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Responsible use of Gen-AI tools

03 July 2024

Learn how to use Gen-AI tools responsibly.


Gen-AI is a type of machine learning and artificial intelligence that can learn from and mimic large amounts of data to create content such as text, images, and more based on user input in the form of 'prompts'. Gen-AI tools can be used in many ways for study or research purposes - to synthesise, create, refine, test, inspire or modify. 

Considering using Gen-AI in your work, research, or study?

Read this first:

  • Gen-AI is based on Search Engine and Large Language Model technologies.  It works by chaining words and sentences together, searching for patterns, and then generating responses.  While it is great in summarising larger amounts of text or answering questions based on those texts, it does not actually possess the knowledge or understand the subject.

  • The quality of Gen-AI responses depend on the quality of both your prompts and your information-base.  The more specific these are, the higher the quality of your response.

It is important to take into account the following considerations:

  • Ethical Considerations: Using Gen-AI ethically means improving things for everyone, thinking about the consequences, and taking responsibility. Be aware of biases in Gen-AI - such as gender, race or social assumptions - and make sure the outputs are accurate and relevant.

  • Protecting Data Integrity: Be careful with the information you put into commercial and Gen-AI tools like Chat GPT. Avoid sharing sensitive info that could be misused. Stick to UC-endorsed tools like Microsoft Copilot with Data Protection, which keep your data safe. 

  • Intellectual Property and Copyright: Don’t put intellectual property into free Gen-AI tools – it might become public. It's equally important to check Gen-AI generated content for any potential copyright issues before you use, publish, or share the results generated.

  • Accuracy and Reliability: Gen-AI can sometimes get things wrong. Always double-check Gen-AI content with reliable sources to make sure it’s accurate.   You should always validate Gen-AI responses, for example through fact-checking, verifying references and information sources, applying your own understanding of the subject, etc.

  • Protect Confidential Data: Don’t share sensitive data with Gen-AI tools and only share information that you would be willing to share publicly. Stick to UC endorsed tools that meet our privacy and security standards, and always follow ethical and legal guidelines. Anything you provide to Gen-AI tools including prompts and information is processed and could be retained by that technology. Do not enter data that would be classified as “In-Confidence”, “Sensitive” or “Special”. This information is not private and could be collected by unauthorised parties.

Assess data confidentiality carefully

You should only use Gen-AI tools that are appropriate for the type of data you’re working with. 

A very simple overview of how you would adhere to this might look like: 

Special data

Information that has specific handling requirements, security controls or guidelines that must be followed to manage it.

We do not recommend any Gen-AI tools.

Sensitive or non-public data

Information that needs to stay private for personal or organisational reasons. Using the University-endorsed tools mean that your data will not be used to train the AI.

Microsoft Copilot with Data Protection when logged in with the University of Canterbury account. 

Look for the 'Protected' symbol:

Copilot protected symbol

Public data

Information that is freely available. The University doesn't mind if AIs know this information or share it with others. It is freely available anyway.

Any Gen-AI tool.

My own personal data

Information about yourself. It is your choice who you share it with and you take the risk sharing it.

Any Gen-AI tool you feel comfortable sharing your information with.

UC staff


Find out more about information management and protection on our staff intranet (Staff only).

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