2. Check you are eligible
Check you are eligible
UC look for students who will be good ambassadors of the university and have a clear sense of purpose for going on a student exchange.
To be eligible to for the UC Global Exchange programme you must have a good academic record with usually at least a B average (GPA 5.0 or above on UC's 9.0 grading scale).
Normally there is a limit to the number of students who may be selected for any particular exchange partner. Once a student has been selected for a particular exchange the student will be directed to apply to the partner university for admission as a non-degree exchange student.
Postgraduate students
Postgraduate exchange programmes are only considered on a case-by-case basis. Some partner universities do not accept postgraduate exchange students or have restrictions on postgraduate courses. Please note that the UC Global Exchange programme is for course work only and it is not possible to undertake research as part of your degree on exchange. Please contact the International Mobility team before you submit an exchange application for postgraduate course-work study to us.
Postgraduate Arts students
Students studying non-language subjects in Arts are only allowed to undertake an exchange at undergraduate level.
Business Taught Masters students
Due to the structure and nature of the Business Taught Masters programmes listed below, it is unfortunately not possible to undertake an exchange as part of these programmes:
- Master of Business Management
- Master of Business Information Systems
- Master of Professional Accounting
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business
- Postgraduate Diploma in Business Information Systems
- Postgraduate Certificate in Business
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Commerce, and Bachelor of Science students
Depending on your major, the usual time for students doing a general degree at UC is the second or third year of their degree.
Accounting students who are doing Chartered Accountancy have the responsibility to check with both the UC Business School and relevant professional body for the qualification whether an exchange is permissible as part of this programme and whether the courses you hope to take overseas will meet your programme requirements before you submit your exchange application. You can contact the Internationalisation Team at the UC Business School, for advice on Chartered Accountancy requirements.
Bachelor of Laws students
To be considered for full approval for your exchange, you need to have completed and passed all LAWS 200-level courses with satisfactory grades. Due to the timing of when UC grades are released and the application deadlines of the partner universities, students who have applied while enrolled in LAWS200 courses will only be considered for conditional approval, depending on where you are in your degree and subject to meeting the requirements of the Exchange programme. This means that your exchange may be deferred for one semester, provided that you meet the requirements of the conditional approval.
LAWS301 Equity & Trusts must be passed for LLB degree completion, and LAWS398 Legal Ethics must be passed for admission to practice. Both courses can be taken when you return from the exchange, but it is important not to overlook them in your degree planning.
To be considered for the Global Exchange Programme, you need to have maintained a B average or above for all your courses and your Law courses; however, entry into some exchange partner universities may have additional requirements.
If you are an Honours student wishing to go on exchange, you should discuss this further with the Senior Academic Advisor in the Faculty of Law.
Bachelor of Forestry Science students
You are advised to undertake your exchange in the first semester in the third year of your BForSc.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) students
The usual time for engineering students to go on exchange is during the third year of the BE(Hons) degree. It is not possible to go on exchange during the second year.
Depending on your major, you may undertake an exchange for one semester in your 3rd or 4th year, subject to approval from your department and the Faculty of Engineering. Full-year exchange is only available for students undertaking an exchange in the 3rd Year, provided that your department and the Faculty of Engineering allow it.
Engineering applications will not be considered unless an approved Engineering Exchange Course Plan is included.
Civil and Natural Resources Engineering students - the above information does not apply to you. Follow the instructions provided on the "UC Global Exchange Programme" LEARN site to apply and get your courses approved. You are permitted to travel on exchange in the first semester of the 4th year of your BE(Hons) only. Refer to the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering LEARN site for additional details.
Mechanical Engineering students - are only allowed to undertake an exchange in the third year, subject to your department and faculty approving your exchange application and your Engineering Study Plan.
Note: engineering students are not advised to study at an institution overseas outside the UC Global Exchange programme.
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning students
Due to the requirements of the degree programmes and the New Zealand Teacher’s Council, it is not possible for students undertaking a Bachelor of Education (Physical Education) or a Bachelor of Teaching and Learning to go on exchange.
Bachelor of Science (BSc)
Normally a maximum of 30 points at 300 level from your exchange university may be credited towards your UC BSc major. This policy is to ensure that students have a sufficiently robust major in their UC BSc. It may be possible to credit additional points studied while on exchange aboard as electives in your BSc, if they are recognised Science course equivalents and/or if you have enough non-Science points space remaining in your BSc. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that they will meet the BSc structure requirements including consideration of the level of electives taken on exchange. It is recommended that students (a) opt to credit a significant proportion of exchange courses as electives, (b) go on exchange in year 2 (studying 200 level courses), or (c) allow extra time for degree completion i.e. delaying graduation, taking into account the opportunities that the exchange will add to their experience.
