News Data Source V1
2024 -
2025 news -
*** Cancelled due to Alert Level 2 restrictions*** Lego train tracks -
$1m to develop AI-driven emotional recognition training to reduce ‘social blindness’ -
'Can' Your Library Fines Campaign 2020 - Extended until 1st November -
‘Constant bird song’ - result of innovative conservation -
‘Eco worm tax’ a winning plan for UC student -
‘Love food, hate waste’ advocate wins research award -
‘Massive social experiment’ leading to cyber hate says expert -
‘Nobody’s child’ – despite a compelling case for reform, NZ’s adoption laws remain stuck in the past -
‘Ramadan effect’ brings stock market gains, new Canterbury research -
"Rights, Responsibilities and Disasters", June 25-27: Call for Abstracts -
'Rock' music from CSO to celebrate university's 150th -
‘Sinking Lessons’ wins award for Lyttelton poet and UC professor -
‘Straight A’ student recognised with prestigious scholarship -
‘Student-led, faculty-enabled’ programme up for national award -
‘Super-matcher’ study seeks Sherlock skills -
“Take your shot at scholarship success” – Canterbury students -
UC fine arts graduate wins Canterbury prize -
‘Woman of Influence’ on how to balance work and family and save democracy -
$1.2m funding boost for Parkinson's disease study -
$10 million boost for literacy education will upskill 70,000 children -
1000 SVA members to return to Red Zone -
150 years of indelible academic architecture -
151 of New Zealand’s youngest university students graduate -
180 Degrees Consultants making an impact with the SPCA and Britten Institute -
1950s divas and old maids at UC Music concert -
2000 University of Canterbury students celebrate graduation -
2019 - 2020 Library Holiday Hours -
2019 Salon Sessions -
2020 - 2021 Library Holiday Hours -
2020 Grace Butler Artist’s Residency won by UC lecturer -
2021-2022 Summer holiday hours -
2022 PhD Scholarships available now -
Engineering students given opportunity to go behind the scenes at NZ power industry sites -
2023 UC Young New Zealander of the Year announced -
300BCE mummy shroud fragment in NZ finds match in US -
31st March Scholarship Round closing soon -
3D printed bug to raise awareness of invasion threat -
3D printing helps turn ‘bleach’ into non-toxic rocket fuel -
5 Minutes with Alessandro Palermo -
6 PhD Scholarships Available at CNRE -
6 teams, 48 hours, the Future of Healthcare -
83-year-old graduate flies in for university reunion -
$85k in prizes awarded to entrepreneurial students -
92 years of resilience and perseverance for UC grad -
A Better Start: Māori and Pasifika children to benefit from early learning research -
A budget for the ‘squeezed middle’ – but will it be the political circuit-breaker Labour wants? -
A Conversation About...Climate Change Action at UC -
A cosmic year for UC astrophysicist -
A determined post-grad student: if you can’t interview them, join them -
A different Middle Ages, Polynesian style -
A diverse view of science to catalyse change -
A former UC librarian funds study after overcoming lymphoedema herself -
A fresh look at Llew Summers’ legacy -
A good night’s sleep key for children with autism, study shows -
A knife-edge election in Fiji sees power shift -
A long time coming: new book investigates the complex story of Ngāi Tahu’s Treaty settlement -
A medical scan reveals the secrets of New Zealand’s extinct marine reptiles, almost 150 years after the fossils’ discovery -
A Mission of Social Good: UC MBA Thought Leadership Presentation -
A neutrino portrait of our galaxy reveals high-energy particles from within the Milky Way -
A new Omicron wave is upon New Zealand, with older people now most at risk – here’s what to expect -
A Polar Law approach to climate change? -
A powerful combination: how new technology could both generate energy and capture carbon from the sky -
A reflection on year one as Vice-Chancellor of UC -
A sustainable new solution for ageing, corroding infrastructure -
A team of academics and professionals including UC CNRE's Senior Lecturer has won 10M$ in the 2020 Endeavour round at MBIE -
A woman’s best friend – dogs and domestic violence -
Abuse in care redress must be survivor-led -
Academic review responding to complaints about Professor Brady’s paper -
Academic’s 20-year quest to restore rare African forest -
Accelerating research into seismic hazard analysis and forecasting -
Access to UC’s Heritage Collections revamped -
Accounting Professor Discusses Research in Podcast Series -
ACE system supports success of all first-year students at UC -
Activist and advocate for social change -
Activists and academics intersect at UC Sustainability Awards -
Adaptive learning technologies puts students on path to success -
Admiral Sir Gordon Tait Scholarship helps Timaru boys pursue ambitions -
Adoption to be one of the matters addressed under a new Law Commission review -
Adult study leads to fresh career and a new startup -
Adult study provides life changing career turn -
Advising UC students proves a rewarding role -
After a year of digital learning and virtual teaching, let's hear it for real books -
After its first suspected Delta variant community case, New Zealand goes into short, sharp nationwide lockdown -
AI in education needs more women says leading professor -
AI takes centre stage at international conference in Christchurch -
Aiming for the stars with double degree in science and arts -
Airborne microplastics and climate change – free UC public lecture -
Alumni Ben Thompson shortlisted for Simonds Young Professional of the Year Award at UDIA Victoria’s 2021 Awards! -
Alumni Q&A: Alastair McLae -
Alumni Q&A: Cam McCracken -
Alumni Q&A: Carl Davidson -
Alumni Q&A: Cleve Cameron -
Alumni Q&A: Dr Ghislaine Lewis -
Alumni Q&A: Dr Hamish Laird -
Alumni Q&A: Jack Musgrave -
Alumni Q&A: James Horrocks -
Alumni Q&A: Janina Konia -
Alumni Q&A: Jeff Bell -
Alumni Q&A: Joe Zhu -
Alumni Q&A: John Chrisstoffels -
Alumni Q&A: John Holt -
Alumni Q&A: Jonathan Scragg -
Alumni Q&A: Karen Wrigglesworth -
Alumni Q&A: Melissa Lee -
Alumni Q&A: Nina Le Lievre -
Alumni Q&A: Paul Charteris -
Alumni Q&A: Professor Katie Pickles -
Alumni Q&A: Rachael Evans -
Alumni Q&A: Sonia Yee -
Alumni Q&A: Tim Hume -
Alumni Q&A: Tuaopepe Abba Fidow -
Alumni Q&A: Vanessa O'Brien -
Alumni Q&A: Zahra Emamzadeh -
Alumni Q&A: Zoe Mcintosh -
Alumnus Appointed Chair of NZ Commerce Commission -
An Evening with - The only good critic... -
An ice-cold visit for tamariki at UC’s Gateway Antarctica -
Analysis shows how the Greens have changed the language of economic debate in New Zealand -
Annual Commerce Teachers’ Day equips teachers for post-COVID classroom -
Antarctic researchers react to Budget’s Scott Base news -
Antarctic Resolution / Biennale Architettura 2021 -
Anti-bullying attitude important every day – NZ education expert -
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria in NZ’s wild cockles and watercress put people at growing risk of serious illness -
Aotearoa Rockstars bringing te reo to west Christchurch -
APA Changes with 7th Edition of Publication Manual -
Arctic sea-ice algae attract plastics, new research shows -
Arctic sea-ice algae attract plastics, new research shows -
Are microgrids the answer to reliable power in Kiwi homes? -
Are small scale farms the future of global agriculture? -
Arithmetic has a biological origin – it’s an expression in symbols of the ‘deep structure’ of our perception -
Art photographer's journey from Berlin to Christchurch -
As Antarctic sea ice continues its dramatic decline, we need more measurements and better models to predict its future -
As New Zealand relaxes restrictions, here’s what we can still do to limit COVID infections -
As the government is learning, a ‘wage freeze’ can come with unintended consequences -
‘Ashley Bloomfield of maths’ aims to boost students’ confidence -
Asteroid hunters name space rock for Distinguished Professor Roy Kerr -
Astronomers discover the science behind star bursts that light up the sky -
At least four in five New Zealanders will have to be vaccinated before border controls can be fully relaxed -
Athletic performance project wins engineering award -
Auckland is likely to remain in strict lockdown for several more weeks to stamp out NZ’s Delta outbreak -
Auckland’s rapid lockdown has given New Zealand a better chance of eliminating coronavirus – again -
Augmented reality in architecture and construction -
Australasian-first for UC Business School -
Australasia’s first Fire Station, Fire Engineering Facility on a university campus -
Autistic people need a greater say in where NZ’s autism research funding is spent – here’s a way forward -
Autocorrect to Alexa - Understanding the human experience -
Award for researcher’s efforts to help NZers stay healthy -
Award-winning Commerce student inspired by politics, equity & maths -
Award-winning project launches UC graduate’s career -
Award-winning research paper links birthdate with NCEA results -
Award winning “sensei” connects Japanese students globally -
Award-winning UC student beats communication barriers with filmmaking – Q&A -
Awards given to exceptional UC teachers and mentors -
Awards given to stand-out UC teachers -
Babies’ balance tested in new research -
Baby language parents’ guide delights -
Band Together -
Barbie: the strange evolution of an iconic doll -
Beacons and black holes: The new 10-year mental health plan -
Beatrice Tinsley building opening a milestone for science at UC -
Beech mega-masts and predator plagues – expert Q&A -
Beethoven concert a rare chance to hear composer’s music on an early piano -
Behrouz Boochani to become research fellow at UC -
Ben Gough Family Foundation Unveils Trailblazing Leaders of the 2024 Leaders Scholarship -
Benefits for premature babies from PhD graduate’s research -
Between Light and Memory – Hemer’s art and Aphrodite’s review -
Beyond victims and saviours – sustainability in the Pacific -
Beyond Zoom, Teams and video lectures — what do university students really want from online learning? -
Bicultural lessons a firm foundation for Aotearoa Law students -
Big hopes for new model of community transformation -
Biodegradable coating to help achieve food security -
Biodegradable plastic could be “material of the future” -
Biodiversity is everyone’s business -
Biomass boiler funding of $6m takes UC closer to sustainability targets -
Blockchain benefits sustainable food production -
Books about Māori legends created for local children -
Brain-like computer chips could address privacy concerns and greenhouse emissions -
Brainwave activity that reveals knowledge of crime -
Breaking barriers to equitable healthcare -
Breakthrough for kākāpō hatching could be in the genes -
Bridging the Gap -
Bridging the gap between remote sensing and tree modelling with data science -
Bringing Pacific knowledge and innovation to new courses -
Bringing the world of science to New Zealand’s future scientists -
Building a Better Brain with nutrition - event postponed -
Building a Better Brain with nutrition - public talk -
Building a more sustainable future with 3D concrete printed homes -
Building business capacity to ensure a sustainable future in tourism -
Building knowledge to reduce deaths from respiratory illnesses -
Building resilient cities with game-based negotiations -
Building smarter to help cut NZ’s carbon emissions -
Business leaders offer insights in new video series -
Business sector welcomes NZ’s new sustainability degree* -
Busting a king-sized myth -
Call for New Zealand specific autism research -
Call for unity ahead of education mega-strike -
Calling the latest gene technologies ‘natural’ is a semantic distraction — they must still be regulated -
Campaign trail threats and abuse reinforce the need to protect NZ’s women politicians -
Can contact tracing apps save us from COVID-19? -
Can earthquakes trigger volcanic eruptions? -
Can retail investor optimism affect stock returns over Halloween? -
Can we really decolonise the university? -
Can you trust online rating systems? -
'Can' Your Library Fines Campaign 2021 -
CANCELLED Library Tower Race -
Canterbury Aerospace students fire rocket into the black -
Canterbury and Canada combine in online Indigenous Economics course -
Canterbury and South Pacific researchers send message to COP26 leaders -
Canterbury artist Hammond paints to own rare beat -
Canterbury astronomers involved in NASA DART Mission -
Canterbury astronomers spot quadruple stars which may spark supernova explosions -
Canterbury Distinguished Professor Roy Kerr elected as Royal Society Fellow -
Canterbury Distinguished Professor Roy Kerr gives Black Hole lecture via Zoom -
Canterbury Distinguished Professor Roy Kerr’s black hole theory proven right -
Canterbury earthquake resources find a permanent home -
Canterbury engineers create world-leading design for Kiwi Paralympic skier -
Canterbury footballer on track for exciting teaching, coaching career -
Canterbury geotech engineer wins medal for quake research -
Canterbury green hydrogen projects get $4 million boost -
Canterbury health research projects win funding boost -
Canterbury innovators rise to the Food, Fibre and Agritech Challenge -
Canterbury joins the race to zero -
Canterbury Leaders Reflect on Recent Complex Times -
Canterbury luminaries’ blue-sky thinking led to tertiary sector shift -
Canterbury Master's student to become Rhodes Scholar at Oxford -
Canterbury musician and mentor take new music on nationwide tour -
Canterbury natural hazard research gets $1.35m funding boost -
Canterbury PhD student using audio to lure predators -
Canterbury poet’s letters added to NZ heritage collection -
Canterbury ranks 11th in world for Sustainability Education -
Canterbury research to fly on International Space Station -
Canterbury researcher hooks award for study of native fish -
Canterbury researcher wins Royal Society Medal for teaching patients how to swallow -
Canterbury researchers funded $17m to solve global problems -
Canterbury researchers funded to tackle child health challenges -
Canterbury researchers in global effort to save Mekong Delta from drowning -
Canterbury researchers join effort to disinfect and reuse PPE -
Canterbury researchers launch red zone story app -
Canterbury researchers launch red zone story app -
Canterbury researchers lead the focus on Decolonizing Animals -
Canterbury researcher’s liquefaction work wins top US award -
Canterbury researchers rocket into astrobiology -
Canterbury researchers seek firmer footing for ‘Disaster Law’ -
Canterbury’s classics heroes revealed -
Canterbury’s Game Industry ‘push play’ on strategy taking sector to next level -
Canterbury scholarship aims to grow business leadership -
Canterbury start-ups tap into skilled local graduates -
Canterbury startup Vxt attracts industry-leading advisors -
Canterbury student heads to Chile, Antarctica to join Youth Expedition -
Student rocketing off to NASA JPL with NZ Space Scholarship -
Canterbury student sets sail on environmental voyage -
Canterbury student wins KiwiNet Student Entrepreneur prize -
Canterbury student wins national contest with crater lake research -
Canterbury students invent new materials from flax and cabbage tree leaves -
Canterbury students officially open new home and theatre -
