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Transcripts and official letters

07 June 2024

You can get an official academic transcript or letter to confirm details of your qualifications from UC. You might need this for an employment agency or prospective employers. Find out about transcripts and official letters from UC.


You can order a transcript/letter of eligibility to graduate or conferment of qualification using the online order form.  

All students who have had a qualification conferred (legally awarded by UC Council) after 25 July 2018 will be issued a free digital transcript. This is only available once students have had a qualification conferred. If you require a copy of your transcript prior to having the qualification conferred, you will need to order and pay for a copy using the online order form. 

If you are enquiring about an education verification, please use our Graduate Search function in the first instance (Chrome is the best browser for this).


Please direct all enquiries to Academic Records or phone +64 3 369 5508. Orders for official academic transcripts and letters can be submitted via Transcript/Letter Orders.  Please allow a minimum of 10 working days for your order to be processed.  If you want to provide additional information in the order form, please use the free text field available at the payment stage. 

For more detailed information, please read all the information contained on this page, in particular, the instructions in relation to your order/enquires before you submit your order.

If you have a debt with the University you should contact Financial Services (phone: +64 3 369 3431 ext. 93431) as soon as possible to clear the debt; Academic Records is unable to issue copies of your transcript when you have a debt sanction on your student record.

Once your debt has been resolved, please email Academic Records so your order can be processed. 

An official academic transcript is a complete record of every year that you have been enrolled at UC. Transcripts are available in physical (paper) and digital formats that can be ordered and paid here. All digital transcripts are issued via the My eQuals platform.

All students who had a qualification conferred after 25 July 2018 will be issued with a free digital copy of their transcript and testamur (qualification certificate) via My eQuals.

Students whose qualifications were conferred prior to 25 July 2018 or who have not yet graduated will need to order and pay for a digital copy of their transcript.  Please note that we cannot provide digital testamurs for qualifications that were conferred prior to the implementation of My eQuals at the University of Canterbury (25 July 2018).

If you have had a qualification conferred (ie, you have graduated) since 25 July 2018 but you do not have access to My eQuals, please contact Academic Records or phone +64 3 369 5508.

Academic Records do not send digital transcripts directly out to other parties.  The way that My eQuals works, is that the documents are stored within a central repository in My eQuals, in which you have access to your personal, certified copies of documents. 

If you apply for a digital transcript, when we have processed your transcript order, you will get receive an e-mail from My eQuals containing a link and instructions on how to set up your My eQuals account to access your certified documents.  Please do not set up a My eQuals account prior to receiving the e-mail.  You should only do this once you receive the notification. 

Once you have set up your account, you can then share access to your documentation within My eQuals to another person or institution that accepts My eQuals.

Alternatively, we can send paper copies out to another person or institution.

An official transcript is different to the internal transcript that students can access via MyUC.


An official transcript will show:

  • Your full legal name and UC student ID number
  • The reason you were granted admission to UC (please note that this may include the year you were first eligible to attend University)
  • All courses and grades achieved whilst at UC; this includes failing grades for courses that you did not formally withdraw from
  • Qualifications completed
  • Qualifications awarded/conferred, and the date of conferral
  • Scholarships you have been awarded via the University Scholarships Office* 
  • Credits transferred from another institution**


An official transcript will not show:

  • GPA values / calculations
  • Most notes that appear on your internal record
  • Courses from which you formally withdrew (these show as 'WD' or 'WDFR' in MyUC).


*Scholarships awarded by Departments/Schools or external institutions will not be shown on your official transcript.

**This will show a summary of the points you have been granted towards your qualification at UC. Some professional organisations/prospective employers may also require you to provide an official transcript from the “source” institution of the credit; this is not something that UC can provide.

A letter of eligibility to graduate is only available after you have met the requirements for a qualification and before the qualification has been awarded. This letter cannot be written until your final grades have been officially released. You can choose to receive the letter in digital or hard-copy (paper) format. To order please go here.


A Letter of Eligibility to Graduate states:

  • That you are eligible to graduate
  • When you completed the requirements of your qualification(s)
  • The majors and endorsements (if applicable)


Please note that Academic Records is not able to provide information about lecture attendance or hours of study.

For further information on costs, processing times and other FAQs please see Costs and how to order and Digital Documents – My eQuals.

A letter of conferment of degree is available only after a qualification has been awarded, which can be ordered and paid here. You can choose to receive the letter in digital or hard-copy (paper) format.


A Letter of Conferment of Degree states:

  • when you completed the requirements of your qualification(s)
  • the majors and endorsements (if applicable)
  • the date(s) of the conferment/award of the qualification(s)


If you require additional information, please use the comments section in the order form to specify this, or email Academic Records.

Please note that Academic Records is not able to provide information about lecture attendance or hours of study.

For further information on costs, processing times and other FAQs please see Costs and how to order and Digital Documents – My eQuals.

Please refer to Graduation for further information about the conferment of degree.

UC does not have a formal class ranking system; however, some departments may be able to provide your ranking within some courses/programmes. You should contact the appropriate Department/School Administrator in the first instance.

The GPA is based on an average which is calculated by multiplying a grade’s numerical value by the points value for the course, adding these results together for all courses to come to the Grade Point Total which is then divided by the total number of points enrolled in.

This calculation is intended for internal purposes for the University. The University can, however, provide a letter that states your GPA and how this is calculated. To request a letter, email Academic Records.

A testamur awarded by the University is a legal document and only one original may be in existence at a time. We cannot provide a copy of your testamur.

If you have a query about a replacement testamur, please email Academic Records. If you are eligible for a replacement, there will be a fee of $120.

Please note that we cannot provide digital testamurs for qualifications that were conferred prior to the implementation of My eQuals at the University of Canterbury (25 July 2018).

The conferment of degrees is a matter of public record and degrees conferred by the University of Canterbury between 1980 and the present, and by the Christchurch College of Education between 1997 and 2006, can be verified online using our Graduate Search.

Requests for information beyond what is accessible in the Graduate Search must be made in writing to and be accompanied by written authorisation from the graduate/student.

We will not provide additional information over the phone.

University of Canterbury is a signatory of the Groningen Declaration and as of 12th July 2018 will start provisioning digital official letters, academic transcripts and degree certificates via My eQuals, a secure online credentials service widely used by New Zealand and Australian Universities.


**Please note: the University of Canterbury is not affiliated with 'Canterbury University' Cheshire Hyde, UK or Taktaz, Iran.

Students who have passed courses enrolled against a Certificate of Proficiency (COP) that have not been, and will not subsequently be, credited towards a formal qualification of any University, can order a transcript.  

The transcript details the course codes, titles and grades of courses completed. You can choose to receive the transcript in digital or hard-copy (paper) format, which can be ordered and paid here.  

For further information on costs, processing times and other FAQs please see either Costs and how to order or Digital Documents – My eQuals.

Need to order your Academic Transcript and/or a Letter?

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