Bachelor of Data Science (BDataSc)
Normally a maximum of 30 points at 300 level from your exchange university may be credited towards your UC BDataSc major. This policy is to ensure that students have a sufficiently robust major in their UC degree. It may be possible to credit additional points studied while on exchange aboard as electives in your degree, if they are recognised Data Science course equivalents and/or if you have enough non-Data Science points space remaining in your degree. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that they will meet the BDataSc structure requirements including consideration of the level of electives taken on exchange. It is recommended that students (a) opt to credit a significant proportion of exchange courses as electives, (b) go on exchange in year 2 (studying 200 level courses), or (c) allow extra time for degree completion, i.e. delaying graduation, taking into account the opportunities that the exchange will add to their experience.
Bachelor of Environmental Science (BEnvSc(Hons))
It is the Faculty of Science’s strong recommendation that students in this degree consider going on exchange in 200 level (or 300 level at the latest), as it is difficult to gain equivalence of 400-level credits from study completed overseas due to EIANZ accreditation requirements. Restrictions regarding the total core and majoring courses that can be credited from overseas will also apply.
Other Science degrees
Normally similar core and majoring transfers of credit restrictions to the above will apply in other Science degrees. It is recommended that students (a) opt to credit a significant proportion of exchange courses as electives, (b) go on exchange in year 2 (studying 200 level courses), or (c) allow extra time for degree completion, i.e. delaying graduation, taking into account the opportunities that the exchange will add to their experience. Further details will be made available through the application process.
Bachelor of Sports, Bachelor of Sports Coaching, and Bachelor of Health Sciences students
You should contact your Programme Co-ordinator in the first instance to find out whether it is feasible to undertake an exchange as part of your degree. You should also discuss the possibility of undertaking an exchange and what you need to be aware of such as compulsory course requirements, the timing of the exchange, etc. with Karen Edgecombe, Academic Manager in the Faculty of Health.
Interational Students, New Zealand Permanent Resident (or Residents), Australian Citizen, or Permanent Resident students
International students
International students may not return to your home country for your exchange.
It is not possible for international students to go on exhange in the last semester of their degree.
You are advised to check with Immigration New Zealand whether an exchange may affect your eligibility for applying for a Post-Study Work Visa.
If you wish to undertake an exchange in Japan, you should check with the Consular Office of Japan in Christchurch to find out whether you will be able to apply for a visa at the Embassy of Japan in New Zealand and whether you will be required to return to your home country for the visa application.
Some countries may require you to submit your visa application or have an interview in person at the Embassy of the country. You should check with the Embassy of the relevant country where you intend to undertake your exchange and the countries that you intend to visit for personal travels to find out what visa regulations may apply to you and what the visa application process or timeframe is. Some countries may not have an Embassy in New Zealand and you may need another visa to travel to the country where the Embassy is located to apply for a visa for your exchange. It is important that you check this before you submit your Student Exchange application as it may determine whether your exchange will be feasible or not.
New Zealand Permanent Resident (or Residents), Australian Citizen, or Permanent Resident students
If you are a New Zealand Permanent Resident or Resident, Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident, you are required to meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for the UC Global Exchange Programme. If you don’t meet any of the criteria, you will need to select a different country for your Global Exchange application.
- In the last 5 years before the date on which the overseas study for your exchange begins, you spent a total of less than 6 months in the country for your exchange. (If you have made multiple trips to your exchange country in the past 5 years, the sum of all the days you have spent in that country on these trips must add up to less than 6 months)
- You are at both of the following times, ordinarily resident of New Zealand
- immediately before you begin studying overseas; and
- while you will be or are studying overseas.
- At any time (even if not present in New Zealand), you are ordinarily resident of New Zealand which means that you
- have your usual place of residence in New Zealand;
- intend to reside indefinitely in New Zealand;
- you normally and lawfully live in New Zealand; and
- intend to stay here and consider New Zealand to be home.
- Note: You cannot be ordinarily resident in two countries at the same time.
- You will undertake a face-to-face study on the campus at the Exchange Partner University and you will not undertake any study by distance.
Partner Institution entry requirements
Once you have found an institution you like, you should also check that you meet their entry requirements. These vary between partner institutions. Many of the programmes are open to most faculties and to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Some programmes are limited to undergraduate study, a particular faculty or a department, and some programmes may require knowledge of a language other than English.
See the partner institution details and visit the website of the partner universities to find out if the subject or course options for your specific degree match those available to exchange students at the universities.