Canterbury students rally on COVID-19 market volatility in CMC Markets University Trading Challenge -
Canterbury students tackle career options as interns for the Crusaders -
Canterbury students tackle Tongan water challenges -
Canterbury students to explore ‘fake news’ in a 'post-truth' world -
Canterbury students win CMC Markets University Trading Challenge -
Canterbury study tackles collisions in junior rugby players -
Canterbury study tackles head collision risks for junior rugby players -
Canterbury tech entrepreneur returns to help the SVA mobilise nationwide -
Canterbury to host global VR symposium next year -
Canterbury to host premiere climate adaptation conference -
Canterbury youth mentoring researcher wins national award -
Cardboard straws, paper bags aren't the ecofriendly solution you might think -
Career slam-dunk for University of Canterbury graduate -
Celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori 13–19 Mahuru 2021 -
Celebrating 2021 Young New Zealander of the Year Finalists -
Celebrating a pioneering spirit, UC Professor Jane Soons -
Celebrating Sue McCormack’s tenure as Chancellor -
Celebrating the 2021 UC Young New Zealander of the Year -
Celebrating the humans of Ōtautahi -
Celebrating the pictorial finesse of artist Leo Bensemann -
Celebrating UC ākonga Māori achievements at Eke Tangaroa -
Celebrating UC excellence in early childhood education -
Central Library Extended Hours for exams -
Challenge to accelerate innovation in the food, fibre and agritech sector -
Changing cat-containment to keep cats content -
Changing face of leadership: going digital -
Changing the world, one smile at a time -
Changing the world from NZ to Nigeria -
Changing young lives the goal for graduate of new degree -
Chasing future biotech solutions to climate change risks delaying action -
Chatham Islands provide missing link in penguin evolution -
Child ADHD study shows longer term micronutrient benefits -
Child Well Being Research Symposium a resounding success -
Children celebrate ‘graduation’ at Christchurch Town Hall -
Children flourish when education is holistic – and culturally responsive -
Children live online more than ever – we need better definitions of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ screen time -
Children of opioid-dependent mothers have complex needs -
Children’s bullying behaviour impacts teacher and parent wellbeing -
Children’s University grows thanks to $50,000 boost -
Chinese Anzac brothers’ ground-breaking kiwi legacy -
Chinese-Kiwi cooperation in education on show -
Christchurch Cathedral Reinstatement Project expresses appreciation for UC intern -
Christchurch advocate for refugee families an award finalist -
Christchurch students win tech award for receipt management mobile application -
Christchurch talent shines through film production revolution -
Christchurch wins digi-tech conference to shape future learning -
Cinematic installations emerge from UC collaboration -
Circus meets symphony in Ngāi Tahu creation story -
Citation advantage for open access at UC -
Citizen science helping endangered species -
City partnership a world leader in climate change planning -
Claims that Behrouz Boochani jumped the queue are a reminder of the dangers of anti-refugee politics -
Claire Dong and Luke de Schot have been awarded Aho Hīnātore | Accelerator Scholarships -
Clarifying Antarctic seal numbers with a NZ Post scholarship -
Clear communication is key when disaster strikes -
Clever solution helps more Covid-19 ICU patients breathe -
Climate adaptation projects sometimes exacerbate the problems they try to solve -
Climate change impact on natural hazards explored in new research -
Climate change impact on youth mental health explored -
Climate change throws tree seeding out of sync – new study -
Climate explained: does building and expanding motorways really reduce congestion and emissions? -
Climate explained: rising carbon emissions (probably) won’t make the Earth uninhabitable -
Climate Explained: what Earth would be like if we hadn’t pumped greenhouse gases into the atmosphere -
Climate explained: will the tropics eventually become uninhabitable? -
Close contact test results will be crucial to whether Auckland’s level 3 lockdown is extended beyond three days -
Cloud data a silver lining for climate change predictions -
CMC Markets University of Canterbury Trading Challenge showcases next generation of traders -
CNRE Alumni has been awarded fib Achievement Award for Young Engineers 2021 -
CNRE has ranked 9th in the world -
CNRE News -
CNRE Professor wins international award -
CNRE's Lecturer Dr Tom Logan talks to Stuff about the urge to be strategic in planning our cities -
CNRE's PhD Candidate has been selected as a member of Commonwealth Futures Climate Research Cohort -
CNRE's Professor, Alessandro Palermo tells RNZ that it's time to think about long term viability of Auckland Harbour bridge -
CNRE’s Senior Lecturer, Mark Stringer, has received the NZGS best paper award -
CNRE's Lecturer talking about housing, climate , and reviving our downtowns -
Co-led research priorities a first for autism research in Aotearoa -
Collection Highlight November 2021 -
Collection Highlights for February 26 February 2021 -
Colour and spectacle: UC’s Gamelan Ensemble performs tonight -
Combined degree the perfect fit -
Combining education, science and dance -
Commerce Teachers Connect with Industry to Inspire Next Generation -
Common mineral could be key to tackling climate change -
Conference to bring 1000s of people to Ōtautahi -
Communities hit by climate change need the option to "stay with dignity" -
Community capacity – searching for hope in Mataura -
Community minded UC student helps struggling migrants workers -
Computer enthusiast lecturer wins national teaching award at 74 -
Computing goes ‘neuromorphic’ with nanotechnology -
Conclusion of review into published article Holding a Pen in One Hand, Gripping a Gun in the Other -
Congratulations to Dr Bikesh Shrestha -
Congratulations to December 2019 graduates -
Congratulations to Dr Alex Meredith on successful defence of his PhD thesis -
Congratulations to Dr Nikos Ntritsos on the successful defence of his PhD thesis -
Congratulations to our 2020 Teaching Award winners -
Congratulations to Rosa Wallace for her win of the inaugural Stantec Jim Bradley Scholarship -
Congratulations to the research team for a new published Journal Paper -
Connecting researchers and policymakers -
Connections with communities - a solid base for recovery -
Consumers want NZ farmers to comply with regulations - better monitoring and transparency would help to build trust -
Contrasting styles, some substance: five experts on the first TV leaders’ debate of NZ’s election -
Cook commemorations are mute on intimate encounters and their profound impact on Indigenous women -
COP26 failed to address ocean acidification, but the law of the seas means states must protect the world's oceans -
Corporate governance: ruled by code not a CEO -
Could academic streaming in New Zealand schools be on the way out? The evidence suggests it should be -
Could an autonomous vehicle harm you? -
Could this be the future of your food? -
Could wildflowers and bug hotels avert an insect apocalypse -
Counting the cost – pioneer of environmental accounting recognised -
COVID-19 and the unexplored role of neighbourhood deprivation -
Covid-19 couldn’t curb enthusiasm for sustainability -
Covid-19 impact leading businesses to move online -
Covid-19 modelling expert wins international maths medal -
Covid-19 research shows higher risk for Māori and Pacific people -
Covid-19 restrictions have relaxed across Aotearoa - except Auckland. How much longer will the city have to wait? -
COVID-19 update with Professor Michael Plank on RNZ -
Covid-19 vaccination event confirmed for University of Canterbury campus -
COVID breath-testing – could it be next? New NZ research says yes! -
Covid modellers win University of Canterbury research medal -
Crafty mathematicians win NZAS Cranwell Medal for Science Communication -
Creating a more sustainable world, one decision at a time -
Creating art for good in a changing world -
Creating carbon-negative ‘green’ hydrogen to fuel our world -
Creating the ultimate biodiversity guide for farmers -
Crusaders and UC team up to target fans’ fitness -
Crusaders fans take note: Home crowds can influence outcomes -
Crusaders on side for match-ups on marketing, research and student success -
Culbert Hotere exhibition launches university’s new city gallery space at CoCA -
Culturally responsive teaching resource launched at UC -
Custom-built electric car brings international success for UC Motorsport -
Cutbacks to Classics a Retrograde Step -
Cutting-edge percussion strides into the spotlight -
Cutting edge research uses pipefish to study the puzzle of sexual selection -
Cyclone Gabrielle triggered more destructive ‘slash’ -
Dame Ngaio Marsh’s Hamlet script returns to UC -
Dancing to a new beat, making museums easier to navigate -
Dark Sky Project launches in Takapō -
Data sets and counter-insurgency: summer school in Chicago -
Data wrangling PhD student goes from medical imaging to Weta Digital -
Database to help rainbow patients get better healthcare -
Defending freedom of speech in new online hate series -
Dementia Prevention Research Clinic launches in Christchurch -
Department research awarded Marsden grants for physics-based ground motion simulations -
Department research awarded Smart Ideas grant for Tsunami evacuation future-proofing -
Design and analysis of a long-range business jet -
Design and chemistry make perfect potion for new UC graduate -
Devastating consequences from planting pine -
Developing a resilient electrical grid for New Zealand -
Developing new algorithms to manage biosecurity threats -
Diabetes tech tool to deliver better health outcomes -
Did a tragic family secret influence Kate Sheppard’s mission to give New Zealand women the vote? -
Digital doctors’ HealthPod puts healthcare in the community -
Discovering the Adulterer’s Guide: Aotearoa’s Wicked Bible -
Diving to new depths for Antarctic Science -
Divorced grannies provide more childcare - new research -
Doco directed by UC lecturer screening at NZ film festival -
Don’t believe the backlash – the benefits of NZ investing more in cycling will far outweigh the costs -
Don't panic: runaway global warming study 'very implausible' -
Donor’s $3 million gift expands options for southern scholars -
Dope or nope? UC experts discuss the Cannabis referendum -
Double awards win for UC Pacific education specialist -
Double degree paves way to law career -
Double degree puts business goals in reach -
Drone doctor: Measuring whale health from above – new UC research -
Drones and satellites among new tools to track biodiversity -
Dumplings, movies, quizzes and speakers - UCE’s club launches had something for everyone! -
#EachForEqual: UC’s commitment to gender pay parity research and action -
Alumni Q&A: Jo-Marie Baker -
Early computer-generated music fascinates international virtual audience -
Early environmentalists had more chance of success -
Early literacy success is critical to children’s wellbeing -
Earthquakes can change the course of rivers - with devastating results -
Earthquakes don’t kill people; buildings do. And those lovely decorative bits are the first to fall -
Easter break - 10 - 14 April -
Eco-friendly ventures steal the show at the UCE Summer Startup Showcase! -
Economics and Finance Professor Winner of NZFC Award -
Economics experts take a look at New Zealand for UC community weekend -
Economics graduate appointed Assistant Governor of Reserve Bank of New Zealand -
Economics Lecturer Discusses Cut to Official Cash Rate -
Education Minister opens award-winning new UC building -
Education resources from Canterbury destined for schools in Tonga -
Efficient biofilters can slow climate change -
Eleven UC subjects ranked in the top 200 globally a good foundation to build from -
Emergency nurses warn against Covid complacency -
Emperor penguins face a bleak future – but some colonies will do better than others in diverse sea-ice conditions -
Empowering urgent decision making in natural disasters -
Enabling drones to use tools in complex environments -
Encouraging diversity in electrical engineering -
EndNote enthusiast? Zealous for Zotero? -
Energy Academy and UC partner on new learning model -
Engaging in controversial topics in teaching and research -
Engineer's Wellington waterfront research provides seismic treasure trove -
Engineering a brighter future -
Engineering a more sustainable future for commercial fishing -
Engineering graduate’s career takes flight after redesigning umbrella -
Engineering new ways to treat dirty water -
Engineering revolutionary, rapid, resilient, recyclable buildings -
Engineering the future – from sustainable fishing to 3D-printing titanium hips -
Engineers launch new building system to protect houses in a quake -
Enhancing Local Climate Risk Assessments -
Ensuring fire sprinklers withstand earthquakes -
Entrepreneur opens sculpture park for UCSA fundraiser -
Entrepreneurs develop robotic farming to look after the land -
Entries for the HealthTech Supernode Challenge 2020 are open! -
Entries for the HealthTech Supernode Challenge 2020 are open! -
Environmental and ecological research to benefit from generous bequest to UC -
Enzyme research could help target antibiotic resistance -
EPECentre and Aruhiko PEET celebrate 20th anniversary -
EPECentre Scholars welcomed at Orion -
Epiphanies, beauty and climate change – an evening with Professor Sophie Grace Chappell -
EQC grants $1.25m for UC natural hazards research -
Ethnic diversity in NZ parliament declines -
Ethnomathematics in oral tradition societies: different kind of string theory -
Examining the nano-environment between cancer cells -
Excellence award for UC political scientist -
Exceptional product design boosts innovation in telehealth -
Experience outer space while keeping your feet on the ground -
Expert judges “blown away” by Final Showcase pitches -
Expert to discuss post-lockdown stress on families at free public event -
Experts unite to ‘supercharge’ children’s health, wellbeing & education -
Exploring social delights of past and present: the Archaeology of Food -
Exploring the potential of tall timber buildings -
Exposure to te reo Māori primes the brain for language learning -
Fact check – did the 2021 Budget reverse 1991’s ‘Mother of All Budgets’ benefit cuts? -
Fake news and half-truths take a toll on financial markets -
Fake news is not new; just ask Plato -
Fake news was a thing long before Donald Trump — just ask the ancient Greeks -
Famous Canterbury graduate Ernest Rutherford turns 150 -
Fast-Start grant supports UC-led research on energy-saving nanotechnology -
Fatal flaws: the collapse of Morandi Bridge – public lecture -
Featured Image: 30th November -
Featured Image: 7th December -
Feeding the brain: exploring nutrition’s role in mental health – UC public talk -
Feeding the Mind -
Fellow poets’ new work on show at UC -
Female medieval saints misrepresented, award-winning UC student finds -
Female students gain confidence in the financial sector -
Few degrees of separation in Pons family -
Fifty years of asteroid hunting for Kiwi couple -
Fighting wildfire with GPS data -
