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UC Chaplaincy

Kāhui Wairua

13 November 2023

Need someone to talk to? UC Chaplaincy offers pastoral and practical support regardless of your background or beliefs. We see ourselves as ‘The Department of Spiritual Engineering’ on campus. We exist to nurture spirituality, offer pastoral care, and facilitate dialogue with the students and staff at UC. The Chaplain's office is located in Forestry 115, with a Prayer and Reflection Space in Forestry 116.

Someone to talk to, someone to listen

Need someone to talk to about what’s going on for you? Looking for people to connect with? Keen for some quiet, meditative space on campus? Want to explore your spiritual journey with someone? Or maybe you just want someone to shout you a coffee?

UC Chaplaincy offers pastoral and practical support regardless of someone’s background or beliefs. They see themselves as ‘The Department of Spiritual Engineering’ on campus - and exist to nurture spirituality, offer pastoral care and facilitate dialogue amongst the students and staff at Canterbury.

'Most people soon realise that life at Uni is about so much more than just growing big brains and consuming vast quantities of beer. Universities were originally created to be places that form the whole person - intellectually, relationally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In keeping with that goal, UC Chaplains exist to help foster that spiritual side of campus life at Canterbury…and to drink a whole lot of coffee in the process.

Our Chaplains are great listeners and expert problem solvers. They’re the safe people you can talk to, bounce questions off, and pray with at UC. And because they’re independent - you can trust them to be impartial and to keep things in confidence.

UC Chaplaincy also plays an important role in the civic life of the University - leading services and helping with rituals such as leading Karakia, the opening and closing of buildings, funerals, memorials and blessings after deaths, the blessing of important spaces, religious festivals, and tend to pop up at most significant moments in the life of the University.

Chaplains are also able to bless the opening or re-opening of new spaces on campus, and offer spiritual comfort during and following a traumatic incident on request. Please note for advice regarding Māori tikanga (cultural protocols) on campus please contact mana whenua representatives at the UC Ngāi Tahu Research Centre or the UC Chaplain can put you in touch with them.

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