Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Master’s/Doctoral thesis/dissertation, University Name]. Repository Name. DOI OR URL accessible to all readers
Ignatov, I. (2013). Eastward voyages and the late medieval European worldview [Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury]. UC Research Repository. https://doi.org/10.26021/4539
Nepe, T. M. (1991). Te toi huarewa tipuna: Kaupapa Maori, an educational intervention system [Master’s thesis, University of Auckland]. ResearchSpace. http://hdl.handle.net/2292/3066
Solomon, C. A. (2014). It’s numbers and that’s it: An exploration of children’s beliefs about mathematics through their drawings and words [Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury]. UC Research Repository. https://doi.org/10.26021/10034
- Parenthetical citations: (Ignatov, 2013; Nepe, 1991; Solomon, 2014)
- Narrative citations: Ignatov (2013), Nepe (1991), and Solomon, 2014
Author, A. A. (Year). Title [Unpublished master’s/doctoral thesis/dissertation]. University Name.
Healey, D. (2005). Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and creativity: An investigation into their relationship [Unpublished doctoral thesis]. University of Canterbury.
Hood, K. E. S. (2008). On beyond boo! Horror literature for children [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
- Parenthetical citations: (Healey, 2005; Hood, 2008)
- Narrative citations: Healey (2005) and Hood (2008)
- PhD theses: Follow the title with “Unpublished doctoral thesis/dissertation”.
- Master’s theses: Use “Unpublished master’s thesis” – the rest of the reference is like that of a PhD thesis.
- PhD thesis/dissertation: Use the terminology used on the thesis itself. Usually the word is “thesis” for theses from New Zealand and all other countries except the US, which uses “dissertation” for PhD theses.
- See also Published Dissertation or Thesis References (APA Style website) for more examples.