Filipino teachers learn online through UC -
Final Showcase Lineup Announced! -
Financial education has its limits -
Findings & Recommendations by Hon. Kit Toogood QC -
Fines to be reinstated from 10 July -
Fiona’s gift helps social workers to help others -
Fire sprinkler piping system research could mean more lives saved in an earthquake. -
First evidence of microplastics in Antarctic snow – new NZ research -
First image of Milky Way neutrinos detected by IceCube -
First insights to potential competition between NZ’s toothed whales and dolphins -
First Masters of Criminal Justice graduate from UC -
First of its kind study underway on how NZ accent changes in childhood -
First World War commemorations - a missed opportunity -
First-year students do better with PALS -
Five minutes with Conan Fee -
Five principles to follow if your job is to lead your staff through the coronavirus crisis -
Five top projects win 2021 Teaching Development Scholarships -
Flights have resumed between New Zealand and NSW, but the temporary travel pause may not be the last -
Focus on Indigenous storytelling in new UC qualification -
Food, Fibre and Agritech Challenge top 25 confirmed -
Food printing and Antarctic chill part of kids on campus event -
For future sustainability, embrace gene editing – UC’s newest Professor Emerita -
Forestry scholarships grow diversity -
Forging connections to share knowledge -
Former lawn produces hundreds of kilos of veggies for students -
Four researchers awarded $450,000 for innovative health projects -
Four UC scientists honoured on NZ Space Pioneers stamps -
Four wins for University of Canterbury Rugby against rivals -
Free public event: Run it straight – Towards a nurturing masculinity in Polynesian men -
Free public event: The Path to a Sustainable Future -
Free public kōrero: Whakamanahia ngā tamariki -
Middle aged skaters, surfers & snowboarders -
Free public talk – What’s your poison: How do we resist antibiotic resistance? -
Free public talk: In bed with the Romans (R18) -
Free public talk: The Quest for Alien Worlds and Life Beyond Earth -
Free public transport is a great start -
Freshwater ecosystems under threat in a warming Aotearoa -
Friendship makes a PhD “less daunting” -
From Bake-off to take-off: UC student goes to ‘Mars’ -
From killer proteins to AI tree cutting drones - UC was on display for the Canterbury Tech Monthly Meetup -
From PhD student to Erskine Fellow, CNRE welcomes back Dr. Mustafa Mashal -
From plastic waste to protective gear -
From robotic motion to measuring climbing performance – showcasing biomechanics to young people -
From solving the South Island High Country puzzle to medallist -
From student to Chancellor: Sue McCormack's UC journey -
From teacher to litigation lawyer, the road to graduation -
From UC to Berlin arts residency -
Funding boost for native tree restoration project -
Funding boost for UC research on airborne microplastics -
Funding for UC research into improving Pacific community health -
Future leaders chosen for UC business boost -
Gardening to change minds and save lives -
Generous sponsor helps connect budding maths scholars -
Genomes run deep in whakapapa -
German election: the race to replace Angela Merkel and why it matters to New Zealand -
Get started with the Library - sign up for 15 minute online workshops -
Getting crafty about sharing the joy of maths -
Getting your kids off screen and on board 06 January 2021 -
Gifted editor and publisher to receive UC honorary doctorate -
Giraffes help spark Canterbury biologist’s towering career -
Glaciologist’s style captivates students -
Global study examines individual responses to Covid-19 -
Global study into Young Lives in Seven Cities comes to Ōtautahi -
Global sustainability first for UC -
Going the distance: e-learning expert says we still have a way to go -
Good for nothing! – An illustrated mathematical history of zero -
Gory or glory? The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 walks a fine line between dystopia and torture porn -
Government supports native planting with new tree restoration role at UC -
Gradfest June 2019 -
Graduate combines psychology with a passion for ‘slow fashion’ -
Graduate with passion for problem-solving lands software engineering role -
Graduation a milestone for UCSA president -
Graduation goal is bittersweet for Canterbury student -
Graduation hits the right note for Christchurch music veteran -
Graduation news -
Grant enables new programme for children living with anxiety -
Greater scrutiny needed on food packaging -
Green hydrogen powering the future of New Zealand -
Greener burials uncovered by new Canterbury research -
Greymouth teen aiming for film career thanks to scholarship -
Ground-breaking study uses pine slash to improve soil -
Ground-breaking UC academics, Māori culture champions among staff, alumni named in Queen's Honours -
Group of UC engineers invent answer to global demand for ventilators amid Covid-19 -
Haere Mai to new UC Councillor Amy Adams -
Haere mai to new UC Councillor Roger Gray -
Happy 147th birthday, University of Canterbury! -
Harvard child health expert returns to roots at UC -
Has the High Court shown the way for successful Māori claims to marine title? -
Have a drink and a think at Raising the Bar -
Hayden Paddon partners with UC Motorsport to develop a world-first electric rally car -
Head on a pest hunt this summer -
HealthTech Challenge 2023 winners announced -
Helping children read and succeed earns top award for UC researcher -
Helping young people develop healthy relationships and sexuality -
Hey Tiktok - Helen Keller existed and the University of Canterbury has proof! -
Hidden in plain sight – discovering university’s unseen artefacts -
Hierarchies of knowing -
High Fliers Launch Kea Aerospace -
High-flying cLoud Collective attracts finest composers -
Hihiko Webinar Series Inspires with a Cast of International Panellists and Alumni -
1987 photos contribute towards natural disaster resilience -
HIT Lab NZ celebrates 20 years of innovation -
HIT Lab NZ Director advises on best practices for virtual conferences -
Holding ancient history in the palm of your hand -
Hon. Kit Toogood QC Statement 11th December 2019 -
Hon Kit Toogood QC to lead University investigation -
Honorary doctorate awarded to world leading academic economist -
Honouring Alan Gordon -
Hot flushes and brain fog - menopause at work project wins award -
House of Dragon: women deserve to be more than just a womb -
House of the Dragon confirms there will be no sexual violence on screen -
How are native species adapting to climate change? -
How can business leaders improve work environments in 2022? -
How can communities cope with one disaster after another? -
How can we address rising living costs? -
How Canadian companies can use tech to identify forced labour -
How digital tech can support diversity, community and resilience -
How disease surveillance and climate modelling can preempt pandemics -
How do people react to Women Doing Science? -
How grim is grim? What the future looks like for Māori academics -
How invasive species are threatening precious island birds and plants -
How long to midnight? The Doomsday Clock measures more than nuclear risk – and it’s about to be reset again -
How many are too many snails? -
How many New Zealanders haven’t caught Covid-19? – Expert Q&A -
How maths, science and law fight Covid-19 – free UC public talk -
How much screen time is too much in early childhood? -
How New Zealand can cut freight transport emissions -
How New Zealand could ‘brew up’ new foods to reduce agricultural emissions -
How NZ could become a world leader in decarbonisation using forestry and geothermal technology -
How NZ’s wide-bodied pipefish confounds expectations -
How Phar Lap’s remains became ‘holy relics’ in colonial Australia and New Zealand -
How protesters demanding ‘freedom’ from COVID restrictions ignore the way liberty really works -
How purchasing a particular Pop Up Penguin will fund Antarctic research -
How quickly can the Covid-19 vaccine make travel possible? -
How should rugby's high priesthood respond to a crisis of faith? -
How should universities welcome international students? -
How space flights could reinvigorate the Christchurch economy -
How the MARS Scanner will revolutionise medical treatment -
How the world’s largest sand island helped the Great Barrier Reef form -
How to ‘lead with’ in a fast-changing world -
How to build quake-proof bridges on uncertain ground -
How to Draw Comic Strips - Te Rua Makerspace Workshops -
How to engineer a zero-carbon future -
How to help the overloaded mental health system -
How to keep COVID-19 at bay during the summer holidays — and help make travel bubbles a reality in 2021 -
How to lose a grant in 10 ways -
How to prepare for the next pandemic -
How University staff delivered care for students with Covid-19 -
How will AI impact outdoor adventure education? -
University club helps launch students into aerospace careers -
Stressed teenagers reluctant to seek formal help – new NZ research -
UC staff choose bikes, saving over six tonnes of carbon -
Huge turnout for UC’s first Rā Tōmene | Open Day in three years -
Human impact throws tree seeding out of sync – new study -
Humanoid Robots In Christchurch -
I can’t stand by – calling out sexism in academia -
‘If you want summer, get vaccinated’ – Jacinda Ardern sets the target for re-opening New Zealand -
Ignore the politics - many parents want to work with schools on sexuality education -
ILAM 2019 opens Ilam School of Arts to the public -
Illuminate 2024 -
Illuminate 2024 -
Image of the week: 1 - 7 July -
Image of the week: 10 - 16 June 2019 -
Image of the week: 10 February -
Image of the week: 11th May -
Image of the week: 11th November 2019 -
Image of the week: 12 - 18 August -
Image of the week: 12 October -
Image of the week: 13 - 19 May 2019 -
Image of the week: 13th April -
Image of the week: 13th July -
Image of the week: 14th September -
Image of the week: 15 – 21 July -
Image of the week: 16 - 22 September -
Image of the week: 16th March -
Image of the week: 16th November -
Image of the week: 17th February -
Image of the week: 18 - 24 November -
Image of the week: 18th May -
Image of the week: 19 October -
Image of the week: 1st June 2022 -
Image of the week: 2 - 8 March -
Image of the week: 2 - 8 September -
Image of the week: 20 - 26 May 2019 -
Image of the week: 22 – 28 July -
Image of the week: 23 - 29 September -
Image of the week: 23 June -
Image of the week: 23rd March -
Image of the week: 24 - 30 June 2019 -
Image of the week: 24 February - 1 March -
Image of the week: 26 August - 1 September -
Image of the week: 26 October -
Image of the week: 27 May - 2 June 2019 -
Image of the week: 27th April - 3rd May -
Image Of The Week: 28 September - 4 October -
Image of the week: 29th July - 4th August -
Image of the week: 29th June - 5th July -
Image of the week: 3 - 9 June 2019 -
Image of the week: 3 August -
Image of the week: 30 March -
Image of the week: 30 September - 6th October -
Image of the week: 31 August - 6 September -
Image of the week: 4-10 May -
Image of the Week: 6 - 12 April -
Image of the week: 6th July -
Image of the week: 7th - 13th October -
Image of the week: 8 - 14 July -
Image of the week: 9 - 15th September -
Image of the week: 9th March -
Image of the Week: 9th November -
Image of the week: 1 – 7 April -
Image of the week: 11 - 17 February 2019 -
Image of the week: 11 - 17 March 2019 -
Image of the week: 13 January -
Image of the week: 14 - 20 January 2019 -
Image of the week: 15 - 21 April 2019 -
Image of the Week 16 December - 22 December -
Image of the week 17th June 2019 -
Image of the week: 18 - 24 February 2019 -
Image of the week: 18 - 24 March 2019 -
Image of the Week 20 - 26 April -
Image of the Week 20 - 26 July -
Image of the Week 21 - 27 September -
Image of the week: 21 - 27 January 2019 -
Image of the week: 22 - 28 April 2019 -
Image of the Week 23 December - 29 December -
Image of the week: 23 November -
Image of the week 24 - 30 August -
Image of the week: 25 - 31 March -
Image of the week: 25 February - 3 March 2019 -
Image of the week 25 November - 1 December -
Image of the week: 27 January -
Image of the Week 27 July - 2 August -
Image of the week: 28 January - 3 February 2019 -
Image of the week: 29 April - 5 May 2019 -
Image of the week 3 Jan - 12 Jan -
Image of the week: 3rd February -
Image of the week: 4 - 10 February 2019 -
Image of the week: 4 - 10 March 2019 -
Image of the week: 6 - 12 May 2019 -
Image of the Week 7 - 13 September -
Image of the week: 7 - 13 January 2019 -
Immersive motion ball a potential VR training tool -
Immigration detention continues in Canada despite the end of provincial agreements -
Improving cancer diagnosis with AI -
Improving Efficiency for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles -
Improving equity in engineering to benefit everyone -
In a nutshell – ancient food scraps provide clues to past rainfall -
In Greta Gerwig's Barbie Land the matriarchy can be just as bad as the patriarchy -
In Memoriam Rev Dr Dame Phyllis Guthardt -
Incomes and location affect childhood vaccination in NZ -
Indigenous leadership gets best results for wildlife translocations -
Influence over the ages reached James K Baxter and C K Stead -
Influential printmaker’s exhibition and talk delights at UC’s School of Fine Arts -
Injuries didn't determine cricket final outcome, but there still should be less of them -
Innovation aims to boost safety for young rugby players -
Innovation in health and safety recognised at UC Celebrating Excellence Awards -
Innovations in teaching overcome lockdown challenges -
Innovative $2.4m research into microplastics, Antarctic predators, respiratory function -
Innovative ENZ universities’ partnership creates pipeline of international students -
Innovative research uses patients’ heart cells -
Innovative students virtually solve social isolation -
Innovative support system proves positively ACE for students -
Innovative tech could generate renewable energy and capture carbon -
Innovative world-first UC research among Kiwinet awards finalists -
Inspiring students to change the world -
International climate and peace experts’ workshop with student leaders -
International climate change panel needs more women, says lead author -
International prize awarded to Prof. Palermo -
International students to share knowledge with Canterbury businesses -
International trampolinist bounces back from 2020 -
International UC students lend a helping hand during lockdown -
International virtual reality experts to gather in Christchurch -
Interns get valuable hands-on experience -
Internship programme provides mutual benefits for international students and local companies -
Introducing our new Head of Department -
Introducing the BWB Texts Collection -
Investigating the mathematics of extinction -
Is ‘Spot’ a good dog? Why we’re right to worry about unleashing robot quadrupeds -
Is a Four Day Week the future of work? -
Is a world without men a dystopia or a utopia? Creamerie and Y: The Last Man explore loss at a time of mass grief -
Is it cost effective producing green hydrogen from trees? -
Is Marscrete the answer to building life on Mars? -
Is Mātauranga Māori truly being considered in intellectual property law reforms? -
