment without financial penalty for a period of time after the Official Course Start Date. For courses in Semester One (S1) and Semester Two (S2) this is normally a two-week period; courses with other semester codes have different deadlines, so check the Change of Enrolment dates for the relevant deadline to add or drop your courses.  You can not add courses to your enrolment after this date because you will have missed too much course content and possibly even assessment.  Find out how to add courses here


Dropping courses

You can drop a course you are enrolled in and receive a full tuition fee refund for a period of time after the Official Course Start Date. For courses in Semester One (S1) and Semester Two (S2) this is normally a two-week period; courses with other semester codes have different deadlines, so check the Change of Enrolment deadline for the relevant 'deadline to add courses or withdraw courses' date.  You can still drop a course for a period of time after this date, but you will not normally receive a refund of tuition fees. Check the Change of Enrolment dates for the 'Academic withdrawal deadline' which indicates the last date you can drop a course with the corresponding semester code and not receive a grade for the course. Any courses dropped after this date will have a grade recorded on your academic transcript and will contribute to your Grade Point Average (GPA). Find out how to drop courses here


Medical and Exceptional Circumstances

If you drop a course due to medical or exceptional circumstances, you may be eligible for a Partial Tuition Fee Refund (up to 50%). You will need to provide acceptable evidence of the medical/exceptional circumstances that seriously impacted your ability to study. You must drop the course by the 'Academic Withdrawal Deadline' and must apply within the same calendar year as the course occurrence. More details available here


Late Discontinuation

If you have been prevented from completing a course due to circumstances beyond your control (or that were not reasonably foreseeable) and have not dropped the course by the 'Academic Withdrawal Deadline', you may apply for Special consideration of late discontinuation. Applications must be submitted no later than five working days after the examination period has finished, prior to results being released. An approved Late Discontinuation application does not provide a refund of fees - it only removes the relevant course from your academic transcript. 


Full withdrawal from study

If you decide to withdraw from all study at UC, you will need to drop all courses you are enrolled in via a Change of Enrolment in myUC. The date you submit the Change of Enrolment dictates whether you receive a tuition fee refund or not.  See the Change of Enrolment dates for details.

We recommend you discuss full withdrawal from study with an advisor first - please get in contact with someone you feel comfortable talking to, such as Atawhai Ākonga | Student CareKaiurungiKaitoko in Te Pātaka (for first year students), or Kaitohutohu Ākonga | Student Advisor in your Faculty/School (for continuing and postgraduate students).

International students may be eligible for a refund of the unused part of their Studentsafe insurance premium. See more here


Changing your qualification and subjects

You can also apply to change your qualification and the subject for your major/minor/specialisation via a Change of Enrolment in myUC. Your entry to the qualification will be assessed and if you meet the admission criteria for the qualification, the change will be approved. It is your responsibility to ensure you meet the credit requirements for the qualification and any major/minor/specialisation/endorsement. We recommend talking to a Student Advisor before submitting a change of qualification. Find out how to submit an application to change your qualification and subjects here


Things to consider before changing your enrolment

Pre-requisites and qualification requirements

Check that you meet the prerequisites of any courses you are planning to add and that the courses will satisfy the requirements of your intended qualification(s). Plan ahead so that you are confident you will meet the prerequisites for courses you intend to take in the future and that you will meet the credit requirements for your chosen major/minor/specialisation/endorsement. The Regulations for each qualification can be found on the relevant Qualification page

For advice on how to plan your study pathway, contact a Student Advisor.  If you are working towards a double degree or conjoint degree you should check your courses with the Student Advisors for both qualifications. 


International students

If you are an international student at UC you must comply with your student visa at all times. This normally means studying a full-time workload for the qualification(s) listed on your visa, and you should be studying on-campus. If you change your enrolment so that your workload, qualification, or location of study is different to what is listed on your visa, Immigration New Zealand may require you to apply for a new visa or a variation of conditions.

Discuss your options with the Enrolments Team or directly with Immigration New Zealand. Be aware that you will also need to re-apply for transfer of credit for any previous overseas study for the new qualification.

International students who withdraw from study may be eligible for a refund of the unused part of their Studentsafe insurance premium. See more here.


Fees and funding

A change of enrolment may mean a change in fees. This will be shown in your Statement of Fees (attached to your Change of Enrolment Offer). If you are eligible for a refund, the money will be returned to source for student loans, scholarships and Fees Free.  If you personally paid for your fees, you will receive notification from Student Finance to arrange a refund to your bank account. If your change of enrolment means there is an additional fee to pay, you will be notified of the process in the Statement of Fees.  

If you have a Student Allowance or are receiving living costs, you will need to ensure that a change of enrolment doesn't affect your eligibility for these benefits. It also pays to check your eligibility for a student loan is not compromised. Contact StudyLink directly for details.

If your fees have been paid for by a scholarship, you will need to check that your change of enrolment doesn't affect your eligibility for the scholarship. Contact UC Scholarships for details. 


How to submit a change of enrolment

All changes of enrolment (adding courses, dropping courses,  changing your qualification, and changing your subjects) must be submitted in myUC.  Follow the steps outlined here


Change of Enrolment Deadlines

Deadline to
Add or Withdraw Courses
Academic Withdrawal
(no refund)
S1   02 Mar11 May
S2   27 Jul28 Sep
W16 Mar24 Aug
FY16 Mar16 Nov
B102 Mar16 Mar
B211 May25 May
B327 Jul10 Aug
B421 Sep05 Oct
MBA T123 Feb13 Apr
MBA T201 Jun20 Jul
MBA T307 Sep26 Oct
YA23 Feb31 Aug
YA19 Feb25 May
YA220 Jul28 Sep
YC9 Mar31 Aug
YC123 Feb25 May
YC220 Jul28 Sep

For other semester codes and more information check the Change of Enrolment Dates

How to submit a change of enrolment

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