Is New Zealand well prepared for the next COVID wave? -
Is our future flying robotaxis? -
Is our future flying robotaxis? -
Is ‘sex ed’ failing the #metoo generation? -
Is the ‘Team of 5 million’ well governed? -
Isolation, darkness and science – the first winter at Vanda Station -
It’s still too soon for NZ to relax COVID-19 border restrictions for travellers from low-risk countries -
It’s time to fix NZ’s Sentencing Act -
It's time to shelve the 'small country' excuse -
IT Services Website Launch -
IUPAC Standards Online Database Trial -
James Webb Telescope’s first pictures – Expert Reaction -
Japanese war camps highlight ‘lost’ history through art -
Jet engine becomes an instrument on new percussion album -
John Macmillan Brown and the Russo-Japanese War Exhibition -
Joining forces for clean energy and education -
Journalism an adventurous career for prize-winning UC student -
Journalism at UC takes a bow -
Joyful nature: the ethics of animal emotions -
Judge honoured for promoting justice in the Pacific -
Judo upgraded my life -
Junk food and the brain: How modern diets lacking in micronutrients may contribute to angry rhetoric -
Ka whakatū a Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha i te Tari Mana Tiriti, Kā Waimaero -
Kate Sheppard House of “plots and schemes” opens as a public museum -
Kate Sheppard House purchase delights -
Keeping researchers warm while they save the world – facing energy challenges -
Keeping researchers warm while they save the world – facing energy challenges -
Keeping Wellington's waterfront safe in the event of an earthquake -
Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia manawanui -
Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori -
Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori -
Kim Lowe’s brushwork comes full circle -
Kindergartens involved in new study aimed at improving early literacy among Kiwi kids -
Kiwi adults know more te reo than they realise, UC study reveals -
Kiwi comedian wins inaugural UC Young Alumni Award -
Kiwi-German team to create cost-effective green energy -
Kiwi pre-schoolers losing teeth to painful, preventable tooth decay -
Kiwi researchers gain funding for vital climate change work -
Kiwi team funded $9.9m to take biology research into space -
Kiwiana is past its use-by date. Is it time to re-imagine our symbols of national identity? -
Kupe scholar’s principal goal a step closer -
Labs under the microscope -
Language for life: funding for new early literary assessment tool -
Languages open more doors in an increasingly globalised world -
Latest child wellbeing research showcased at UC event -
Launch of Stand Strong, Walk Tall pilot -
Launching a space lab into orbit -
Law professor calls for further reform of rape trial process -
Laws governing undersea cables have hardly changed since 1884 – Tonga is a reminder they need modernising -
Lead author comments on the IPCC’s sixth global warming report -
Leader in teacher education recognised by UC -
Leader of innovative Pacific climate change project wins award -
Leading publisher on NZ culture to receive UC honorary doctorate -
Leading through adversity, MBA Thought Leadership with Glenn Renwick -
Learn about Bullshitology … really? (yes, really!) -
Learning about the ‘F’ word from an award-winning MBA teacher -
Learning from an ex-change of scenery -
Learning in the lockdown with Children's University -
Left to their own devices: Parenting in a digital world - free UC public talk -
LEGO Tower Competition -
Lessons in life and leadership with an arctic adventurer -
Level 2 update - Puaka James Hight (Central) Library -
Libraries closing early for Christmas Function - 29th November -
Library Hours for Campus Power Outage 2 February -
Library hours for Labour Day, Monday 25 October -
Library Services in COVID-19 Alert Level 2 -
Library Survey 2019 -
Library Workshops, Hours and Make an Appointment button outage -
Lie back and imagine dining Roman-style at the Teece Museum -
Local MPs welcomed to UC campus -
Local politician graduates with a PhD -
Lockdown impact on wellbeing lingers one year on -
Lockdown pivot makes SDG summit more accessible -
Lockdown study sheds light on Pasifika achievement in education -
Long read: reflections of a volcanologist as a science organisation faces charges in the wake of the 2019 Whakaari eruption -
Look out for something new in school book bags -
Looking ahead to COP27 – Expert Reaction -
Looking ahead to Glasgow, let's not curb our enthusiasm -
Lost in translation – communicating healthcare information in other languages -
Loving Learning - the importance of emotion in second-chance education -
Lower speed limits save lives and make NZ cities better places to live -
Lure of the Ice entices bright young researchers -
MA Environmental History Scholarship -
Major step for Kiwi 3-D body scanner that could revolutionise medicine -
Making a positive impact on ocean law reform -
Making law to protect the future of our ocean -
Making mātauranga Māori accessible to tamariki -
Making new studio spaces for a city of creatives -
Making scents – the art & science of perfume -
Malaysian student paving the way in AI -
Managers need better skills to support wellbeing at work -
Managing crowds during fires -
Many New Zealand species are already at risk because of predators and habitat loss. Climate change makes things worse -
Māori and Pacific students get “jumpstart” into university life with new scholarship -
Māori financial independence research receives scholarship -
Māori Futures Academy a first for Aotearoa -
Māori knowledge and traditions woven into PhD -
Māori knowledge, customs and language at the centre of new teaching qualification -
Māori views on European colonisation, through French eyes -
Māori words known but not always understood -
Mapping hazardous rip currents on Aotearoa New Zealand’s beaches -
Marine heatwaves threaten global biodiversity -
Marine protection falls short of the 2020 target, a UN treaty and lessons from Antartica could help -
Market immunity? How public safety warnings have little impact on drug sales volumes or company share prices -
Marketing and Tourism ranked first for research in New Zealand -
Marketing for a stronger community -
Marketing for a stronger community -
Marketing Smackdown 2021 -
Marketing Smackdown kicks off the 2019 UCE Disrupt Challenge series with a bang! -
Marlborough gravelly soil could provide a new understanding of liquefaction -
Marsden Fund grant for UC-led research on setting ‘an antimicrobial TRAP’ -
Marsden Fund grant supports UC molecular research on Alzheimer’s disease -
Marsden Fund grant supports UC study on ‘killer robots’ debate -
Master of Product Design targets industrial waste solutions -
Matatū squad with UC connections revealed -
Indigenous perspective infuses passion for the environment -
Maths Craft brings maths to the masses -
Maths Craft in a Box – offering schools fun with fractals for free -
Mayor Lianne Dalziel tours new student building, Haere-roa -
Mayor takes a virtual tour at the University of Canterbury -
MBIE funds $13m UC research to future-proof NZ electrical grid -
McCaw announces new scholarship at UC -
Measuring the frozen ocean from the sky -
Medal win for team behind pioneering children’s literacy project -
Medal-winning group creates innovative cultural guides for teachers -
Medal-winning lecturer weaves love of sport and community into teaching -
Medallist taking earthquakes from devastating to ‘just a nuisance’ -
Media ejected from court - UC Law expert Professor Ursula Cheer comments -
Media enquiries -
Media Statement -
Medieval roots or modern fantasy? Scholars to gather in 2024 -
Meet CNRE's Newest Postdoctoral Fellow -
Merchant, Miner, Mandarin shines light on race relations in late 19th century NZ -
Methane gas remediation research takes out UC’s Thesis in Three competition -
Methane-munching microbes could cut harmful emissions -
Micronutrients affect gut bacteria associated with ADHD in small but promising study -
Microplastics are in the air we breathe and in Earth’s atmosphere, and they affect the climate -
Microplastics climate research gets funding boost -
Microplastics climate research gets funding boost -
Mid-year break 2021 -
Millions of dollars for Antarctic research -
Mimicking nature’s best medicine opens door to new treatments -
Ministers open healthcare training facility of the future -
Modelling suggests targeted COVID protection will be more effective than blanket measures -
Modern science and traditional Māori knowledge can work together -
Monday 19th August is International Bow day! -
More investment in literacy skills needed to end persistent disparities for Pasifika students -
More support needed for children born very pre-term -
Most people can't identify deadly rip current - UC expert -
Museum’s colossal 50,000 milestone -
Music, but not as you know it -
Musical siblings in harmony for NZSO award -
Nanotechnology creates the World’s Smallest Kiwi -
NASA delegation and Minister Verrall meet UC researchers -
National excellence award for passionate teacher of te reo Māori in teacher education -
National excellence award for passionate teacher of te reo Māori in teacher education -
National medal for UC researcher striving for a more equitable world -
Natural products on the way for endometriosis patients -
Nature inspires research for award-winning professor -
Need help finding articles and books for your assignment? Or help with referencing? -
Negative equity is looming for some home owners -
Neighbourhoods play a role in health of Kiwi adults, study shows -
New “launchpad” into aerospace industry in Christchurch announced -
New Academic Promotions within Te Kura Umanga | UC Business School -
New aerospace engineering course launches in Christchurch -
New agile MBA targets leaders of the 4th Industrial Revolution -
New anonymous reporting tool launches on Pink Shirt Day -
New book remembers Cantabrians who stood for peace in wartime -
New Britomart artwork blooms from residency -
New building system aims to make Kiwi homes ‘safe as houses’ in a quake -
New Canterbury postgrad school could hold the key to food sustainability -
New Canterbury research hopes to save lives by predicting landslide dams -
New CBT degrees to help address inequality in New Zealand -
New Chancellor Amy Adams appointed at the University of Canterbury -
New data analysis proves: Science is sexist -
New degree helps Communication graduate land ‘dream role’ -
New digital exhibition platform -
New discovery tracking humpback whale migration from space -
New disease surveillance tool to transform public health responses -
New drug testing tool could help save lives -
New era dawns at UC -
New EU research agreement welcomed at UC -
New fast-track to professional Engineering degree for ex-pilots, technicians -
New fund launched by the UC Foundation to support students -
New graduate to inspire creativity in the next generation -
New Guidelines for Buckling-restrained Braced Frames (BRBF's) -
New health doctorate caters to working professionals -
New innovations to fuel the future of NZ’s food, fibre and agritech sector -
New Kate Sheppard biography project gifted to UC historian -
New Kiwi research to turn biowaste into economic boost -
New learn-to-read series supports learning at home after lockdown -
New lessons about old wars -
New MBA course maximises data to drive post-COVID strategy -
New mentors to boost Māori aspirations in UC research -
New metrics tool: SciVal -
New music festival celebrates inspirations and challenges of lockdown -
New observations on cosmological models demand a radical rethink -
New Pacific-NZ partnership to research climate crisis action -
New paper explores ‘Māori foreign policy’ and China relations -
New peer-to-peer programme improves student grades at UC -
New prize honours UC innovator and celebrates design excellence -
New Pro-Chancellor appointed at the University of Canterbury -
New relationship and sexuality resources will empower school teachers to implement updated guidelines -
Research aims to improve trials for intimate partner rape -
Research cracks climate-change mystery of Antarctic sea ice -
New research detects pre-eruption signals at Whakaari White Island -
New research highlights challenges in teaching sex education -
New Research into Endometriosis -
New research reveals climate change origins of Great Barrier Reef -
New research reveals global dangers of glacial flooding -
New research to help businesses increase seismic resilience -
New research to help businesses increase seismic safety -
New research uses gaming tech to help Kiwis prepare for natural disasters -
New research uses geothermal energy to slash emissions -
New research charging the way for national power savings -
New role at UC to deliver on sustainability goals -
New scholarship helps Māori and Pacific students navigate life at UC -
New scholarship honours esteemed Economics lecturer -
New scholarship scheme accelerates UC students into PhDs -
New scholarship scheme accelerates UC students into PhDs -
New scholarships “super-charge” leadership talent -
New science podcast launches out of lockdown -
New science scholarship a pathway for future Māori and Pasifika academics -
New seaweed plasterboard design provides safer, more sustainable building option -
New source of fire records gives a bigger picture of risks -
New spin on an old technology -
New startup helps seniors join the digital age -
New statement from Hon. Kit Toogood QC -
New strategies needed for marketing in the New Normal -
New Structures testing lab -
New study explores New Zealand’s pivotal role in bird evolution -
New study finds gaps in maternal immunisation data sets -
New study into mood-dysregulated teens’ nutrition funded $150,000 -
New study maps transience of NZ population -
New system ‘aces’ giving students a helping hand -
New system could place New Zealand ahead of the world in compliance auditing -
New system could provide early warning of Whakaari eruption risk -
New Te Hāpai Ō | UC Live Speaker Series focuses on wellbeing in lockdown -
New teaching career for mum of three Deaf children -
New teaching guide helps early years educators embrace cultural differences -
New tech using forestry waste to produce green hydrogen -
New tech will help NZ prepare for quakes and other hazards -
New technology could help find warning signs of breast cancer -
New technology offers petrochemical waste solution -
New tool could help track deadly eruption hazard -
New tool could reduce fertiliser use and clean up waterways -
New tool puts New Zealand on track for safer state highways -
New Trends in Technology Education Report published this week -
New UC grad helping to give youth a voice in health -
New UC Research has shown little recovery in Kaikōura quake-raised habitats -
New UC research into children born to mothers on methadone -
New UC study finds heavy cannabis use affects human genome -
New University of Canterbury report reveals community impact -
IPCC report: We must urgently adapt to new climate realities -
New venture hits the road to suck up dust pollution -
New Year’s honours for UC academics and alumni who make a difference -
New Zealand academics rediscover the joy of kea research -
New Zealand approves Pfizer vaccine for young people from 12 to 15, but they'll have to wait their turn -
New Zealand could take a global lead in controlling the development of ‘killer robots’ — so why isn’t it? -
New Zealand government takes a calculated risk to relax Auckland’s lockdown while new cases continue to appear -
New Zealand has managed to dodge the COVID-19 bullet, again. Here’s why -
New Zealand hits a 95% chance of eliminating coronavirus – but we predict new cases will emerge -
New Zealand is right to pause travel to Australia. It buys time to upgrade its COVID-19 response -
New Zealand needs to prepare for the arrival of medical “AI” -
New Zealand’s border quarantine has intercepted thousands of COVID cases, but is it time to retire the flawed system? -
New Zealand’s green hydrogen edge -
New Zealand’s maritime territory is 15 times its landmass – here’s why we need a ministry for the ocean -
New Zealand’s second-largest city faces weeks of delays in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout -
New zero-waste tech aims to save environment from toxic acid waste -
Ngāi Tahu Research Centre appoints its first Professor -
Ngāi Tahu Treaty settlement subject of new UC study -
Ngāi Tūāhuriri and UC formalise longstanding relationship -
Night gallery lighting up the streets of Christchurch -
Nine Perfect Strangers review: sharp dialogue and excellent performances can’t hide the hollowness of the story -
No-one left behind: Kiwis sign Aotearoa sustainability declaration -
Not another COVID eviction story – contested spaces in Christchurch Central City -
Notable UC alumnus named New Zealander of the Year -
Novel approach uses night light to evaluate global economic wellbeing -
Novel technologies to protect our oceans -
Nudge technology can help students re-engage -
NZ business leader in plant-based medicine earns PhD -
Lessons for NZ on international accountability -
NZ children face a ‘perfect storm’ of dangerous diseases as immunisation rates fall -
NZ Education at pivotal moment of change - academics respond -
NZ is touting a green hydrogen economy, but it will face big environmental & cultural hurdles -
NZ lathe-cut vinyl and bespoke cover art showcased in new exhibition -
NZ law helps Australia win the Manuka Honey trademark war -
NZ maple syrup mission taps into hi-tech imaging -
NZ must consider restricting alcohol sponsorship of broadcast sports as part of a wider law reform -
NZ needs an evolving pandemic strategy if it’s to keep the public’s trust -
NZ Police and University of Canterbury forging closer ties -
NZ researchers lead new international book on Human-Robot Interaction -
NZ's Covid-19 methods are effective but 'old fashioned' - UC disaster expert -
NZ’s first Climate Adaptation Plan – Expert Reaction -
NZ’s geothermal wells offer a cheap way of storing carbon permanently -
NZ’s health service is failing some communities: building a better national system requires local partnerships -
NZ’s latest COVID wave is levelling off, with fewer people in hospital -
NZ’s most walkable towns and cities ranked -
NZ’s workplace rules will change again with each new government – unless we do this -
NZ scientists flying to Antarctica after 14-day isolation to keep continent COVID-free -
NZ stamps out COVID-19 for the second time: UC Expert says we can't let our guard down -
NZ still uses wood preservative linked to arsenic pollution -
NZ study finds airborne microplastics directly impact climate change -
NZILBB and CWI undertake research into NZ accent change in childhood -
NZILBB has been awarded three Marsden grants in 2022 -
NZ’s carbon emissions are on the way down – in part to policies now under threat -
NZSO to perform promising teenage Canterbury composer’s work -
Ocean-swimming scientist dives deep into wellbeing with prestigious fellowship -
Oceans policy needed to protect $7 billion environment – Law Professor -
Octopus wrestling and short fictions: new book -
Old gold: how action sports athletes are challenging age stereotypes and redefining lifelong physical activity -
On the money: Kate Sheppard and the making of a New Zealand feminist icon -
One in 10 parents experienced severe burnout in lockdown, study finds -
One little penguins’ journey has created a big path to future funding -
One of the country's oldest tertiary institutions turns 150 -
One of the most damaging invasive species on Earth’: wild pigs release the same emissions as 1 million cars each year -
One size does not fit all in Antarctica: climate change to impact seal species differently -
Online advice offers a hand up to children with autism -
Online courses take off as world embraces flexible learning -
Organic, recyclable batteries could transform energy storage -
Ōtautahi Christchurch universities rally Aotearoa New Zealand behind roadmap to sustainability -
Ōtautahi set to look to the stars once again with historic telescope -
Our cities are making us fat and unhealthy – a ‘healthy location index’ can help us plan better -
Our Land and Water grant won by UC team -
Outcomes for parents explored in new Canterbury PhD research -
Outstanding 2019 graduations ceremonies at the Town Hall -
Over $1 million received for “life-changing” UC scholarships -
Over 100 scholars contribute to global ethnicity project -
Over 1500 UC graduates get ready to celebrate their success -
PACE internship advances slow fashion career goals -
PACE internship reinforces skills, builds confidence -
Pacific health promoter turned doctoral researcher awarded HRC Fellowship -
Pacific influence gets stronger at University of Canterbury -
Palm kernel product may actually be harmful to cows -
Panel discusses 150 years of university life -
Partnership hits all the sweet notes -
Pasifika Kupe scholar’s passion for cultural diversity -
Passion for storytelling sparked at UC -
Paving the way for Pacific transformation in tech -
Peer-to-peer study sessions give UC students an academic boost -
PEET Board Secretary thanked for long-service -
Percussionist scores in arts funding round -
Persistent gender pay gap plagues New Zealand academia to tune of $400,000 -
Pest control that makes scents -
Phased border reopening, faster vaccination, be ready for Delta: Jacinda Ardern lays out NZ’s COVID roadmap -
PhD couple share graduation success -
PhD Defense: 7pm July 7th -
PhD Research Opportunity -
PhD student on a mission to innovate eye disease detection -
PhD studies refined industry knowledge to design improved displacement measurements -
Photo archive puts Christchurch community life in focus -
Physical activity environment and obesity risk – new research -
Physics, biomechanics and the love of croquet -
Physics professor wins award for dark energy research -
Pig Face, Hare’s Tail and the New Day – local plants star in new artwork -
Pioneering endometriosis study awarded Marsden funding -
Pixels are not people -
Plan to transform food processing waste would boost NZ economy and environment -
Planting non-native trees accelerates the release of carbon back into the atmosphere -
Plastic cutlery can be recycled into home-insulating foam – new NZ research -
Plastic Reducers in Aotearoa -
Please don't leave your belongings unattended. -
Please don't leave your belongings unattended. -
Please don't leave your belongings unattended -
PM’s Science Prize for preventing brain damage in newborns -
Political scientists lead post-15 March conversations -
Possible Mt Taranaki eruption could knock out power to entire region -
Powering students this winter -
Predicting natural power to protect New Zealand -
Prehistoric earthquakes and snail shells may give future insights -
PressReader restrictions on Stuff NZ Ltd. content -
Prestigious Scholarship Programmes -
Prestigious teaching medal awarded to UC computer science expert -
Pretty but invasive: stopping monkeyflower spread -
Prime Minister awards inaugural Te Uru Rākau Forestry Scholarships at UC -
Prize money helps propel University of Canterbury innovation -
Prof Misko Cubrinovski talks about the lessons form 2011 Christchurch earthquake -
Professor Bruce Manley was recently awarded the NZIF Kirk Horn Award in 2020 -
Professor Emerita Paula Jameson awarded 2019 Marsden Medal -
Professor Euan Mason has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the Institute of Chartered Foresters, UK -
Professor Hayward joins prestigious team of 30 to write global climate report -
Proglacial lakes are accelerating glacier ice loss -
Promises to get tough on youth crime might win votes – but the evidence shows it hasn’t worked for NZ -
Promising future ahead for 168 scholarship winners -
ProQuest downtime, Sunday 20 January -
Protecting climate refugees is more urgent than ever -
Protecting river biodiversity wins top science prize -
Puaka-James Hight (Central) Library Extended Hours -
Puaka-James Hight Building Featuring in Open Christchurch Festival 2021 -
Puaka-James Hight Library Extended Hours -
Public spaces have far-reaching implications for law, property and justice -
Public talk: pandemic lessons on healthcare, tech & reality -
Q&A with UC 'Writer in Residence' Lawrence Patchett -
Quake stories come to life with new audio walk -
QuakeBox stories captured for future generations -
QuakeCoRE awarded $31.5 million TEC funding -
Quarantine-free trans-Tasman bubble set to open, but ‘flyer beware’ remains a reality -
QUARTZ hits the road -
Queen Elizabeth II walked a long road with Aotearoa New Zealand -
Queen’s Birthday honours reveal a New Zealand slowly recovering from its ‘imperial hangover’ -
Quick-fire thesis challenge winners announced at UC event -
Radical languages: Writers Behrouz Boochani & Vana Manasiadis on challenging monolingualism -
Rare Parrot Games’ Warrior Chef becomes the recipe for Kiwi Game Starter success -
Rare Roman artefacts donated to UC’s Teece Museum -
Rare sightings following campus biodiversity work -
Ravenscar House Museum: A remarkable gift to Ōtautahi -
Reaching out to young ākonga Māori -
Reality Check: How Achievable is 100% Renewable Energy for the Energy Sector by 2030? -
Recent employment dispute shows tenure is more than a job perk -
Recent MGMT228 course marks a decade of successful China Study Tours -
Recognising Young New Zealanders who are changing the future, today -
Recognition for Māori history scholar and translator -
Record number of Canterbury students gear up to graduate -
Record number of taiohi Māori prepare for their journey to higher education -
Record number of year 12 students explore study options at UC -
Record numbers for Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi | Children’s University Graduation 2020 -
Recycling breakthrough set to save environment from toxic acid waste -
Recycling is the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff -
Reducing the cost of breathing -
Reflecting on an arts degree 30 years on -
Reflections on the Founding and Evolution of the University of Canterbury Economics Department -
Reform of the law covering plant variety rights -
Refugee turned research scientist studies Muslim Kiwis -
Refugees who set up businesses enrich NZ financially, culturally and socially -
Regalia hiring group helps fund Pasifika study programme for NCEA students -
Remote Access and Zoom Training -
Removing GST on food is back in the news, proving some bad ideas just never go away -
Removing monuments to an imperial past is not the same for former colonies as it is for former empires -
Renewable energy skills from Canterbury to benefit Bhutan -
Reputation is key for award-winning Canterbury psychologist -
Research facilitates positive change for ‘brutal old days’ of rape trials -
Research Futures Symposium -
Research Futures Symposium this Thursday and Friday! -
Research inspires journey into politics -
Research into spiders that can count among Marsden-funded University of Canterbury projects -
Research links youth mental health and the environment -
Research links youths’ internet use and weight perception -
Research misses those in need -
Research on our future energy needs gets $2m boost -
Research shows children suffering speech problems catch up faster through early and targeted intervention -
Research students’ creativity pays off at quick-fire challenge -
Research support advances knowledge in crop and seed sector -
Research to take guesswork out of impact of whitebaiting -
Researcher creates resources to empower bicultural principles -
Researcher documents climate impacts in Samoa ahead of COP27 -
Researcher linking earthquakes to volcanoes wins Hatherton Award -
Researcher’s national impact achieves national recognition -
Researchers and citizen scientists complete world’s first Weddell seal count -
Researchers share knowledge worth millions -
Researchers trial sustainable biocontrols for food industry -
Researchers win PM’s Science Prize for protecting NZ from Covid-19 -
Reserve Bank heading into new territory – UC economist -
Reserve Bank walks the post-COVID tightrope -
Response to media on initial release of findings from Coroner’s Inquest -
Restoring ecosystems to boost biodiversity is urgent -
Resurgent COVID-19, flu and other viruses are pushing New Zealand’s health system to the limit -
Retiring Psychology professor leaves legacy for family wellbeing -
Revolutionising the construction industry one panel at a time -
Rewilding to create luxury lodgings for campus critters -
Rising star already illuminating a path for others -
Rockets could undo decades of work to save the ozone layer -
Royal Society elects first female political scientist -
Rutherford Fellowship supports research of fairer, more caring economies -
Rutherford Fellowship supports study into avalanche dynamics -
Sam Uffindell was lucky to avoid NZ's criminal justice system -
Saving our native grasslands with the help of the Miss E L Hellaby Indigenous Grasslands Research Trust -
Savvy students pitch future-focused business ideas -
Scanning the brain to understand stuttering – new study -
Scholars celebrated at annual Scholarship Awards -
Scholarship prepares Māori & Pacific students for life at UC -
Scholarship steers Māori and Pacific students towards academic success -
Scholarships enable life-changing research to continue -
Scholarships for hundreds of lower decile South Island school-leavers -
Scholarships open up world of possibilities for Canterbury graduates -
Scholarships unlock self-belief in students -
Science on display: 'Art-on-a-Chip' -
Scientists seek meteorite footage -
SciVal classes for academics -
Sea ice can control Antarctic ice sheet stability, new research finds -
Seafood industry waste product could help protect New Zealand’s rivers and streams -
Secret Sinfonia musicians come out to play -
Seedbank strategies needed to conserve our forest taonga -
Seeking New Zealand’s top student volunteer -
Seismic testing may have major impact for concrete walls -
Selling a buffalo for a brain scan: India’s COVID-19 crisis reveals deep fractures in its health system -
Senior Lecturer's Speech at Harvard Law School Symposium -
Serious Gaming – Using applied immersive games for education, work and wonder -
Seven UC students and grads to learn how Asia does business -
Sexuality app to provide safe, reliable information for young people -
Sexuality Education Performance (for the adults) at UC -
Sexuality education takes centre stage at UC -
Shameless thief or good forest citizen? Weka bring hidden benefits to New Zealand forests -
Shape-changing element holds key to anti-bacterial coating -
Shaved heads and sonnenrads: comparing white supremacist skinheads and the alt-right in New Zealand -
‘Shovel-ready’ projects ignore important aspects of community resilience -
Show Day - 15th November. All Libraries Closed -
Show Day 2021 -
Showcase brings together Otautahi climate action experts -
Simon Kingham: what happens when you make streets user-friendly? -
Six lessons from facilitating a formalised mentoring programme -
Six tips for wellbeing in lockdown -
Sleep treatment used by 1 in 4 children with autism -
Slow judgements vs correct judgements – lessons from Australia -
Smart tech tools to help monitor food safety remotely -
Sneaky plastics hiding in plain sight -
Snow radars on drones could help track climate change -
Social Enterprise Challenge tackles the Climate Emergency -
Social entrepreneurship takes centre stage in Chch -
Social learning is possum-able, hints world-first research -
Social media can improve lives post-disaster – new research -
SoFA goes dark for Hīnātore exhibition -
SOFIA: Science from the Stratosphere – UC public talk -
Software Donation Helps Canterbury Researchers -
Software Donation Helps Canterbury Researchers -
Soil and small earthquakes help pave way for more resilient buildings -
Solidarity and support for our community -
Solo percussion takes centre stage on intriguing new album -
Solutions-based researchers benefit from new scholarships -
Solutions to Online Hate weekend brings experts together -
Solving severe sleep problems in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder -
Sonar technology tool to help conserve water -
Sonic tonic in the heart of the city -
South Island’s new youth work qualification meets sector wishlist -
Space odyssey hunts for answers on fast explosions -
Special Margaret Stoddart exhibition in Kate Sheppard’s house -
Spreading the load on fisheries through balanced harvesting -
Spring GradFest 2020 -
Springer Nature Computer Science and Education Ebook collections expanded -
Sprint 2020 Cohort Celebrates Graduation -
Spying on seals from space -
Spying seals from space – citizen science in Antarctica -
Standardised testing could be compulsory in NZ primary schools -
Start-up support for COVID-19 impacted jobseekers -
Start your UC MBA this September with a FutureU study grant -
Starting from here – hui shows us how to embrace climate change action -
Starving the trolls? How brands can tackle trolling – new UK-NZ research -
Statement: UC April graduation ceremonies -
Statement: UC’s approach to grading -
Statement from Professor Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor | Tumu Whakarae -
Statement from the Vice-Chancellor -
Statement from Vice-Chancellor -
Statement on LU UC proposal decision -
Stellar Kiwi’s crucial black hole theory turns 60 -
Steps to address the operational challenges of widening participation -
Steve Wakefield retires as University of Canterbury Pro-Chancellor -
Steven Ratuva: Decolonising our ‘differences’ -
Stop playing waiting games with our digital future -
Stories of Māori adoption explored in new UC research -
Stories of tīpuna recognised through whakapapa research -
Storminator takes out Innovation Award -
Storytelling: an ancient tool of modern innovation -
Striking firefighters: too hot for employment law? -
Strong connections and an uplifting learning environment at UC -
Strong cultural partnership creates inclusive new student halls -
Student aerospace team rockets to success in US -
Student art shines at Ilam Open Studio Exhibition -
Student biologists spot hundreds of species in Cass -
Student dives into mammoth swim for youth mental health -
Student engineer’s ‘simple’ medical device could prove a life-saver -
Student entrepreneurs pitch their big ideas to Christchurch business leaders -
Student internet access prevents creating systemic inequities -
‘Student-led, faculty-enabled’ programme up for national award -
Student life and learning celebrated in 150th exhibition -
Student on track for law career thanks to new scholarship -
Student Profile: Ana Isabel Sarkis -
Student Profile: Cong Tran | University of Canterbury -
Student Profile: Fabio Silveira -
Student Profile: Jane Alexander -
Student Profile: Justin Brown -
Student Profile: Sabina Piras -
Student to use blockchain to create supply-chain checking app -
Student wade in to use biodiversity box -
Students’ stereotyped view of ability limiting future careers -
Students aim for world speed record in custom-built electric car -
Students create a carbon-neutral future for UC -
Students’ e-cigarette use increases after legalisation -
Students embrace politics in countdown to 2020 election -
Students Reimagine the Future of the General Practice -
Students tackle challenge of future health -
Students wade in to use Biodiversity Box -
Students would rather quit smoking than pay more for cigarettes -
Study and Careers expo offers chance to change it up -
Study is “life sustaining” for 82-year-old graduate -
Study: Minimal risk for Māori consuming eel -
Study sessions help boost academic results for Pasifika students -
Study shows change is needed to help Pacific children succeed -
Study uses GPS to track teens’ activity -
Study uses VR to explore our spatial intuition -
Success for UC student venture at the Dream Believe Succeed Big Break awards -
Summer at Colin McCahon’s House for UC academic -
Summer Startup Update week 4: Student founders’ perspectives -
Summer Startup update week 4: Marketing, strategy & branding -
Summer Startup Update week 5: The most important thing I have learnt so far... -
Summer Startup Update week 6 and 7: Three top tips -
Summer Startup update week 6: Telling your story -
Summer Startup Update week 8: Three students reflect on their journeys so far -
Summer Startup Update week 9: Meet the mentors -
Summer Startup Update Week One: Makerspace challenge -
Summer Startup Update week ten: Top Summer Startup ventures announced! -
Summer Startup Update Week Three: Speakers and Speed Mentoring -
Summer Startup Update Week Two: Getting stuck in -
Summer Startup where are they now series #07: Luke Campbell and Lucy Turner -
Summer Startup where are they now series #08: Tayla Johns -
Summer Startup where are they now series #09: Tom Maslin -
Summer Startup where are they now series #10: Chelsea Aitken and Millie Morgan -
Super-sensing offers food safety breakthrough for food processing industry -
Supergrans of cap and gown gear up for graduation -
Supply chain lessons in post-pandemic New Zealand -
Supporting kura kaupapa Māori students into university life -
Sure to Rise: The recipe behind an iconic Kiwi brand -
Surprising public perceptions of surrogacy influencing law change -
Survey provides insights into how people responded to 2019 Pigeon Valley wildfires. -
Sustainability important to international tourists – new research -
Sustainability leaders honoured with university awards -
Sustainable burials – is water cremation the answer? -
Sustained success - long serving staff members recognised -
Sweet future tapped for NZ maple syrup test -
Swings, signs and surprises: what to watch for as the US presidential election unfolds -
Symbols of Christchurch's past, present and future -
Symphony commission is ‘doubly lucky’ for UC lecturer -
Symposium initiates new Canterbury women’s research networks -
Tackling knock-on effects of concussion – can we make rugby safer? -
Tackling the global challenge of physical inactivity takes all disciplines -
“Take your shot at scholarship success” – Canterbury students -
Taking sport into account with studies and a new career -
Taking the awkward out of sexuality education -
Taking the guess work out of spinal surgery -
Talented UC music graduate shines as composer and performer -
Talking leadership: Cheryl de la Rey on tragedy and resilience -
Talking to adults helps build young brains -
Talking to tamariki about coronavirus -
Taniwha, and ‘kiwi’ microorganisms are among 13 UC Marsden-funded research projects -
Targeted approach to developing soft skills in ICT sector -
Tauhere UC Connect: Reframing History in Aotearoa & Polynesia -
Tauhere UC Connect free public talk – Can we end endometriosis? -
Tauhere UC Connect public talk: Adoption reform – Who should care for our tamariki? -
Tauhere UC Connect public talk: Are rape trials fairer without a jury? -
Tauhere UC Connect talk: Medieval History in Ōtautahi -
Te Mātāpuna Mātātahi | Children’s University offers passport to learning -
Te Pūheke open a pathway towards improved environmental stewardship -
Te Pūheke opens a pathway towards improved environmental stewardship -
Te Reo and tikanga Māori for better tertiary teaching -
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori -
Teachers of teachers welcome government funding -
Teaching and working in universities today -
Teaching excellence recognised at University of Canterbury -
Teaching the next generation wellbeing -
Team Macfarlane amongst outstanding psychologists recognised by peers -
Technology teacher numbers boosted by new University of Canterbury entry system -
Ten big ideas to accelerate change in the food and fibre sector -
Ten University of Canterbury research projects gain MBIE funding -
Ten years on – UC marks earthquake anniversary -
Term 1 Research Support Workshops -
Term 2 Research Support Workshops -
Term 3 Research Support Workshops -
Term 4 Research Support Workshops -
The ‘herd immunity’ route to fighting coronavirus is unethical and potentially dangerous -
The 'Keep It Real Online' campaign wants parents to talk about porn - UC sexuality educator provides advice on where to start -
The Bird that measures Antarctic Ice -
The business of using AI in medicine for a faster cure -
The climate impact of wild pigs greater than a million cars -
The COP half full? -
The coronavirus pandemic requires us to understand food’s murky supply chains -
The COVID-zero strategy may be past its use-by date, but New Zealand still has a vaccination advantage -
The ‘epicentre of women’s suffrage’ — Kate Sheppard’s Christchurch home finally opens as a public museum -
The future of powering our lives – continuously rechargeable batteries -
The growing trend of dark tourism -
The impact of climate change on ice tourism -
The journey to reconnect with te reo Māori -
The language of jazz and te reo Māori -
The mathematics behind COVID-19 -
The most beautiful lifts on campus -
The most challenging phase of the Omicron outbreak is yet to come, but NZ may be better prepared than other countries -
The movement sparked by a quake: 10 years of the SVA -
The President and members of FORSOC recently presented the School with a tōtara and commemorative plaque. -
The relentless positivity of Plastic Free July -
The ‘remarkable’ 2020 effect on artists’ output at UC -
The scholar who created a world-class music school -
The sentencing of George Floyd’s killer has lessons for policing in Australia and New Zealand too -
The sustainable Makerspace providing wellbeing and skills -
The Town Hall story – a Christchurch dream renewed -
The U.S. Supreme Court Vacancy and its effect on the Elections -
The UCSA 2020 Staff of the Year Awards have been announced -
The uninvited Christmas guest: is New Zealand prepared for Omicron’s inevitable arrival? -
The Wandering Nature of Us Girls launches at WORD festival -
The winds of change: Sustainability champions across sectors gather for local summit -
The world faces complex challenges and science education must reflect that -
The world must fathom ‘Trumpism’ – whatever the election result -
The worm turns – waste into compost at UC -
ThincLab Canterbury benefits region while thinking globally -
ThincLab Canterbury to activate Trans-Tasman growth -
ThincLab delivers Start Me Up graduates -
Thirteen new professors promoted at UC -
This uncertain world is our curriculum: tertiary education meets social activism -
Three early career researchers awarded Rutherford Fellowships -
Three emerging UC academics funded $713,000 for health research -
Three UC graduates win Fulbright scholarships to study in US -
Time for take-off with your first assignment and not sure how to Get Started? -
Times Higher Education (THE) subscription -
'Tis the season -
Toitū Envirocare’s 2020 -
Tokenism and te reo Māori -
Tui Emma Gillies Explores the Intersection of Indigenous Arts and Technological Innovation -
Top 24 ventures announced in 2022 Food, Fibre & Agritech Supernode Challenge -
Top 8 Ventures in HealthTech Challenge 2023 named -
Top forestry expert named as UC's 2019 emerging career researcher -
Top freshwater scientist named as UC’s 2020 emerging career researcher -
Top Gun: Maverick is a film obsessed with its former self -
Top Research Award at NZSEE Conference -
Top UC entrepreneurs shoot for success at city event -
Top UC grad stepping into fulfilling clinical career -
Towards a clean, green Aotearoa: students lead climate conference -
Towards a greener future with next generation solar cell technology -
Towards a sustainable future with lead-free electroceramics -
track and trace: a selection of work by Ilam SoFA staff -
Tracking NZ’s threatened bugs with drones -
Trading challenge has UC students delving into global markets -
Traditional Fijian female tattooing marked out in new exhibition -
Transforming our mental health through nutrition -
Transitioning to solve the world’s engineering ‘mega-problems’ -
Trees, worms and learning for Ilam School -
Trillions of tonnes of ice disappear from Earth -
Trio of awards for University of Canterbury Japanese programme -
Trust commits to promote power engineering workforce pipeline -
UC Connect public talk: Are rape trials fairer without a jury -
Turning food waste into bioplastics -
Turning medical plastic waste into useable energy -
Turning the screw on biodegradable metallic implants -
Twelve Local Heroes art trail opens at UC -
Twelve UC students and graduates recognised in Canterbury Youth Awards -
Twin graduates driven to serve community through active transport -
Two Canterbury student entrepreneurs in KiwiNet award finals -
Two Christchurch writers named 2020 UC Writers in Residence -
2 new COVID-19 cases in New Zealand, but elimination of community transmission still stands -
Two UC academics named Women of Influence -
Two UC Hon Docs awarded New Zealand’s most senior honour -
Two UC innovations among KiwiNet award finalists -
Two UC professors elected as Fellows to Royal Society Te Apārangi -
Two UC Professors win medals for innovative quake damping devices -
Two UC researchers awarded Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships -
Two UC researchers gain $220,000 CMRF grants -
Two UC schools stand their ground in the 2022 QS subject rankings -
Two UC scientific researchers recognised with early career awards -
Two years since NZ first locked down – UC expert reaction -
UC 2020 artist-in-residence to examine museum’s Pacific taonga -
UC - a 5 Star university -
UC Academic and students researching newly discovered ancient forest -
UC academic first woman elected international music society president -
UC academic improving clarity of satellite images in space by 60% -
UC academics aim to advance Vision Mātauranga -
UC academics and New Zealand Shareholders Association partner to develop Sentiment Index -
UC academics bring Food for Thought to Riverside Market -
UC academics, Māori and Tongan education champions among staff, alumni named in Queen’s Honours -
UC academics recognised in 2019 Highly Cited Researchers list -
UC Aerospace rocketeers take on Australia -
UC alumni feature in the 2019 Queen's Birthday Honours list -
UC alumni provides access to justice with free legal clinics -
UC and ECan team up for the environment -
UC and industry engineering careers for women -
UC and KidsFest explore the power of science -
UC appoints 14 new professors -
UC appoints 17 new professors -
UC appoints Digital Screen Campus Programme Manager -
UC appoints first Te Amorangi | Pro-Vice-Chancellor Pacific -
UC Astronomer receives Rutherford Discovery Fellowship Award -
UC at 150: a story of learning, discovery and engagement -
UC at Central Bank Network for Indigenous Inclusion Symposium -
UC awards honorary doctorate to illustrious grad -
UC awards honorary doctorate to Margaret Austin -
UC Biology students work with rūnanga to improve biodiversity -
UC booming with students and building for the future -
UC building to be renamed after victims’ advocate -
UC buildings recognised with regional and national awards -
UC Business graduate and author has launched her book in the hope of progressing cancer research -
UC Business moves up in international rankings -
UC Business School among 1% global elite with Triple Crown accreditation -
UC Business School named Education Partner of the Year at 2019 MYOB Partner Awards -
UC Business School receives global reaccreditation -
UC Business School Renews Partnership with Chamber -
UC Business School retains Triple Crown and top 1% status -
UC campus in lockdown: What you need to know -
UC campus transforms over a decade of change -
UC celebrates 150th birthday today -
UC celebrates a truly international graduate -
UC celebrates excellence of over 100 colleagues -
UC celebrates its April graduates in special ceremonies -
UC celebrates outstanding teaching -
UC celebrates staff excellence -
UC celebrates staff in inaugural event -
UC celebrates the success of 90 colleagues -
UC celebrates world first doctorates in Human-Animal Studies -
UC Civil Systems Engineering Group has Won an Award -
UC CNRE 4th year student has won the 2020 Lewis Bradford Structural Engineering Prize -
UC CNRE Reseacher Received The 2020 NZSEE Otto Glogau Award -
UC CNRE's researcher discusses about recent wildland fires threatening Kiwis urban settlements -
UC CNRE's researcher elected a fellow of Engineering New Zealand -
UC CNRE's A/Prof Greg MacRae is this year’s recipient of the prestigious Steel Construction NZ (SCNZ) Chair’s Award -
UC commercial director appointed to MBIE Science Board -
UC commits to gender pay parity research and action -
UC Community Feast champions Ōtautahi’s food resilience -
UC Connect: Dawn of the Wellbeing Budget – revolution or facade? -
UC Connect: Testing the limits of science and adventure -
UC Connect: Why anti-racism and black lives matter in Aotearoa -
UC Connect: Earthquakes + Innovation = Resilience -
UC Connect free public lecture: Little genes, big conservation -
UC Connect lecture – Inspired by Nature: Engineering as an Art Form -
UC Connect lecture: After 10,000+ quakes, how do we help our tamariki? -
UC Connect public lecture – Artemis: The Future of Deep Space Exploration -
UC Connect public lecture: Essential elements – Where would we be without the Periodic Table? -
UC Connect public lecture: Science and Religion: are they compatible? -
UC Connect public lecture: Ableism – Same Struggle, Different Differences -
UC Connect public lecture: NASA Astronaut Dr Anna Fisher – Women in STEM -
UC Connect public lecture – New Zealand, the EU and Brexit: What next? -
UC Connect public talk – Interstellar worlds: tiny arrivals from other stars -
UC Connect public talk: A cross-examination of rape myths -
UC Connect public talk: Never Say Die – Silicon Valley and the pursuit of immortality -
UC Connect public talk: Pandemics, Protests, and Populists: The 2020 Presidential Election -
UC Connect public talk: Why on earth would you drill into a magma chamber? -
UC Connect public talk: Women on the cutting edge of engineering -
UC conservation geneticist comments on new DOC biodiversity strategy -
UC contributes to the fight against COVID-19 -
UC Cup and UC Championship players sign with Crusaders -
UC degree first step into dream job as foreign correspondent -
UC delegation joins COP28 global climate conference -
UC Digital Humanities helps museum uncover Canterbury’s hidden women -
UC discovery could help monitor inflammation in heart disease and SARS-like diseases -
UC doctoral student recognised as champion of others -
UC doctoral student takes 'thesis in three minutes' to Brisbane -
UC ecologist leads urgent global call to change river management -
UC ecologist to represent NZ at the International Union of Biological Sciences -
UC Economist Publishes New Edition of Well-Received Book on Monetary Policy -
UC education innovators make global awards shortlist -
UC electrode research paving the way for cheaper renewable energy storage -
UC Emeritus Professor helps PM unveil national 1918 flu pandemic memorial -
UC engineer awarded honorary professorship in China -
UC Engineer spearheads $3m next-gen tech project to clean NZ water -
UC engineer turned entrepreneur wins at KiwiNet Awards -
UC Engineering excels in MBIE Endeavour Funding -
UC Engineering PhD student to represent NZ, Commonwealth at COP26 -
UC Engineering researcher talks ‘Hidden Energy’ at Parliament -
UC engineers aid development of thermal imaging cameras to spot COVID-19 symptoms -
UC English professor wins 2022 Royal Society award for humanities -
UC entrants win all three HealthTech Awards for Best Research -
UC epidemiologist comments on NZ’s major health sector reforms -
UC Epidemiologist discusses New Zealand's ongoing Covid-19 response -
UC epidemiologist on NZ Government's new lockdown rules -
UC equips environmental scientists to make a difference -
UC experts commentary on a historic New Zealand election -
UC experts feature in earthquake stories on RNZ’s Our Changing World -
UC eyes the future of digital screen convergence -
UC eyes the future of digital screen convergence -
UC finance students top New Zealand on their way to Korea -
UC Fine Arts graduate wins inaugural national Springboard award -
UC Fine Arts Lecturer Aaron Beehre accepts Australasian publication award -
UC fire engineers warmly welcome new FENZ educational facility -
UC Forestry high achievers recognised -
UC gains $6.5m for next-gen solar tech, smarter interactive computing, Alzheimer’s disease research -
UC Geography on the rise in global subject rankings -
UC GeoHealth researcher wins EASO Award -
UC glaciologist wins national tertiary teaching award -
UC graduands aiming to make a difference with Lane Neave -
UC graduate a passionate voice for tauira Māori -
UC graduate a voice for Polynesian rugby league players -
UC graduate and serial entrepreneur taking on the crypto world -
UC graduate appointed chairperson of NZ's largest iwi -
UC graduate appointed Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit -
UC graduate aspires to help solve Pacific problems -
UC graduate brings augmented reality to our smartphones -
UC graduate celebrates chemistry breakthroughs -
UC graduate conserving our mountains one app at a time -
UC Graduate launches online music community -
UC graduate pursuing sustainability in supply chain career -
Graduate takes passion for te reo Māori into the classroom -
UC Graduates marking the occasion with a photo opportunity -
UC graduates receive Fulbright awards to study around the globe -
UC Graduation processions return to central Christchurch -
UC has the backs of the new South Island Women’s rugby team -
UC health leader amongst notable alumni recognised in King's Birthday Honours -
UC Health Sciences students represent UC in the Te Papa Hauora Future Leaders Programme 2021 -
UC helps Sumner prepare for tsunami evacuation -
UC honours outstanding young alumni -
UC hosts annual celebration of snow, ice and climate research -
UC hosts EU Security Union Commissioner to speak on hate crime, terrorism -
UC hosts first NZ Wikipedian in Residence -
UC hosts High Commissioner of India -
UC hosts the 10th annual NCEA Japanese Workshop -
UC hosts The Dawn Raids: Educate to Liberate exhibition and public talks -
UC innovation that is good for the world -
UC interns go ‘inside the rope’ with Crusaders -
UC inventors win big at NZ’s first HealthTech innovation challenge -
UC investing $2.6m in cutting edge research equipment -
UC invites international students to Take a New Look at Canterbury -
UC kaiako shows the way with her Education doctorate -
UC launches Cass native tree planting programme -
UC launches free global online short courses -
UC launches FutureU $7500 grants for businesses, employees affected by COVID-19 -
UC launches New Zealand’s first Nanoscribe 3D printer -
UC launches South Island translation Master’s degree -
UC launches Young Alumni Awards -
UC Law academic wins Royal Society award for water rights research -
UC Law expert tells RNZ that the Resource Management Act changes are good but the 'devil will be in the detail' -
UC Law graduate takes the helm of navy career -
UC Law graduate traded corporate clients for agriculture -
UC Law professor advises Select Committee -
UC Law professor discusses surrogacy in Aotearoa with Kathryn Ryan on Radio New Zealand -
UC Law Professor New Zealand author on foreign bribery report -
UC Law students secure prestigious internship in Washington -
UC leaders resolve to strengthen inclusiveness -
UC leads research into support for health workers post-15 March attacks -
UC lecturer's focus on enriching the learning experience -
UC-led scientific discovery has implications for tuberculosis -
UC Libraries opening! -
UC Library's Election Collection -
UC limiting class sizes to encourage physical distancing, health on campus -
UC & Lincoln University collaborate to help deliver exemplary health & wellbeing for tertiary students in Waitaha Canterbury -
UC looking forward to welcoming new students for 2021 -
UC Master’s mapping reveals geographical cavities -
UC Masters students gain ‘greater, practical understanding’ of Parliament -
UC maths student awarded scholarship to study at Cambridge -
UC Mechanical Engineering Student Stuns by Winning USRA Award -
UC mechatronics project kick-starts new innovation for local manufacturer -
UC mentoring provides a springboard for Linwood College students -
UC musicians tour Aotearoa as New Baroque Generation -
UC now offering Computer-delivered IELTS -
UC offers first internationally accredited BSc Biology major -
UC partner with Taylors University to launch new Fintech programme -
UC partners in city’s plan to takeoff in NZ’s aerospace -
UC Pasifika graduates celebrate their success -
UC Pasifika graduates come together to celebrate their success -
UC percussion lecturer performing in LA -
UC PhD skills contributing to conserving Nigerian Montane Forest -
UC PhD student wins International Biosecurity Award -
UC planet-hunters discover new ‘one in a million’ Super-Earth -
UC politics expert insight: A campaign of missed opportunities -
UC produces top quality research despite earthquake challenges -
UC Professor an inspiring example for Young New Zealander of the Year semi-finalists -
UC Professor becomes first woman to win physics award -
UC Professor discovers timely poem lost for 70 years -
UC Professor discusses historic NZ crime case with RNZ -
UC Professor discusses the impacts of a carbon dioxide level of 400ppm in new series Climate Explained on The Conversation -
UC Professor explains innovative new study into the effectiveness of headgear ABC News -
UC Professor explores the changes that are being made to contempt laws in August -
UC professor joins Jesse Mulligan on RNZ's Bookmarks -
UC Professor named Supreme Winner at Women of Influence awards -
UC professor wins award for carbon forestry research -
UC professors’ exceptional contribution recognised -
UC Professors contribute to The Conversation with expert insights on how NZ could keep eliminating Covid-19 -
UC project develops battery prototype for New Zealand Red Cross -
UC proud to sponsor Kiwi Game Starter 2022 competition -
UC psychology expert wins national teaching award -
UC public event: Return of Stargazing in the city -
UC public talk: Change our politics, not the climate -
UC Rā Tōmene | Open Day hosts thousands -
UC ranked in top 100 for global sustainability -
UC reaches top 100 in three indicators for World Uni Rankings -
UC recognised as IRD-approved research and development provider -
UC recognises the School Strike 4 Climate NZ -
UC reflects on the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing -
UC Registrar announces retirement, looks back on 32-year university career -
UC remembers founding political scientist who wrote Pavlova Paradise -
UC research finds solutions to universities’ pay gap -
UC research giving voice to marginalised refugee groups -
UC research identifies digital solutions for NZ Autism support -
UC research inspires eruption of fun for Kiwi kids -
UC research into autism, child sleep and brain injury wins $80,000 -
UC research into decarbonising Antarctic science -
UC research shows likelihood of offshore freshwater aquifers -
UC research shows erosion at Patiti Point has stalled, but still significant -
UC research targets 8-year delay in endometriosis diagnosis -
UC research uses mouthguards to measure rugby collisions -
UC researcher awarded $800,000 fellowship to save kauri from attack -
UC researcher awarded Rutherford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship -
UC Researcher has received ASTM's best paper award -
UC Researchers are developing new Technology for Treating Wastewater -
UC researchers ask: is robot abuse immoral? -
UC researchers awarded $3.85million in Marsden Funding for ground-breaking projects -
UC researchers awarded $6.1 million to predict grape growth -
UC researchers awarded $800,000 for field research -
UC researchers developed green high strength, bendable concrete -
UC researchers elected as Royal Society Fellows -
UC researchers help world to breathe free amid Covid-19 resurgence -
UC researchers respond to disturbing children and nutrition global report -
UC researchers tackle ‘invisible’ plastic threat to our environment -
UC researchers win large-scale funding to solve real-world challenges -
UC residency nurtures the fine art of sharing tapa -
UC rises 12 places in QS world rankings -
UC's 150th anniversary street parade goes 'full noise'! -
UC's 5 Star Department -
UC's $7.7m boost to NZ immersive gaming sector -
UC’s accessible, inclusive education celebrated in THE panel -
UC’s first Doctor of Education returns to Te Arawa roots to graduate -
UC’s first Environmental Science graduates test the waters -
UC's first History PhD graduate donates historical manuscript -
UC’s new Artist in Residence defies convention -
UC’s New Year resolution for greater connection with Ōtautahi -
UC’s pop-up Covid-19 vaccination clinic extended due to demand -
UC's Professor Alessandro Palermo talks about Auckland Harbour Bridge's long term viability -
UC's rainbow community celebrates Pride Week -
UC's rainbow coordinator is giving a voice to those unable to use their own -
UC’s Ruahinetanga | Menopause programme celebrated nationally -
UC’s soccer robots only NZ team in international RoboCup -
UC’s Strategic Vision 2020 to 2030 -
UC’s youngest female PhD student an ‘unstoppable force of nature’ -
UC scholar studies Māori perspectives on plant-based kai -
UC Science PhD alumna honoured for work in Iraq -
UC scientist funded to fire biochemistry experiments into space -
UC scientist saving lives through VR technology -
UC scientist seeks volunteers to count Antarctic seals -
UC scientist studies climate record embedded in Antarctic ice -
UC scientist wins Royal Society award for airborne microplastics research -
UC scientists fire volcanic missiles to help Auckland prepare for threats -
UC scientist's killer whale footage confirms toothfish on the menu -
UC scientists track satellite’s impact on astronomy -
UC signs up to Edible Canterbury Charter -
UC sociologist leads global discussion on rise of digital hate -
UC soon to be home to largest quake simulator in Southern Hemisphere -
UC speech app could help children speak freely -
UC sponsors Young New Zealander of the Year Award -
UC Sport Coaching tutor named NZ U23 basketball coach -
UC steers through hurdles of pandemic -
UC student develops more equitable, less painful breast cancer screening -
UC student engineers bring clean water to Tongan schools -
UC student event planners innovate in time of change -
UC Student Grace Steinmetz is well on track to a successful career in sport -
UC student hones skills to help Pacific home -
UC student in global contest to help UN solve world hunger -
UC student named top in economics -
UC student president among Women of Influence award finalists -
UC student represents New Zealand on a virtual football pitch -
UC student startup raises $600k seed funding -
UC students’ tech startup turns voicemails to text -
UC students aspire towards a future of sustainable and equitable transport -
UC students celebrate achievements at August Graduation -
UC students create outdoor gallery -
UC students engineer an innovative off-road e-trike -
UC students engineer medical solutions in Tonga -
UC students help kids learn about digital world -
UC students measure successful regeneration in Tiromoana Bush -
UC students optimise Chch Airport’s parking -
UC students reimagine play in a sustainable future -
UC students say no to plastic water bottles -
UC students sing for opera great Jonathan Lemalu -
UC students transform CDHB mental health services space -
UC Students Win Dream Believe Succeed Award -
UC Students Win National Speed Climbing Championships -
UC study supports use of nutrients in treatment of PMS -
UC supports SVA’s new youth Service Award -
UC SVA launches nationwide COVID-19 initiative -
UC tackles plastic waste in rare bird breeding spot -
UC talk: Could nutrition help solve the mental health crisis? -
UC team smashing City2Surf -
UC teams up with Microsoft, a collaboration for innovation -
UC third in New Zealand in Academic Ranking -
UC timber wall innovation a leap forward for safety, construction and environment -
UC to provide accommodation for 2025 Special Olympics National Summer Games -
UC VC invited to speak at Oxford University -
UC Vice-Chancellor reappointed -
UC Vice-Chancellor speaks at Cambridge University -
UC welcomes growing number of Māori and Pacific students -
UC welcomes new government investment in teachers -
UC Writers in Residence 2021: Vana Manasiadis and Behrouz Boochani -
UC Young New Zealander of the Year named for 2022 -
UCE Deloitte 90 Minute Case Competition - a fast-paced afternoon of teamwork and creativity! -
UCE Students discover the secrets of successful negotiation -
UCE students spend their mid-year break in Shanghai! -
UCE Summer Startup students announced -
UC’s virtual graduates get to celebrate IRL in record-breaking graduation week -
Tauhere UC Connect: Hard to swallow – retraining the brain -
UCx MicroMasters build skills for better workplaces -
UK Antarctic wildlife researcher warms to Canterbury -
Uncovering early Māori settlement on the Subantarctic Islands -
Under pressure: how young people cope with anxiety -
Understanding engineering from a Māori perspective -
Unfolding the mystery of the first kiwi specimen -
Uni-cyclists winning at life -
Unique child/family psychology training celebrates 20 years -
Unique research into tech-critical metals to help support climate goals -
Unique underwater drone a game changer -
Unity begins with 'U' -
Universities band together to boost study of waterways -
Universities lead on SDG action -
University alumni & donors help save Aotearoa’s ‘Wicked Bible’ -
University of Canterbury announces four new Distinguished Professors -
University of Canterbury appoints first Muslim Chaplain -
University of Canterbury boosts scholarship for Māori and Pacific students -
University of Canterbury campus bustling with new students -
University of Canterbury charity Lads Without Labels raising awareness for men's mental health -
University of Canterbury collaborates with NASA on spacecraft tracking -
University of Canterbury edX course a volcanic winner -
University of Canterbury embraces music for gaming -
University of Canterbury enrolments hit record high last year -
University of Canterbury improves QS ranking -
University of Canterbury in top 3% globally in THE World University Rankings -
University of Canterbury in world-first partnership with Smart Cities Council -
University of Canterbury invention could ‘beam up’ faster 3D printing -
University of Canterbury Journalism programme celebrates 50th anniversary -
UC offers free courses to MBA graduates -
University of Canterbury partners with local farm for more sustainable milk -
University of Canterbury renews hosting rights for Antarctic Headquarters -
University of Canterbury research wins grant for study on te reo, adult language acquisition -
University of Canterbury researchers join public health talks -
University of Canterbury’s ACE system wins Student Success award -
University of Canterbury's Faculty of Law claims victory for two key writing awards -
University of Canterbury signs Canadian MOU to collaborate on innovative Indigenous-led research -
University of Canterbury student receives prestigious Premier Award at Parliament -
University of Canterbury student riding high at age 90 -
University of Canterbury students raise more than $1000 to fight period poverty -
University of Canterbury teaching & learning research funded $726,000 -
University of Canterbury to be carbon neutral sooner with $2.16m funding boost -
University of Canterbury wins 2023 Tertiary Championship, secures historic shield -
University of Canterbury Writers in Residence tackling ‘simmering’ works in 2022 -
University opens doors in Open Christchurch -
University Response to Findings & Recommendations -
University staff delivering care for students with Covid-19 -
University Tupuānuku hall of residence wins Asia-Pacific excellence award -
University unveiled in Open Christchurch -
Unleashing the Transformative Power of AI -
Unlocking the secrets of the sediment under Wellington Harbour. -
Unravelling the biomolecular secrets of bacteria -
Up on a roof: why New Zealand’s move towards greater urban density should see a rooftop revolution -
Upcoming Christmas Crafts -
Upsurge in rocket launches could impact the ozone layer -
US academic gains fresh perspective teaching in NZ -
US engineer designs resilient building with a little help from his Kiwi friends -
US incredibly vulnerable as Trump is impeached -
US trip for Canterbury student tackling hate speech -
Using AI to develop more effective cancer treatment -
Using biogas as a renewable energy source -
Utah emergency management students learn from Canterbury -
Van Hasselt to take 3x3 national basketball to the world -
VC discusses Treaty partnership in US interview -
Vice-Chancellor speaks at NZ's first annual anti-terrorism hui -
Victims' voices need to be heard in NZ’s sentencing process -
Virtual reality technology may be able to help doctors treat patients more effectively -
Virtual volcanic field trip a model for bicultural collaboration -
Vision Mātauranga Development Fund recipients awarded -
Visualise Your Thesis and win cash prizes -
Visualise Your Thesis Competition Now Open -
Vodafone and UC launch Digital Innovation speaker series to turbocharge local innovation -
Voicemail-to-text startup Vxt awarded NZBI grant -
Voices in the Air: Sarah Johnston on 100 years of radio -
Volcanic “trombone music” could provide early warning of eruptions -
Volcanologist wins top teaching medal -
VR technology could enhance remote medical consults -
VR tools give Kiwi Olympic and Paralympic athletes a competitive edge -
Wahine of the waves -
Waitangi Day - All Libraries Closed -
Wakefield Fellowship brings hope to sufferers of stroke -
Walkable cities lead to healthier residents -
Warning given on security of e-voting systems -
Warning signal for volcanic eruptions could be a life-saving discovery -
Water fluoridation saves poorest children from hospitalisation -
Water safety warning ahead of NZ’s hot summer -
Water wellbeing presentation wins Waterways postgraduate student conference -
We are together -
We can generate green hydrogen, but how will we store it? -
We need to enforce international laws to stop fishing vessel plastic pollution -
Wealthier New Zealanders are more likely to buy fluoride-free toothpaste, making a tooth decay ‘epidemic’ worse -
Wearable, 3D printed tech could become physio tool -
Weaving Indigenous knowledge with scientific research: a balanced approach -
Weaving the journey of science with culture -
Welcome to Dr Peer! -
Welcoming back international students while reducing emissions -
Welcoming our international students back to NZ shores -
Wellbeing and social connection for Māori a career focus for graduate -
Wellbeing of Airbnb hosts explored in new Canterbury research -
Westpac Champion Business Awards: Winners Announced -
Whakaari (White Island) rocks hold clues to eruption risk – new research -
Whakaari tragedy: court case highlights just how complex it is to forecast a volcanic eruption -
Whale bone symbol of ongoing partnership with Ngāi Tūāhuriri -
Whānau focus for PhD graduate -
What about lifelong learning for international students? -
What do students need in the age of lockdown learning? Early lessons from New Zealand’s online frontline -
What does ‘academic freedom’ mean in practice? Why the Siouxsie Wiles and Shaun Hendy employment case matters -
What does the new IPCC climate report mean for our cities? -
What it’s like to start a career just before lockdown. -
What makes amazing people do amazing things in te ao Māori -
What's in your toothpaste? -
What's wrong with grouping kids by perceived ability? -
What should the Government spend our money on? -
What the Silver Lake deal would mean for NZ Rugby -
What we now know about the meteor that lit up the daytime sky above NZ -
What will Australia’s pursuit of ‘killer robots’ do to the trans-Tasman alliance? -
What's in the EU-NZ trade deal for Europe? -
When do we wear a mask? -
When is being Māori not enough? Why Māori politics are always personal -
When it rains, it really does pour -
When loving the sea becomes destructive -
Where is NZ's policy on next-generation warfare? -
White and antiracist – stories of backlash from the US -
Who are my parents? Why New Zealand’s ‘creaky’ surrogacy laws are overdue for major reform -
Who do we trust for information in a pandemic? -
Why are some of the meteors raining down on New Zealand green? -
Why coronavirus emerges in clusters, and how New Zealand plans to eliminate outbreaks after lockdown -
Why do we need to transform tertiary education? -
Why ex-All Black Daryl Gibson's thesis on 'losing streaks' may save careers -
Why New Zealand's coronavirus cases will keep rising for weeks, even in level 4 lockdown -
Why New Zealand should invest in smart rail before green hydrogen to decarbonise transport -
Why NZ is more vulnerable to a new COVID-19 outbreak than ever before -
Why NZ should require everyone to report child sexual abuse -
Why strict border control remains crucial if we want to keep the travel bubble safe -
Why the COVID-19 variants are so dangerous and how to stop them spreading -
Why we need a new model for professional development credentials -
Why you should start composting now -
WIDE Trust grant supports potentially ground-breaking timber wall research -
Widespread testing in Auckland now key to ruling out possible undetected COVID-19 outbreak -
WiE CAN: engineer a career -
Wildfire clues uncovered in ancient sand dunes -
Will New Zealand’s sperm and blue whales shift to cooler waters? -
Will pay transparency close the gender pay gap? The EU thinks so -
Will shared transport improve our lives? -
Wine testing device gets commercialisation boost -
Winners announced in quick-fire thesis challenge -
Winners of Visualise Your Thesis 2021 -
Winning UC interns set the PACE -
Wit and eroticism of the Greek Symposium, revealed -
With lockdowns easing for the rest of New Zealand, Auckland becomes the elimination frontline -
With rising mental health issues, group therapy gives hope -
With seas rising and storms surging, who will pay for New Zealand’s most vulnerable coastal properties? -
Without Paris Accord, emperor penguins are in dire straits: new study -
Witnessing the world revolution of running -
Women in Leadership Breakfast | Ngā Māreikura -
Women in Space is on a mission to reach for the stars -
Women lead UC into the future -
Women leading Canterbury into the future -
Women of Influence 2019 - finalists announced -
Woodchip bioreactor trial aims to improve water quality -
WORD 2023 loaded with Canterbury scholars and authors -
Word Fest 2020 features UC scholars and CUP authors -
Work-integrated learning conference 2023 -
World-changing peace campaigners donate collection to UC archives -
World-class musicians gravitate to Ōtautahi Christchurch -
World expert on Turing, computing and AI receives national award -
World-first insulin technology will provide better diabetes care -
World University Rankings – UC in top 300 -
Would releasing our ‘zombie’ rivers prevent future flooding across Aotearoa New Zealand? -
Wound gel shows promise for horses - and humans -
Writers bring bilingual poetry and nature non-fiction to University of Canterbury -
Writers welcome return to Canterbury for residency -
Yo, Vocal magazine gives young people 'authentic platform' to express themselves -
You are invited to GradFest Summer 2019 -
Young climate change activist: See the change Christchurch -
Young doctor rewarded for work to improve global healthcare -
Young Māori scientist a UC champion -
Young New Zealanders recognised for building a better Aotearoa -
Young recorder virtuoso goes for Baroque -
Young women encouraged to engineer a career -
Young women in rugby join Canterbury concussion study -
Zincovery wins Callaghan Innovation's C-Prize 19/20 -
UC Library Services and COVID-19